Podcast Series 2, Episode 22 “The Harmonic Nature of the Universe Part 2 – Oscillations”
In this episode, we further explore the Harmonic Nature of the Universe, the second of a multi-part discussion that began by discovering Dualities, and follows on by defining Oscillations, creating a third scale of inner octaves, and finally by revealing an exquisite model of the Transfer RNA Molecule – mathematically and verifiably – originating from musical vibrations.
This episode will discuss specific models, and thus requires access to several diagrams which can be found at: http://thedogteachings.com/podcasts/
Published July 9th, 2020
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This is a series of talks about objective consciousness, an objective universe, and an objective way to wake up.
It is primarily based on the works of George I. Gurdjieff and Russell A. Smith, and aims to cut through the swathes of subjectivity that cloud our evolution and journey through life.
Each episode in this series focuses upon a particular element of their teachings and aims to bring simple understanding to what was frequently hidden in plain sight within the various subject areas of the Fourth Way.
In our last talk, we began a four part discussion concerning The Harmonic Nature of the Universe. In part 1, we found the Duality.
Today, in part 2, we will discover oscillations.
In this discussion, as in the last, diagrams will be necessary. They can be found on our website thedogteachings.com, by clicking on the link shown in the description of the podcast. So, pause, find the diagrams, print them off if you would like, and let’s begin.
In our last podcast, we examined the Mathematics of the Duality and explored SO’s and MI’s range of existence. We saw how DO 96, which entered at SO 96, could either ascend to DO 192 or descend to DO 48. And, how DO 48, which entered at MI 48, could either ascend to DO 96 or descend to DO 24.
We also saw in SO’s range of existence that there was the plus two-thirds ascending force and the minus one-third descending force emanating from DO 96, and a second plus two-thirds ascending force coming from DO 48. When we added up those three lines of force, +⅔, -⅓, and +⅔, we found they totaled +1.
Then, we saw, in MI’s range of existence, that there was the plus two-thirds ascending force and the minus one-third descending force emanating from DO 48, and a second minus one-third descending force coming from DO 96. When we added up those three lines of force, +⅔, -⅓, and -⅓, we found they totaled zero.
Now, let us compare these lines of force to the structure of an atom.
You probably already know that protons and neutrons contain smaller constituents called quarks. But did you know that the proton has three quarks – two Up quarks and one Down quark, and that Up quarks have a positive two-thirds electrical charge and the Down quark has a negative one-third electrical charge, and it is the charges of those quarks that give the proton a charge of +1. Wow, that is exactly what we see in SO’s range of existence!
Did you know that the Neutron has three quarks as well – two Down quarks and one Up quark, and that Down quarks have a negative one-third electrical charge and the Up quark has a positive two-thirds electrical charge, and it is the charges of those quarks that give the neutron no charge at all? If you didn’t… double wow! That is exactly what we see in MI’s range of existence!
SO’s and MI’s ranges of existence not only reveal the structure of the proton and neutron but also the charges of their quarks. Explaining why the proton is positive and the neutron is neutral. Pretty amazing stuff!
In addition, we find that atoms can be at three distinct energy levels. But, after 13.8 billion years, 99% of them are in the lowest one… the one with Up and Down quarks. However, using particle accelerators, scientists have been able to force atoms into the two higher energy levels and, by so doing, have discovered that there are four other types of quarks. Thus, all in all, there are six types of quarks.
They are called Up and Down in the lowest energy level, Strange and Charm in the middle energy level, and Top and Bottom in the highest energy level.
The atoms in the two higher energy levels create the same matter as in the lowest energy level. That is, Hydrogen is still Hydrogen, but the atoms in the middle energy level have more energy because their quarks are spinning, and those in the upper energy level have even more energy because their quarks are not only spinning but also orbiting.
But, that’s it. There are only six types of quarks: Up & Down, Strange & Charm, and Top & Bottom. Three levels, each, with two quarks.
Now, let us look at the model of octaves to see if we can find these higher levels of energy. There they are.
What? Where?
They can easily be seen if we remember that octaves always appear in packages of three: lower, middle, and upper. That is, if we made two copies of the diagram called “Mathematics of the Duality” and then pasted them above the original, the two higher levels would suddenly appear before our eyes.
The lowest contains Up and Down quarks. The middle, Strange and Charm quarks. And, the upper, Top and Bottom quarks. Thus, they are easy to find.
Scientists have discovered some pretty cool things. That is, they did figure out there are six types of quarks. But, since they do not understand the Law of Octaves, they depict the proton and neutron as each having three quarks: two Ups and one Down in the proton, and two Downs and one Up in the neutron. Together, that makes 6 (three plus three). They see six. Whereas, I see only four!
I see two quarks coming from the proton, one Up and one Down, and two quarks coming from the neutron, one Up and one Down. Together, that makes four (two plus two). But, since the proton and neutron share the middle octave, the area Mr. Smith calls the MI-SO area of coincidence, it looks as if they each have three. So, together, it may look like there are six, but, in truth, there are only four.
Extremely amazing stuff.
Another good model of dualities can be found in the orbitals of an atom. Each orbital can have two electrons. Only two of them. One has spin up, and the other has spin down. Again, a duality.
In addition, there are two places of existence in Scale-0, one at SO and one at MI. Therefore, there are six places of existence in Scale-1, because there are six SO’s and MI’s in Scale-1, which explains why there are six Leptons: the Tau, the Muon, the Electron, the Tau-neutrino, the Muon-neutrino, and the Electron-neutrino. Then, with further investigation, we could find their quarks as well. When we did, we would see that the electron has three down quarks, -⅓, -⅓, and -⅓, which give the electron its electrical charge of minus 1.
But I will not dazzle you with that investigation, because I want to get back to the main focus of this podcast… finding oscillations.
OK. Moving forward.. but first a quick review.
First, the forces were separated. Second, the octave became Diatonic, aligning three of its notes with the separated forces. Third, we thoroughly explored the octave of one of those forces.
However, we have not considered the influence that the other forces will have on the octave we have been exploring. So, let’s do that now.
There are three forces in every octave, three DO’s.
One DO is at DO, one DO is at LA, and one DO is at FA.
To begin, let’s make the force at DO a positive force, and the force at FA a negative force. If we do, we will understand why the force at LA is a neutral force. Why? Because the LA is deadcenter between the DO and the FA… where the positive and negative forces meet and cancel each other out. Thus, making LA a truly neutral force.
OK. We just explained why neutrons are neutral, which is clearly evident in the world of atoms. That is, neutrons do not play a role in determining the element, nor its properties. It is the number of protons in the nucleus that determines the element, and the number of electrons in the outermost shell that determines its properties. Thus, the neutron has no influence at all, except for allowing heavier elements to be built.
It is important for you to understand LA’s neutrality. If you do, you will understand why it does not participate in the dynamics we will now be exploring. That is, the dynamics between the DO that lives at DO and the DO that lives at FA.
OK, let’s begin.
There is obviously a DO at DO. And, as we previously stated, there is a DO at LA, and a DO at FA.
Question: Are the DO’s at LA and FA different?
Answer: No!
Write this down. It is an important thing to remember. In fact, you should have it tattooed on your forehead.
“All DO’s are created equal.”
Abraham Lincoln said that… or something like that!
Ok, I was kidding about the tattooed part, and about the Abraham Lincoln part … but not about the rest.
“All DO’s are created equal.”
Got it?
Also, write this down.
“All forces are affirming forces.”
We talked about this earlier, but it is also relevant here.
There is no such thing as a denying force. No such thing.
In the Universe, there are no denying forces. Denying forces do not exist.
In the Universe, there are no reconciling forces. Reconciling forces do not exist.
All forces are affirming forces, and all forces are DO’s
Need proof? OK. You get on that side of the room and run towards me, and I will get on the other side of the room and run towards you, when we meet, it may look like somebody is denying somebody, but, in truth, it is just the collision of two affirming forces, two DO’s.
Do you understand?
OK. Before we explore the dynamics between the DO that lives at DO and the DO that lives at FA, we will make one more assertion: all forces want to double or half, that is, to either ascend or descend.
For example: If you were a DO, at some number, number “X.” You would want to ascend X up, which would double you, or descend ½ X down, which would half you.
Thus, if you had the mathematical value of 40, what would you want to do?
If you answered, “Go up 40, or down 20,” you are correct.
All DO’s are just like you.
If some DO was 64, it would want to go up 64, or down 32.
If it was 100, it would want to go up 100, or down 50.
I repeat, all DO’s are created equal and all DO’s want to do what every other DO wants to do.
Now, let’s look at the dynamics between the DO that exists at DO 48, and the DO’s that exists at FA 64 and FA 32.
When DO 48 tries to ascend or descend, what do you think is going to happen when it encounters the DO’s which lives at the FA above it and the FA below it? Not sure? The best way to find out, and just for fun, is to make you the DO which lives at DO 48. It would be good to write this on the enlarged diagram that shows MI’s range of existence. That is, to actually place the math, of what we are now going explain, on it
OK. As you are now DO-48, what do you want to do?
If you said, “Go 48 up or 24 down,” you are correct.
So, put the number 48 on the diagram – to the right of the 48 that is already there – and next to it put a little arrow pointing up. Then, to the right of that put the number 24 with a little arrow pointing down… These numbers show that you, Mr. DO 48, have two potentials – either 48 up, or 24 down.
OK. What would you like to try first, up or down? Mr. Smith has never had a student who wanted to go down first, so I will assume that you said up.
So, you, Mr. DO 48, are at 48, and you assert, from that place, a force of 48 up. 48 pounds of pressure going up.
When you go up from DO 48 to RE 54, you consume 6 of your pounds of force. So, on the diagram, put -6 in the interval between the DO 48 and the RE 54, to show that it required 6 pounds of your force for you to traverse the first interval.
When you reach RE 54, you have how many pounds of force left?
If you said, “42,” Good math.
Put a 42, to the right of 54, with a little arrow pointing up, indicating that you have 42 pounds of force left.
Looking good.
OK, you are now at RE 54 and have 42 pounds of force still going up.
You then go from RE 54 to MI 60.
How many pounds of force does it take for you to go from RE 54 to MI 60? Another 6. Correct. Put -6 in the interval between RE 54 and MI 60.
OK. You lose another 6. So, when you reach MI 60, how many pounds of force do you have left? Let’s see… 42 minus 6 equals 36. Correct.
Put a 36, to the right of 60, with a little arrow pointing up . You now have 36 pounds of force still going up.
To go from MI 60 to FA 64, it takes how many pounds of force? Let’s see, 60 to 64 is 4. Put -4 in the interval between MI 60 and FA 64.
You lose another 4. Thus, when you reach FA 64, you have how many pounds of force left? Let’s see, 36 minus 4 is 32. Good job.
Put a 32, to the right of 64, with a little arrow pointing up. Still looking good.
However, what always lives at FA 64? A DO 64.
Ah ha, what enters at FA 64? A DO 64. I wanted you to say it twice, because I wanted it to sink in.
OK. What is the value of the DO that enters at FA 64? 64 of course
And, what does DO 64 want to do? Go 64 up or 32 down. Good.
And, what do you think is going to happen when your 32 up encounters that 32 down? It will be cancelled out, annihilated, and stopped, yikes!
Put a 32 with a little arrow pointing down – to the right of the 32 which has the arrow pointing up – to show that you get stopped… 32 against 32.
You can now see why folks call the FA a denying force. But the FA is not a denying force. Nobody is a denying force. Nobody intentionally denies anybody. It is just the interaction of two affirming forces. Two DO’s.
Think of it this way – one tiger lives here and another tiger lives there. They avoid going into each other’s territories. Why? Potentially they could… but, instead, they mark a tree in the middle, which says, “If you come over here, we are going to fight. One, or both of us, may be killed, so stay on your side of the tree. Do not come past my mark.”
To help students better understand the truth of this, Mr. Smith sometimes uses this model. Imagine we have a PVC pipe with a little aperture in the middle which allows us to blow in air. Then, if we put a ping pong ball in the pipe, and blow air into the aperture, the ping pong ball gets blown out the end of the pipe. And, if we joined two different size pipes together, and were able to adjust the air that blew into the joint, we could get 48 pounds of force going one way and 24 pounds of force going the other. That is, with the same amount of air pressure, the ping pong ball would travel faster in a small diameter pipe, and slower in a large diameter pipe. In addition, the ping pong ball would lose force as it moves. That is, some of the air would flow around the ball, decreasing the force of the push.
Now, imagine, that the ping pong ball was shooting along the pipe; but, at a certain point, when the pressure was down to 32 pounds of force, there was another aperture blowing in 32 pounds of air in the opposite direction. What would happen to the ping pong ball? It gets stopped. It not only gets stopped, but it hovers – 32 pounds of pressure going one direction against 32 pounds of pressure going the other.
OK, back to DO 48.
Since DO 48 cannot go up, let us see if it can go down.
We again, start at DO 48 with 24 pounds of force going down, as indicated by the little down arrow next to the 24.
OK. Let’s see how far you get this time. You go from DO 48 to TI 45. When you do, you lose how much of your 24 down? 3. Again, write -3 in the interval.
When you reach TI 45, you have much left? 21.
Put a 21, to the right of TI 45 (directly below the 24), with a little arrow pointing down.
Next, you go from TI 45 to LA 40. When you do, you lose how much? 5. Put -5 in the interval.
When you reach LA 40, you have how much left? 16.
Put a 16, to the right of LA 40 (directly below the 21), with a little arrow pointing down.
Then, you go from LA 40 to SO 36, and lose how many? 4. Put -4 in the interval.
When you reach SO 36, you have how much left? 12.
Put a 12, next to the 36 (directly below the 16), with a little arrow pointing down.
Then, you go from SO 36 to FA 32, and lose how many? Another 4. Put -4 in the interval.
When you reach FA 32, you have how much left? 8.
Put an 8, to the right of FA 32 (directly below the 12), with a little arrow pointing down.
Hey look! You are, again, at the note FA.
And, guess who lives at the note FA? A DO.
And, what is the value of that DO? DO 32.
And, what does DO 32 want to do? Go 32 up or 16 down.
And, what do you think is going to happen when your 8 down encounters that 32 up? It will not only get stopped, but repelled back up.
Put a 32, with a little arrow pointing up, to the right of the 8 which has an arrow pointing down, to show that you not only get stopped… but repelled, 32 against 8.
It was different at FA 64. There, things were canceled evenly – 32 down against 32 up. But, at FA 32, both your 8 as well as 8 of the 32 gets annihilated. Which means only 24, of the 32, is pushing you back up. Mr. Smith calls this phenomena… the ¾ repelling force.
Other examples of the ¾ repelling force are as follows: Have you ever seen a fight, which has a bunch of onlookers gathered in a circle, and in the center of the circle are two guys duking it out?
What happens if one of the guys knocks the other guy into the circle of onlookers? They shove him back in. Right?
A ¾ repelling force.
Or, we could take a golf-ball, walk outside with a yardstick, find a hard surface, hold the golf-ball even with the top of the yardstick, and drop it.
Guess how high it will bounce back up? ¾ of the way, or to 27 inches. Note: A Super Ball may bounce higher, a tomato… not so much.
Then, it would fall from 27 inches and bounce back up to 20.25 inches, again, ¾ of 27. We would see it repelled at the bottom but canceled at the top. Why? Because there is no repelling force at the top. Just gravity, which stops its motion. But, at the bottom… it gets repelled. That is, nature shoves things back into the game. Note: A ball’s bounciness depends on its coefficient of restitution. And, golf-balls differ, as do hard surfaces, but you get the point.
OK. Back to the diagram.
How far did DO 48 make it up, before it got stopped? 16.
Right, it made it up 16, 6+6+4.
And, how far did DO 48 make it down, before it got stopped? 16.
Yep, 3+5+4+4? Again, 16.
Draw a sine wave on the diagram. Start at 48, go up to 64, then back to 48, and continue down to 32, and back up to 48.
A perfect sine wave, 16 up and 16 down… with its center at DO-48.
Congratulations, you have found the oscillation.
It is bound by what Mr. Smith calls, “the two ends of a symmetrically distanced denying force” (the FA’s). Note: The FA to FA oscillation is the DO to DO octave of that symmetrically distanced denying force. Meeting, at 6 out of 8 notes. Wow! As Mr. Smith often says, “One man’s oscillation is another man’s octave.”
OK. If DO 48 exists in a place of harmonic stability, then so does DO 96. Thus, there are two places of harmonic existence within every octave.
This Duality. That is, these two places of harmonic existence stay forever separate, but are bound together within a common structure. Draw the two sine waves on the diagram called Mathematics of the Duality, which we introduced in our last podcast.
Now you can see why protons remain protons and neutrons remain neutrons, yet are bound together in the nucleus of an atom. Or, how a man and a woman maintain their own identities, yet are bound together in the union-ship of marriage.
As Professor David Goodstein said, “Matter is bound together in webs of harmonic stability.”
Fortunately, we were able to discover that harmonic stability in the structure of an octave, and now know why the Universe is packaged in groups of two. That is, why there are up quarks and down quarks, two electrons in every orbital, protons and neutrons, carnivores and herbivores, plants and animals, and males and females, etc. We even know why the proton is positive and the neutron is neutral. And, why one oscillation takes dominance over the other.
For example: If an atom has two protons in its nucleus, what element is it? Helium. Correct. If an atom has two neutrons in its nucleus, what element is it? Helium? No. Incorrect. It could be hydrogen with two added neutrons; or, perhaps carbon, with four missing neutrons. Why? Because it is the number of protons in its nucleus that determines the element, not the number of neutrons.
Thus, the oscillation at SO, compared to the oscillation at MI, is dominant.
This can clearly be seen in every duality: dominant genes vs recessive genes, man vs woman, and carnivores vs herbivores. It can even be seen in the orbitals of an atom. If an atom’s energy shell has five orbitals, each of those orbitals will get two electrons. However, scientists do not know in which orbital the first electron will go. Let’s say it goes into orbital A. Now, they know one thing… the next electron will never go into orbital A. So, let’s say, it goes into orbital C. Now, they know two things… the next electron will never go into orbital A or into orbital C. So, let’s put it in orbital E. Now, they know three things… the next electron will never go into orbital A, into orbital C, or into orbital E. So, let’s put that one in orbital D. Now, they know five things… the next electron will never go into orbital A, into orbital C, into orbital E, or into orbital D; and, therefore must go into orbital B… because that’s the only orbital left.
Thus, the rule for this duality is: each orbital gets one electron before any orbital is allowed to have its second electron. Then, after all 5 orbitals have one electron, the following electrons can enter any orbital they wish, until all the orbitals receive their second electron, becoming a duality.
OK. Moving on.
Mr. Smith calls the two oscillations, the Major oscillation and the Minor oscillation. The Major oscillation is called the Major oscillation for four reasons. First, it is bigger, if it has a length of 64, the Minor oscillation will have a length of 32; half as big. Second, the Major oscillation has its ends, its FA’s, tracing back to the notes LA and FA of the previous scale, thus it is more conspicuous. Third, the Major oscillation is centered in the octave. That is, it occupies the middle third of the octave, emanating from the SO. Fourth, the Major oscillation reveals another inner halving in the diatonic mathematics of the octave; a halving, which occurs between LA ⅔ and FA ⅓, identifying the octave of the symmetrically distanced denying force.
Although the Major oscillation is dominant, the Minor oscillation is superior. G said, “Night is superior to the day; and, women are superior to men.” Which is why men pursue them, and fight for them. Because, if they win, the female just might choose them to be her champion; and, allow them to dominate her. So, make no mistake, women are superior!
Ok, one more thing.
Let’s suppose that the Major oscillation has a length of 16. On the diagram, which has the labels Major Oscillation and Minor Oscillation, put the number 16 in the top oscillation – to the right of the words AFFIRMING FORCE.
OK, if the Major oscillation is 16.
How big would the Minor oscillation be? 8, half as big.
Correct it would be 8. Put the number 8 in the bottom oscillation – to the right of the words AFFIRMING FORCE.
Together, both oscillations total how much, 16 + 8? 24.
Draw a line across the page, just below the oscillation of 8, like you draw at the bottom of a math problem. Then, add 16 + 8 and place the answer, 24, below the 16 and 8, under that line,
OK, how many hours are in a day? 24.
How many hours do you spend awake? 16.
How many hours do you spend asleep? 8
Now, draw a line through FA-64, separating the two oscillations. Then draw the Major oscillation’s sine wave, 96 up to 128, down to 64, and back up to 96, and the Minor oscillation’s sine wave, 48 up to 64, down to 32, and back up to 48. If you can, draw them in different colors.
Now, look at the diagram. When you do, you will see we spend our entire lives traversing back and forth between two oscillations. We have an oscillation of awake that does not impinge on the oscillation of sleep, and we have an oscillation of sleep that does not infringe on the oscillation of awake.
Amazing stuff!
It is called the cosmic dance of life.
We spend two-thirds of our lives, awake; and, one-third of our lives, asleep. Two-thirds to one-third. The same model as in everything: Trees keep their leaves for eight months and lose them for four months; again, a 2 to 1 ratio.
I repeat, it is the cosmic dance of life.
If we defined a person’s life, would we define it by their Major oscillation, the sixteen hours they are awake, or by their Minor oscillation, the eight hours they are asleep?
Of course, by their Major oscillation.
Major oscillations rule, except when it comes to wives!
That does it for this episode.
Thank you for listening.
If you would like to know more about the subjects and exercises we’ve been covering in these talks, including the book and guide that underpins it all, which is available for PDF download, and also gives you access to an ultimate exercise that is able to objectively wake people up, you can find us at the website thedogteachings.com.
That’s T H E D O G teachings DOT COM.
There, you can also obtain Mr. Smith’s diagrams of the structure, listen to other talks, as well as learn all the mathematics that supports them, and much much more.
And, will have real time access to the materials we discuss.
That’s thedogteachings.com
Goodbye until next time.