Podcast Series 2, Episode 16 “Mr Smith”
A discussion revealing who the fellow in Texas is that inspires these talks. A story of the man who found an objective way to awaken, how it was for him before, what he found and how he did it, so that everyone may have the same opportunity.
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Russell A. Smith

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This is a series of talks about objective consciousness, an objective universe, and an objective way to wake up.
It is primarily based on the works of George I. Gurdjieff and Russell A. Smith, and aims to cut through the swathes of subjectivity that cloud our evolution and journey through life.
Each episode in this series focuses upon a particular element of their teachings and aims to bring simple understanding to what was frequently hidden in plain sight within the various subject areas of the Fourth Way.
In our last talk, we created the structure of the Holy Sun Absolute and the Universe.
And, after 8 months, I finally told you the identity of the fellow in Texas.
Having done so, it is only fitting that I tell you his story, and reveal how he discovered so many remarkable things.
In the late 1970’s Russell A Smith happened upon the teachings of George Gurdjieff, which he initially encountered in the printed works of P. D. Ouspensky.
Mr. Smith saw so much truth contained therein that he immersed himself in their writings, spending sixteen hours a day reading, studying, and observing himself.
He tells the story of how, during that time, he would start reading Ouspensky’s The Fourth Way on Monday and finish it on Friday, and then read it again the next week… and the next week… and the next week, etc.
This behavior continued for several months until one day something amazing happened: Mr. Smith found himself standing five feet beside himself watching himself.
He just stood there for some time, watching himself, watch himself.
His thoughts stopped.
He likens it to a statement from the Book of Revelation where it says, “There was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.”
On that day, after that moment, his life changed, and his efforts multiplied.
He continued to read, study, and observe himself. The only difference was, there were now two people reading, studying, and observing him.
It was, indeed, an amazing time.
Having awoken, Mr. Smith then put all of his attention on the other side of the work, the side regarding the Law of Three and the Law of Seven, which he had mostly passed over while he was concentrating on the Being side. However, he reasoned that if the Being side could cause him to awaken, what secrets might be found on the other side.
So, he put his attention on understanding the Laws of World-creation and World-maintenance.
As a result, he made a multitude of Amazing discoveries, which later became the bedrock of his book Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets; and, later still, proved to be the pathway to finding an objective way to awaken.
It did not take long for the people who came into Mr. Smith’s life, to begin asking him questions about the Work. At first, he refrained from answering them, but he finally gave in. After which, they became his students and he became their teacher.
They studied with him for many years; and, during that time, he shared with them his knowledge and understanding of the Fourth Way… and, of the Laws of World-creation and World-maintenance.
And, after working with him… and personally witnessing his awakened state, they began to ask, “How can we attain what you have. How do we awaken?”
So, Mr. Smith put the question to his higher observer; when he did, he got an answer; and, when he shared that answer with them… they awoke!
After which, it became collectively understood that the awakened state they were experiencing was truly remarkable, which prompted many of them to make the following request, “We want you to be here full time… so quit your job and stay home. We will support you.”
They further suggested that he should write a book in order to share his discoveries, saying, “There must be others like us out there, who also wish to awaken. So, let’s buy some land and have a place, a school, where people who are seeking an objective way, can come… and awaken.”
So they bought some land, built some houses, and Mr. Smith wrote the book, Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets.
It is self-published by his school, THEDOG, which is an acronym for Theological Harmonistic Exercitations into the Discoveries Of Gurdjieff, and is located in Sanger, Texas – 50 miles north of Dallas.
After publication, it drew global interest from the Fourth Way community. And, in 1996 an international conference was held in Bognor Regis, England to discuss his discoveries.
In 1997, a second conference was convened. At that conference, Mr. Smith informed the assembled audience that there was an objective way to awaken. It required a ten-day journey studying Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets, one-on-one, with him.
He explained to them that he would show everyone who came to Texas how to awaken; and, there was no charge, no fee. When they asked, “Why is there no charge for something so valuable?” He responded, “How can I put a price tag on consciousness… I got it for free.”
Law-conformably, after the second conference, people from all over the world began coming to Texas to complete a ten-day journey.
Since then, hundreds have come, awoke, and are now students of THEDOG.
Fortunately, several of those ten-day journeys were recorded, which prompted one student to ask, “Can I transcribe them… that way we can show others exactly how you do it?”
Mr. Smith consented. And, afterwards, he constructed the Teaching Guide, which allowed everyone, who was unable to come to Texas, to still take the journey. Almost, as if they were sitting across the table listening to him.
It also allowed his other teachers to take their students through Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets just like he did. Thus, eliminating any deviation.
In addition, the aforementioned ‘simple exercise,’ which causes a being to awaken, is also available through THEDOG website. Instructions to which can be found at the end of this talk.
OK, back to the journey. After greeting a new student at the airport, one of the first things that Mr. Smith does, when they arrive back at the property, is to stop the car on the road, before he turns down the driveway, and tells them to get out of the car and place all of their belief structures, that is, everything they think they know, out on the road.
He does this because he wants them to be a clean sheet of paper on which he can write objective truths. He then tells them, “Don’t worry… I will stop the car when we leave, so you can recover anything you still think is of value.” But, usually, they never want to.
Then, later on, in 2002, Mr. Smith found a TV series called the Critical Eye, which reinforced this idea. It became one of the first videos that he asks students to watch, just in case they are still holding on to any of their false beliefs. It scientifically explores the origins, methods, and truths behind Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Gemology, Magnetic Therapy, Alien Visitations, etcetera.
It does to a mans’ false beliefs what Gurdjieff intended to do to a man’s general beliefs, as indicated at the beginning of his book, Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, which says, “To destroy, mercilessly, without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, the beliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything existing in the world.”
Why do this? Well, it is almost impossible to awaken a man who is filled with false beliefs, that is, to give him truth if he still believes in ghosts, psychic abilities, mind reading, telepathy, horoscopes, crop circles, planetary influences, and so on.
So, Mr. Smith tries very hard, from the very beginning, to help every student “kill their sacred cows.” So that they will be free of false beliefs.
In fact, it would be good if you found, downloaded, and watched the 2002 television series the Critical Eye, and then watched it again and again, until you become a blank sheet of paper on which Mr. Smith can write the objective truths which will show you how to awaken.
Predicate: When people meet an awakened man they often sense there is something different about him. And, as a result, they usually pursue him in hopes of learning how they, themselves, might become different.
That is what happened to Mr Smith. It began with his awakening. Here is a recapitulation of his journey… in his own words.
I found the Gurdjieff work in the late 1970s; and therein saw such great truth that I did not want to do anything else but study myself. From that day forward, I spent every waking moment observing my machine. I read for hours on end, and tried to remember myself for months and months and months.
Then in 1980 my Higher Emotional Center, unexpectedly, out of nowhere, began to function… and, I became self-conscious. Shortly, thereafter, my Higher Mental Center awoke, adding its properties of objective reason and impartiality.
I must say that both awakenings were truly remarkable.
When a man awakes, one of the first things he will notice is that he has a double arrow of attention… one attention focused on what he is doing; and, a second attention focused on himself doing it.
In addition, his thoughts will stop. That is, he will observe the world without the constant, random, play-by-play commentators.
The place is silent. And, the silence is incredible… at least, it was for me.
In such a state, one will begin to experience what is actually going on.
A pretty cool moment. One that I vividly remember.
There was a presence in the presence of myself that I could not shake.
Wow, what the heck just happened?
I was awake; and, it has been that way ever since.
OK. How do you know when you awake? Well, imagine that you lived your entire life with your eyes closed… and then, one day, you suddenly opened your eyes. Would you know that you had opened your eyes? Would you be able to tell the rest of the world, who still have their eyes closed, what it is like?
They would only come to believe that you opened your eyes if you held them by the hand and ran them through the obstacles of life and never bumped into anything; or, perhaps, if you were able to show them how to open their eyes, they would know that you had opened yours. So, it may take some time for you to recognize that someone else has their eyes open, but you would know, in an instant, if you have opened yours.
So, my awakenings were, indeed, knowable. However, when they occurred, I had no idea of what they would bring… nor, did I have an agenda.
I was not out to attract students, become a teacher, or to start a school.
You should know that before I awoke, I was eager to share my beliefs with others… to let everybody know what I was doing: what I found, what I learned, what I liked. I would tell them, “You should read this book, watch this movie, come to my church, or be interested in such and such,”… and, then, if they did read that book, watched that movie, attended my church, or became interested in such and such, it would validate my beliefs. And, the more people that I could persuade to like what I liked, the more valuable, what I liked, became.
But, after I awoke, I no longer felt compelled to share what I found with others. I no longer needed my beliefs to be accepted for them to be valuable. They were valuable. Being awake was valuable. Being able to stop thoughts was valuable. Having reason, impartiality, and inner silence was valuable.
My awake state needed no validation.
For the first time in my life I was at peace, and there was no need to convince anybody to do as I did.
And, thereafter, when people came into my life and questioned me about higher things (I guess, because they sensed something higher in me), I resisted talking to them, because I did not want to proselytize the work. It was too precious. It needed to be protected, not diluted.
However, some of the folks with whom I had frequent contact, kept asking questions. Questions about who I was, why I seemed so different, what I was studying… and, if I was studying something, could they study it, too?
Eventually, a persistent few drew a response from me… and, when they did, I gave them the book, The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution by Ouspensky, to read. Those who read it and wanted more, I gave the book, The Fourth Way also by Ouspensky. A book I have read a hundred times.
And, if they came back and still wanted more, I began to answer their questions.
So, like it or not, I was forced to become a teacher.
Soon, a group of seekers gathered at my home whenever I was in town, as my employment required extensive travel. They were serious about their work and about the teachings of Gurdjieff. And, over the next several years they continued to ask intelligent questions and make exceptional efforts.
During that time, I made many discoveries about the inner-world of man; and, about the laws of World-creation and World-maintenance. Discoveries, which would ultimately lead to an Objective Exercise, that caused the parts of man to unify… and the man, himself, to awaken.
It happened thus. It was March 29, 1990. I was in New Orleans training a salesman… and that night, after I went back to my room, I put the following question to my Higher Mental Center, “Why are the folks in Texas, who have been studying with me for years, not awake? They read the books I read. They do the exercises I do. They are honorable folks. They are sincere, hard workers. Why are they not awake like me?”
The Higher Mental Center answered:
“You awoke subjectively.”
“All teachers awake subjectively.”
“No one can pass on a subjective way of awakening.”
“All schools die when their teacher dies.”
Oh my God, I could see the truth in that.
The higher, then told me the story of a man who was desperately trying to awaken…. Wishing. Praying. Seeking.
The man was walking through the forest. His eyes were on heaven. His thoughts were on God. His mind was on his quest. And, his prayer was on his tongue.
Unfortunately, he was not watching where he was walking; and, in sandaled feet, he kicked a root.
He kicked the root with such force that the pain was excruciating. And, as a result, he started hopping around on one foot.
At that moment of that event (coupled with his search, his quest, his wish, and his prayer) man’s machine aligned… and the man, himself, awoke. It was glorious. He became enlightened.
And, after that event, everyone, who came in contact with him, recognized his being… and quizzed him as to who he was and what he was studying. Eventually, he told them of his search, his quest, his wish, and his prayer; and, how he had kicked the root and awoken.
Soon, a school formed around the man (a school, based on his search, his quest, his wish, and his prayer) with hundreds of students all walking through the forest trying to kick a root, just like he had done, in hopes that they, too, might become enlightened.
But… no one ever did.
And, when the man died, his school died.
I repeat, “You can not pass on a subjective way!”
The higher made it very clear to me that no enlightened man had been able to show others how to awaken, because they were unable to pass on the subjective way in which they, themselves, awoke.
It also made it very clear to me that I, too, would be unable to pass on to my students (no matter how sincere they were or how hard they worked) the subjective way in which I awoke.
I repeat, no enlightened man has ever been able to show anyone else how to become enlightened.
There were no Gurdjieff 2.0’s. There are no mini Jesus’.
This truth: that all ways are subjective ways, was very saddening.
It was heartbreaking to realize that those who awoke subjectively, were not able… nor will ever become able, to show others how to awaken.”
Sigh, I do not know why, but when I realized this truth, I looked back at my higher and, somewhat, angrily shouted, “OK. OK. If no one, who follows a subjective way, will ever awaken… then, give me an objective way!”
And… it did
It said, “You have already figured out the structure, that is, the rules and laws. And, if you teach those rules and laws to others; and, then give them this very simple exercise, they will awaken.”
It then gave me ‘the very simple exercise’.
I realized, at that moment, that it was infallible.
I knew I would be able to show others how to open their eyes and awaken.
I knew that everyone who learned the rules and laws… and, then did the very simple exercise would awaken.
I knew that my school would not die when I died… for, I had found an objective way.
I arrived back in Dallas on March 31st, 1990. The next day was April 1st. And, it was on that day, April Fools day, that I shared the very simple exercise with my students.
When I did, they opened their eyes and awoke…. Needless to say, they were ecstatic (and, from that day forward, they began referring to the exercise as, “The April Fools Exercise,” which is what it is still called today).
Following this event… and, prompted by my students, I quit my job, and wrote the book, Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets.
Not surprisingly, after it was published, it drew great interest from the Fourth Way community, which prompted an international conference.
And, when they discovered that there was an objective way to awaken and that it would be shared with them for free, They quickly began booking their ten-day journeys to Sanger.
Thus, they came, I taught, and they awoke.
Most were gobsmacked. And, as such, wanted access to my teaching. Towards that aim, some moved here… and went on to become teachers.
Oh my, after acquiring so many students, from so many different countries, I was compelled to get a voice server and create the Forum, so that they had access, to me… as well as, to the Archive of my teachings.
So, that is my story.
The story of how I awoke. The story of how I became a teacher. And, the story of how I found an objective way.
La Fin….
Then, in 2014, Mr. Smith had major surgery, and, thereafter, stopped taking new students on the ten-day journey. Instead, he concentrated all of his attention on completing the Teaching Guide, writing podcasts, and working with existing students… leaving the ten-day journeys in the hands of others.
Now, as Mr. Smith’s life winds down, he says, “I want the Teaching Guide, the podcasts, and the April Fools Exercise to be my parting gifts to humanity. So they can continue to do, for others, what they have already done, for so many.”
One additional note: We recently started a new website, THEDOGteachings.com… and are filling it with Mr. Smith’s, diagrams, podcasts, scripts, exercises, and the like.
That way, in the future, you will have real time access to the materials, which support the teachings that are being discussed.
I will let you know when it’s ready.
OK. That does it for this episode, concerning the fellow in Texas.
Thank you for listening, and, if you’d like to know more about the subjects and exercises we’ve been covering, including the book and guide that underpins it all, and, how we work with it; or, if you would like to obtain diagrams of the structure, as well as, learn the math which supports it, you can find us at The Dog Publishing, at the website The Dog Pub Dot Com. That’s T H E D O G P U B DOT COM
I hope you find it useful
Goodbye until next time.