Podcast Series 2, Episode 24: “The Harmonic Nature of the Universe Part 4 – The Transfer RNA Molecule”
In this episode, we continue to explore the Harmonic Nature of the Universe, the final episode in a four-part discussion that began by discovering Dualities and Oscillations, creating a third scale of inner octaves, and finally by revealing an exquisite model of the Transfer RNA Molecule – mathematically verifiable as originating from musical vibrations. This episode examines how, based upon the structure, tRNA and mRNA work together to make DNA.
The episode will discuss many models, and thus requires access to many diagrams, which can all be found below.
Published July 23rd, 2020
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This is a series of talks about objective consciousness, an objective universe, and an objective way to awaken.
It is primarily based on the works of George I. Gurdjieff and Russell A. Smith, and aims to cut through the swathes of subjectivity that cloud our evolution and journey through life.
Each episode in this series focuses upon a particular element of their teachings and aims to bring simple understanding to what was frequently hidden in plain sight within the various subject areas of the Fourth Way.
In our last talk, we completed part 3 of a four part discussion concerning The Harmonic Nature of the Universe. In part 1, we found the Duality. In part 2, we discovered Oscillations. And in our last talk, uncovered a third scale of inner octaves.
Today, in part 4, we will explore the mathematical structure of the tRNA molecule. One of the most fascinating things ever discovered.
In this discussion, as in the last, diagrams will be necessary, many diagrams. They can be found on our website thedogteachings.com, by clicking on the link shown in the description of this podcast. So, pause, find the diagrams, print them off, if you would like, and let’s begin.
Our examination into the structure of oscillations will allow us to comprehend the formation of Life itself. It begins with RNA.
The term RNA stands for ribonucleic acid. Scientists have discovered three unique types of RNA: messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribosomal RNA (rRNA).
Today, we will be discussing the second type of RNA, transfer RNA, or tRNA, which – because of harmonic oscillations – is the first stable molecule of life.
The first two diagrams worth viewing are the “Three Scales of an Octave” diagram and the “Three Scales of an Oscillation” diagram.
We will start with the Three Scales of an Octave diagram and examine the unique positioning of the note FA.
In the octave of 1536, FA is at 512, or at ⅓ of that octave. This means that ⅔ of the octave (1024) is above FA, and ⅓ of the octave (512) is below FA.
However, when we examine the 71 vibrations in the three scales of the octave, we find that the note FA is dead center. That is, there are 35 vibrations above the FA, and 35 vibrations below the FA; plus the FA itself equals 71 vibrations.
What does this mean?
Well, since FA is dead center in the octave, the oscillating DO that we discovered in episode 22, is going to be dead center in the oscillation (see the Three Scales of an Oscillation diagram).
That is, an oscillating DO, whether it is ascending or descending, is going to encounter 35 vibrations in its journey up to the FA above it, and 35 vibrations in its journey down to the FA below it. Thus, it too, is dead center.
Pretty amazing.
We also discovered in episode 22 that oscillations do not appear in Scale-0; they first appear in Scale-1. Thus, the three scales of an oscillation are Scale-1, Scale-2, and Scale-3.
As shown in the diagram, DO 1536 is denied in its octave of ascension at FA 2048 (512 vibrations away), and is denied in its octave of descension at FA 1024 (also 512 vibrations away).
In addition, DO 1536 sounds 35 vibrations as it goes up to FA 2048, and 35 vibrations as it goes down to FA 1024.
Which means that DO 1536 is centered TWICE.
It is not only centered mathematically, 512 vibrations up and 512 vibrations down… but also centered structurally, 35 steps up and 35 steps down.
A pretty stable guy!
Mr. Smith likes to use this model to help students comprehend the idea.
Let’s suppose you were trying to figure out which would be faster: To go by bus, from Dallas to New York City, or from Dallas to Los Angeles.
Consulting a mileage chart, you hypothetically discover that New York City is exactly 1,000 miles from Dallas, and Los Angeles is exactly 1,000 miles from Dallas. Thus, Dallas is dead center.
Then, you look at the bus route, to see how many times the bus is going to stop on its way to New York City, and how many times the bus is going to stop on its way to Los Angeles. When you do, you discover that the bus is going to stop 35 times on the way to New York City, and 35 times on the way to Los Angeles. Thus, Dallas is, again, at dead center. Or, as Mr. Smith likes to say, “Dallas is centered twice.”
Dallas is centered in mileage… and, Dallas is centered in the number of times the bus is going to stop.
OK. Back to DO 1536.
DO 1536 also is centered twice: The distance it ascends before being stopped at 2048 is 512, and the distance it descends before being stopped at 1024 is 512; and, it sounds 35 vibrations on its way up to 2048, and 35 vibrations on its way down to 1024. 35 vibrations up and 35 vibrations down – plus itself – equals 71 vibrations.
Wow, that means the oscillation has the same appearance as an octave. An octave has 71 vibrations and so does an oscillation, which means, as far as the oscillation is concerned, it thinks it’s an octave.
“I am oscillating… yet, I think I’m an octave.”
Amazing stuff!
In several videos about protein synthesis – links to which can be found on our website, thedogteachings.com – they discuss, in simple to understand language, that the first molecule of life is most likely the transfer RNA molecule; and that, the transfer RNA molecule, or tRNA, is a small chain macromolecule, between 75 and 85 nucleotides long.
We learned, in episode 23, there are 80 notes in three scales of an octave, which is also how many notes there are in three scales of an oscillation.
When Mr. Smith watched the videos and heard, “somewhere between 75 and 85 nucleotides long,” he thought, “Wow, there are 80 notes in the three scales of an oscillation. I wonder if an oscillation can explain the structure of the tRNA molecule?” Both are pretty stable guys.
The video went on to say that the tRNA molecule was folded onto itself, forming two rails; and that the two rails were, for the most part, linked.
However, there were two notable exceptions: One of the adjacent rails had three extra nucleotides (one codon) protruding at one end, called, “The Acceptor End”, and there were three unpaired nucleotides at the fold called, “The Anticodon Loop” (see the diagram, “Codon and Anticodon Loop”).
When Mr. Smith heard that, he looked at the 71 vibrations in an oscillation and thought, “If I fold the oscillation at 1536, the 35 vibrations going up will exactly fall on the 35 vibrations going down and there will not be three nucleotides protruding at one end. So, that won’t work.”
Then, he remembered the Axioms: Descending DO’s stay descending DO’s, RE’s become ascending DO’s, and Ascending DO’s disappear.
Which meant that DO 1536, a descending DO in Scale-2, would become a descending DO in Scale-3; RE 1752 in Scale-2 would become an ascending DO in Scale-3; and, DO 1728, an ascending DO in scale-2, would disappear in Scale-3.
Therefore, DO 1728, the vibration which disappears, should be at the center of the fold.
It was a eureka moment!
So, Mr. Smith folded the oscillation at 1728, instead of at 1536, and when he did, the tRNA molecule appeared.
Eureka! – Oh, I just said that.
That’s OK, I’ll say it again…
The video then explained that after the tRNA folds, the nucleotides that are adjacent to each other, become linked.
So, Mr. Smith thought, “What can I do to represent the linking of the nucleotides? I know, I will simply add their maths together.” So, he did.
He started at the fold, adding 1752 to 1536 which equaled 3288, 1755 to 1512 was 3267, and 1758 to 1488 was 3246, etc. He continued all the way down to the bottom of the folded over oscillation.
The video then said that the tRNA molecule had a second fold, and ended up looking like a rough L, with the adjacent ends on the shorter side of the L.
Hearing that, Mr. Smith decided that the best place to make a second fold would be where one pair of Double DO’s aligned with another pair of Double DO’s, that is, where DO 1200 and DO 1152, aligned with DO 1920 and DO 1968.
So, he folded the oscillation between the Double DO’s (see the diagram, “The L”), when he did, the oscillation became an L, with the adjacent ends on the shorter side of the L, just like it said in the video. Yee-haw!
After the second fold, when Mr. Smith looked at the mathematics of the vibrations that appeared on each side of the fold, he saw something remarkable.
If we look at the diagram called, “Totals Match,” we will see what Mr. Smith saw. The totals on the left side of the diagram exactly match the totals on the right side of the diagram.
They are identical.
It was as if the tRNA molecule performed the second fold in order to check itself, just to make sure it was correct. After all, life depended on it.
By performing the second fold it was able to ask, “Hey, do all of my paired vibrations have the same totals? Are they all in agreement? If so, you can trust me for making life. If not, then one of my vibrations is wrong, and I would not be a good translator for constructing life.”
Side Note: Mr. Smith envisioned that the tRNA molecules started out looking like the letter I. Folded up alongside themselves, to check themselves, and became the letter U. Then, relaxed, and ended up looking like rough L’s.
In addition, if we calculate the vibrations that are below the oscillation and the vibrations that are above the oscillation, add them together, and place them on the diagram, the totals will also match… all the way up to the top of the U.
We now have an incredibly precise, mathematical construct for making life.
Awesome stuff!
Next, let’s examine the totals of the paired vibrations, and the smaller oscillations that occur within the original.
When we do, we will see something that is “beyond the incredible.” It is truly a feast for the brain (see the diagram, “Oscillation in 4 Scales with Totals”).
Examining the diagram, you may notice the aforementioned symmetry of how the totals below the Double DO’s exactly match the totals above the Double DO’s, which, by itself, is pretty incredible.
However, the “beyond the incredible” is the next part:
When we examine the smaller oscillations that are within the original oscillation, that is, the ones that fall in the area where the shorter side of the L folds up against the longer side of the L, we see the following:
The original oscillation in Scale-1, FA 1024 to FA 2048, starts at the note FA on the bottom left hand side on the diagram (follow the black line), and goes up through the notes SO, LA, TI, and DO, continues over the top of the diagram thru the note RE, proceeds down the right-side of the diagram thru the note MI, and finally ends at the note FA… the top note in the grey-shaded area.
One BIG oscillation, the oscillation of 1024 (1024 to 2048), FA to FA.
The totals of the paired vibrations that are at the two ends of that oscillation are 3104 and 3088.
Remember those two numbers: 3104 and 3088.
OK. Let’s do the two oscillations in Scale-2; the ones in blue. One starts on the bottom left: FA, SO, LA, TI, DO, RE, MI, FA.
The totals at the ends of that oscillation are 3104 and 3088.
And, the other starts on the bottom right: FA, MI, RE, DO, TI, LA, SO, FA.
It too has its ends at 3088 to 3104.
Again, Wow!
Now, let’s do the four oscillations in Scale-3; the ones in red. One starts on the bottom left: FA, SO, LA, TI, DO, RE, MI, FA.
It is 3104 and 3088 as well.
I will spare you the wow’s, as I am sure, by now, you can hear me saying them.
OK. Starting further up, also on the left – just above the Double DO’s – we find another red oscillation: FA, SO, LA, TI, DO, RE, MI, FA.
It, likewise, is 3104 and 3088.
On the bottom right, another: FA, MI, RE, DO, TI, LA, SO, FA.
Also, 3088 and 3104.
And, further up, again, just above the Double DO’s is yet another: FA, MI, RE, DO, TI, LA, SO, FA.
3088 and 3104.
All right, let’s look into the future, at the Major oscillations in Scale-3, the FA-SO-LA’s, and LA-SO-FA’s; they are the ones in green, which become full blown oscillations in Scale-4, what about them?
There are four Major oscillations on the left: FA-SO-LA’s, and four Major oscillations on the right: LA-SO-FA’s.
Let’s start on the bottom left and work our way up: FA-SO-LA, 3104 and 3088; FA-SO-LA, 3104 and 3088; FA-SO-LA, 3104 and 3088; and, FA-SO-LA, 3104 and 3088.
Now, to the bottom right: LA-SO-FA, 3088 and 3104; LA-SO-FA, 3088 and 3104; LA-SO-FA, 3088 and 3104; and, LA-SO-FA, 3088 and 3104,
OK, I will say it, wow, wow, wow, wow – wow, wow, wow, wow!
Amazingly, there are fifteen oscillations: The original oscillation in Scale-1 in black; two oscillations in Scale-2 in blue; four oscillations in Scale-3 in red; as well as eight Major oscillations in Scale-3 in green, that all have totals of 3104 and 3088 at their ends.
Absolutely incredible.
It is as if the fourteen smaller oscillations say, “We know what the original oscillation looks like. He is the big oscillation in Scale-1, which has 3104 at one end and 3088 at the other… and, so do we!”
“We all know what the big guy knows.”
“We are the tRNA molecule that goes from 3104 to 3088”
“We are amazing!”
There are 64 different kinds of transfer RNA molecules in every cell. All with a different math, yet everyone of them can fold over, check itself, and its totals match.
Pretty incredible stuff!
Can I say wow, again?
OK. Wow!
By the way, the Major oscillation on the bottom right, the one that is highlighted in yellow, stays attached to the amino acid when the tRNA molecule and the amino acid separate (see the diagram called “tRNA”). Thus, the tRNA molecule will recognize that amino acid, and only that amino acid, when it is needed for protein synthesis.
Additionally, there is a second symmetry. It occurs twice. It happens at the double 3084’s, the vibrations above the 3084’s matches the vibrations below the 3084’s in both places: 3090 and 3090, 3088 and 3088, 3096 and 3096, and 3104 and 3104. But then, the second symmetry ends.
Mr. Smith made a diagram of the second symmetry, simply called, “The Second Symmetry.”
Take a look. Everyone in the same circle has the same totals. The paired vibrations with the total 3267 are in the same circle; and, the paired vibrations with the total 3104 are in the same circle, etc.
The nucleotide-pairs start at the top, go down to 3084, go out to 3120, go back-in to 3084, and then go down, ending with three unpaired nucleotides.
Also, check out the diagram, called, “tRNA L”. It contains a molecular picture of what the tRNA molecule looks like when it is all coiled up. Plus a graphical model of the second symmetry. Both of which can be found on the internet.
What an amazing story. It all begins when the tRNA molecule comes into existence. Afterwhich, life emerges. When it does, the tRNA molecule ensures that life is going to be able to continue, as the tRNA molecule possesses with mathematical certainty the ability to translate and copy it perfectly.
Mr. Smith envisioned that the tRNA molecules grow from the amino acids. Then, separate from them, between the two MI-FA’s at their adjacent ends (see the tRNA diagram), keeping the FA-SO-LA major oscillations intact.
As such, they are able to mathematically recognize and re-bond with a specific amino acid, if and when that amino acid is needed for protein synthesis.
The fact that we can trace the process of protein synthesis, from the very beginning, to the very end, is truly amazing.
What happens is this: Amino acids easily link-up in the cytoplasm of life; but there is no predictive order as to how they link-up.
But, occasionally, they link-up in a way that makes a functioning protein.
When they do, that protein needs to be remembered… and duplicated.
Every amino acid in the chain that produces the viable protein has one of these tRNA molecules attached to it; and, since the amino acids are linked, that is, lined-up in proper order, so too are the tRNA molecules.
The anticodon loop – the triple-DO’s – of tRNA molecules, contains three nucleotides of either Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), or Uracil (U), that only bond with a specific nucleotide: U with A, or C with G.
In the cytoplasm of life there is a vast number of free floating nucleotides. Nucleotides of Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Uracil.
So, if the anticodon loop of the tRNA molecule contains the nucleotides U-U-U, it will only bond with free floating nucleotides of A, A, and A. If it contains G-C-G, it will only bond with C, G, and C. And, if it contains A-A-U, it will only bond with U, U, and A, and so on.
The free floating nucleotides that bond with the anticodon loop, bond with each other to form a codon that contains three nucleotides, and when every anticodon loop receives three free floating nucleotides, they bond with each other; then, break free, and become the first strand of messenger RNA. A messenger strand that contains the code, A-A-A, C-G-C, and U-U-A, etc., which identifies the correct order in which amino acids need to link-up in order to produce the original protein.
After the messenger strand is made, the tRNA molecules show up, each carrying a different amino acid, and read the code. If the first code is U-U-U, then, the tRNA molecule that has the anticodon loop of A-A-A is the one carrying the first amino acid needed for the protein. Afterwhich, another tRNA molecule comes along and reads the second code, G-C-G. If that tRNA molecule has an anticodon loop of C-G-C, it is carrying the second amino acid that is needed for the protein, etc.
In this way, the mRNA strand, with the help of the tRNA molecule, can produce an exact copy of the original protein.
In addition, the mRNA strand goes one step further.
At some point, it makes a nucleotide by nucleotide, complementary strand of itself, by swapping out one of its nucleotides. Instead of using Uracil (U) when bonding with Adenine (A), it replaces Uracil (U) with Thymine (T).
It still bonds Guanine with Cytosine, but when bonding with Adenine, it uses Thymine instead of Uracil.
In this way the messenger RNA makes what Mr. Smith calls a ‘memory strand,’ which uses T-T-T, G-C-G, A-A-T, when bonding with the A-A-A, C-G-C, U-U-A.
This complementary memory strand becomes the first rail of DNA, which in turn, makes a second rail of DNA by using the same bonding arrangements, T to A, and G to C, afterwhich, the two rails coil together and form the familiar double helix of DNA.
Mr. Smith calls the second rail of DNA, a dummy strand.
Well, the dummy strand only knows how to make the memory strand, but the memory strand knows two things: It knows how to make the dummy strand, in order to Remember Itself; and, it also knows how to make the original mRNA strand by substituting Uracil for Thymine.
Afterwhich, the mRNA strand breaks free, carrying the code of the order in which amino acids need to link-up in order to create the original protein.
With the help of the tRNA molecule, the messenger RNA strands can be translated into the language of amino acids; thus, together, the mRNA strand and the tRNA molecule are able to remake all the proteins needed for life.
Note: As more amino acid sequences are discovered, the tRNA molecules enable the creation of additional messenger RNA strands, which allow for the creation of more DNA.
All right, in addition to finding tRNA molecules and mRNA strands in this incredible structure, we can also find DNA (see the diagram called, “DNA”)
DNA is made of two molecules, Purine and Pyrimidine.
There are two kinds of Purine, Adenine and Guanine; and, two kinds of Pyrimidine, Cytosine and Thymine.
We previously learned about Major and Minor oscillations (see the Scale-1 and Scale-2 Oscillations diagram, and the DNA diagram).
Let’s make the Major oscillation and the Minor oscillation – the Purine and Pyrimidine molecules.
Purine would be the Major oscillation; it has a length of 512.
Pyrimidine would be the Minor oscillation; it has a length of 256.
As shown in the diagram, the Major oscillation has two oscillations within it; both with a length of 128, we will call them Adenine and Guanine. And, the Minor oscillation also has two oscillations within it; both with a length of 64, we will call those Cytosine and Thymine.
Which is important to know because the video further explains that Adenine and Guanine are long molecules, and that Cytosine and Thymine are short molecules. And, when the DNA becomes a double-helix, the fixed space between the two coiled rails prevents two long molecules from bonding, because they are too big for the space, and two short molecules from bonding, because they are too short for the space. However, when a long molecule bonds with a short molecule, or vice versa, they fit perfectly. 128 to 64, check.
The video also stated that when a long Purine molecule bonds with a short Pyrimidine molecule there are further restrictions. That is, when Guanine bonds with Cytosine it forms three bonds, and when Adenine bonds with Thymine it forms two, which does not allow Adenine to bond with Cytosine, nor Guanine to bond with Thymine.
Notice, in the DNA diagram, Guanine and Cytosine share three FA’s, and Adenine and Thymine share two. Check, and double check.
Then, the video threw Mr. Smith a curveball. It said, well, that is DNA. But, when it becomes RNA, it replaces Thymine with something called Uracil.
Yikes, Mr. Smith thought, “Where am I going to find Uracil!”
“It has to have a length of 64, and it has to form two bonds with Adenine.”
“Let’s see… a 64 oscillation comes from a 256 oscillation. So, let me look at the diagram of Scale-1 and Scale-2 Oscillations again. There it is, I found it!”
Do you see it?
Following the oscillation of 128 (the oscillation we labeled Adenine) is an oscillation of 256. Within that oscillation, there will be two oscillations with a length of 64: one at the top and one at the bottom. The one at the bottom is already bonded to Adenine.
Guess what that 64 is?
I know, it is Uracil.
The structure of oscillations is indeed beyond the remarkable.
In addition, notice that the Major oscillation of 512 has an oscillation of 256 above it, and an oscillation of 256 below it; all major oscillations do. Which is going to make swapping DNA into RNA a breeze.
Yee-Haw! We can use the 64 (Uracil) in the oscillation above 512 to make RNA; or use the 64 (Thymine) in the oscillation below 512 to make DNA.
We can make DNA, we can make RNA, we can swap RNA to DNA, and swap DNA to RNA.
Truly phenomenal stuff!
It is amazing that the mathematics of the oscillations allow us to understand the Harmonic Nature of the Universe, and to define the structure behind the origins of life, itself.
Double Eureka!
That ends our four part exploration into The Harmonic Nature of the Universe.
However, we want to go out in style.
Thus, we will add one more thing. A poem written by Mr. Smith’s wife.
All hail the Minor oscillation.
It’s called:
Reflections of a seeker in pursuit of the fifth striving.
For I am constantly astounded
That my moving center is impounded
By years of evolutionary mutation–I am hounded.
How can I dissolve what evolved
Without any say, nor with any great plan
And even by accident, to be a Man.
Even the DNA has a fix
According to the environmental mix
From cells, to tissues, to organs–to 3-brained “this”.
The chemicals steadfast
Clinging to the past of all they know
And “I” in the middle trying to grow.
How to sway the habitual clones
I need to know, for I cannot be cast to the bones
I have come too far, seen the other zones.
Blessed miracle-percentage developed
Destroy what lives below the first floor
Extinguish those nonexistent hoards, I implore.
I hope you’ll come back next week for more!
Mr. Smith just had to throw-in that last line of rhyme, so he wouldn’t be outdone by the missus, which was futile, because he always is.
Thank you for listening.
If you would like to know more about the subjects and exercises we’ve been covering in these talks, including the book and guide that underpins it all, which is available for PDF download, and also gives you access to an ultimate exercise that is able to objectively wake people up, you can find us at the website thedogteachings.com.
That’s T H E D O G teachings DOT COM.
There, you will be able to obtain Mr. Smith’s other diagrams, listen to other talks, as well as learn all the mathematics that supports them, and much much more.
But, most importantly, gain real time access to the materials we discuss.
That’s thedogteachings.com
Goodbye until next time.
Three Scales of an Octave

Three Scales of an Oscillation

Codon and Anticodon Loop

Oscillations in 4 Scales with Totals

The Second Symmetry

Picture of Graphical Model and Second Symmetry

Totals Match


The L

Scale-1 and Scale-2 Oscillations