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THEDOG Teachings Master Exercises


Now Available:
The Master Exercises and the 
Double or Nothing Exercises
Free with the verification that one has memorized 1,001 words,
Or payment of 1,001 dollars
You Choose

Here are THEDOG Teachings Master Exercises, presented online in course form. They also include the Double or Nothing Exercises, Parts 1 & 2, and a daily exercise selector.

These exercises are available for free for anyone that has completed The Objective Exercise, attained Steward, and can prove that they can memorize 1,001 words verbatim.

Now that the Inner Journeys with Russell A. Smith have ceased, which gave many students the motivation needed to polish their Intellectual Center, it was decided to give people another way of advancing their work, and to allow them to purchase these exercises for $1,001. So, learn 1,001 words, or pay $1001 – it’s your choice.

Using the model of the cards we know that the Instinctive, Moving, and Emotional Centers are united in the Higher Emotional Center. The only center, not in the Higher Emotional Center, is the Intellectual Center. Gurdjieff tells us that we have no contact with the intellectual center. We only use the formatory apparatus… other than that, there is no thinking.

The Master Exercises will help a student go beyond the attainment of Steward, and invite a permanent passenger in the carriage, the Master.

The Double or Nothing Exercises will enable a student to not only activate the Higher Emotional Center, but also purge their inexactitudes to activate the Higher Mental Center, and finally achieve one’s full human potential.

The first two lessons with the Master Exercises are available to all, and include examples of memory work.

Gone. Gone beyond. Gone beyond beyond. Hail the goer!


Reflections of a seeker in pursuit of the fifth striving.

For I am constantly astounded
That my moving center is impounded
By years of evolutionary mutation–I am hounded.

How can I dissolve what evolved
Without any say, nor with any great plan
And even by accident, to be a Man.

Even the DNA has a fix
According to the environmental mix
From cells, to tissues, to organs–to 3-brained “this.”

The chemicals steadfast
Clinging to the past of all they know
And “I” in the middle trying to grow.

How to sway the habitual clones
I need to know, for I cannot be cast to the bones
I have come too far, seen the other zones.

Blessed miracle-percentage developed
Destroy what lives below the first floor
Extinguish those nonexistent hoards, I implore.

P. K. Ritchie–THE DOG—1991


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