THEDOG Teachings of Russell A. Smith
A Quest for Objective Truth
Generally, when people became conscious of their existence in this universe they begin an unceasing search for Truth and to find the real meaning and purpose of life. With enough self-observation they soon realise that much of what they took themselves to be, namely a free individual, with control of one’s own thoughts and emotions, is illusory and merely a series of mechanical reactions, responding automatically to external and internal stimuli, with very little self control.
As soon as we see ourselves as “machines” like this, dual-natured, trapped in cycles of repetition, of suffering and ignorance of reality, we begin to develop an innate and conscious striving to find truth, to free ourselves from this mechanicality, and to fulfil our potential as real human beings. To find our place in this ever expanding Universe, to understand how it functions, and to be able to DO and to BE.
It is perhaps one of the reasons why you have found this website.
THEDOG Teachings
So, welcome to THEDOG Teachings. We aim to assist you in this most vital search to help you find the objective and verifiable truth about life and the fundamental rules and laws that govern ourselves and this universe, and through the thorough understanding of these, ultimately lead to your awakening to what is truly real, satisfying and necessary.
THEDOG Teachings is a school and a repository of objective knowledge, based upon the works of Russell A. Smith, which aims to preserve and disseminate his life’s work, a quest to uncover these fundamental truths and laws, to provide people with the means for to understand reality, and to achieve their own personal liberation, for the benefit of all humanity. He discovered much, and all of it verifiable, and we are strongly advised to believe nothing that we cannot verify for ourselves.
Russell spent his life teaching people how to awaken, through an eight day inner journey at his home in Texas, and now you have the opportunity to follow this precise process which has been captured in his book The Blueprint of Consciousness – An Accelerated Path to Awakening.
Begin your journey
The Blueprint of Consciousness – An Accelerated Path to Awakening, is a high quality 522-page hardback or downloadable PDF encapsulating the Russell’s eight day inner journey, which can bring in as little as eight days what many teachings fail to bring, ever.
With each purchase you gain full access to forums, courses, and a weekly series of book talks, online classes, exercises and direct in person teaching, for no further charge.