S7/E15: The Blueprint of Consciousness - Beyond Theory: An Objective Path to Higher States
Published December 26th, 2024

The Blueprint of Consciousness - Beyond Theory: An Objective Path to Higher States
In this series of podcasts, we typically share recordings from Russell A. Smith’s online classes exploring the Fourth Way Work and THEDOG Teachings.
This special episode addresses a fundamental question recently raised by many: “What is this work, and how does it differ from other methods?” We explore Russell Smith’s revolutionary discovery – an objective method for achieving higher states of consciousness that bridges ancient wisdom with modern understanding.
Podcast Transcript
Welcome to a special episode in our series exploring the remarkable teachings of Russell A. Smith. Recently, we received a profound question that many of you may have asked yourselves: "What exactly is this work about, and how is it different from other spiritual or consciousness-raising methods?" The timing couldn't be better to dive deep into this topic, as more and more people are seeking genuine, verifiable methods for transformation rather than just vague theories or short-lived experiences.
Russell A. Smith discovered something extraordinary - an objective and accelerated way to awaken our innate higher consciousness, accessing the very seats of conscience, pure reason, and impartiality that lie dormant within us all. His work not only expands upon the Fourth Way teachings of George I. Gurdjieff but deciphers much of what Gurdjieff intentionally left encoded in his writings, making the esoteric practical and accessible to modern seekers.
Hello, I'm Gary Eggleton. Russell personally trained me to carry forward his teaching at The Dog Teachings school, and today I want to share something remarkable with you - a discovery that bridges what has always seemed unbridgeable: the gap between ancient wisdom and modern understanding, between subjective spiritual experiences and objective scientific method. What makes this particularly exciting is that it comes at a time when many are feeling an urgent need for real, verifiable tools for inner development.
When I say 'objective,' I'm talking about something revolutionary: imagine a method where everyone who applies it sees exactly the same thing, just as scientists looking through the same microscope will see identical structures. This isn't about belief or interpretation - it's about direct observation and verification. Think of having all parts of yourself - your body, emotions, and mind - consistently recognizing the same truths, as clearly as we all agree that two plus two equals four. This is what makes this work unprecedented.
You're about to discover Russell Smith's groundbreaking book 'The Blueprint of Consciousness,' which might be the first truly objective method for achieving higher states of consciousness ever presented to the public. This isn't just another spiritual book making vague promises - it's a practical manual containing over 30 carefully designed exercises, culminating in a remarkable 20-minute practice that can fundamentally transform your consciousness.
In my years of teaching this work, I've noticed that people typically find us at a crucial moment in their lives - that point where they ask themselves, "Is this all there is?" Maybe you've felt it too - in those quiet moments after achieving something you thought would bring fulfillment, only to feel that same emptiness return. That questioning isn't just dissatisfaction - it's your consciousness recognizing that there's more to experience, more to understand, more to be.
This recognition of something missing often comes with a peculiar certainty - a knowing that goes beyond mere hope or wishful thinking. It's as though some part of us remembers a state of consciousness we once knew but have forgotten. The remarkable thing about Smith's method is that it confirms this intuition. There really is a higher state available to us, and more importantly, there's now an objective way to reach it. Let me show you what I mean.
You might wonder why we need another book about consciousness or spiritual development. After all, there are thousands already out there. But this is fundamentally different - this book shows you HOW. While Ouspensky's "The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" brilliantly outlines the theoretical framework, and Gurdjieff's "All and Everything" provides profound insights into the nature of reality, The Blueprint of Consciousness delivers something unprecedented: a practical, verifiable method for achieving what these works describe.
Through dedicated study and application of the objective exercises, building upon Ouspensky's systematic approach in "The Fourth Way" and utilizing Gurdjieff's profound understanding of the Enneagram, you can achieve in months what traditionally took decades of practice. To understand why this acceleration is possible, let's look at how our current state of consciousness operates.
Have you ever noticed how you can start your day with a clear intention - maybe you think, 'Today I'm definitely going to clean the house' - but by evening, you're doing something completely different? And not just different, but often the exact opposite of what you planned? This happens because we lack sustained attention. Have you ever been completely absorbed in your phone, maybe scrolling through social media or watching videos, when suddenly you realize an hour has passed? Or found yourself daydreaming during an important conversation, missing everything that was said?
These aren't just random occurrences. They're pointing to something fundamental about human consciousness. We tend to think we're unified beings, consistent and in control. But look closer. Have you ever driven home from work and suddenly realized you don't remember anything about the journey? Ten miles gone, completely blank. Or how about this - have you ever put down your keys or phone and ten minutes later had absolutely no idea where they are?
This is what we mean when we talk about mechanical behavior. We're like machines running on autopilot most of the time. And it gets deeper. Think about how many different 'yous' show up throughout the day. There's morning-you, work-you, with-friends-you, stressed-you, relaxed-you. Each of these represents a different state of attention, a different level of presence. Our attention and intention - or rather, our lack of it - is constantly caught up in imagination, either fixed on some future happening or trapped in past thoughts.
Throughout history, people have recognized this problem and found different ways to work with it. The Fakirs worked purely through the body, practicing extreme physical disciplines. They could achieve amazing control over their body, but often remained underdeveloped emotionally and intellectually. The contemplatives and mystics, from ancient meditation masters to modern mindfulness practitioners, worked through emotional and spiritual practice. They could achieve remarkable states, but often had to retreat from the world to maintain them. The yogis took an intellectual approach, developing sophisticated systems of knowledge, but often lacked the practical ability to maintain awareness in daily life.
Each of these approaches found pieces of the puzzle, but none could create a complete, transmissible method. Their followers often got stuck in mimicry - wearing the same robes, sitting the same way - while missing the essential inner transformation. This is where Russell Smith's work becomes absolutely fascinating. Building on the teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, particularly the structure of the Enneagram as presented in "The Fourth Way," he discovered something remarkable: there's an objective structure to consciousness based on universal principles you can see everywhere.
Let me explain what I mean. We have multiple centers in our consciousness - moving, emotional, and intellectual. Think of it like a horse and carriage: the body is the carriage, the emotions are the horses, and the intellect is the driver. Usually, these operate mechanically and often in opposition to each other. The horses want to go one way, the driver another, while the carriage creaks and complains. You can verify this yourself right now by observing how people unconsciously tap their fingers or rock back and forth, or how we knock things over when we're not paying attention. These are mechanical behaviors - the machine operating on its own.
What Russell discovered is that this structure isn't random. It's based on universal principles you can see in music, light, planetary movements, even in ancient stories like Noah's Ark. There's both a trinity and a seven-fold nature to it - something Gurdjieff encoded in the Enneagram. And I want to be clear here - we're not talking about the personality typing system that's become popular in recent decades. Gurdjieff's Enneagram is something quite different - it's a symbol that represents the fundamental laws of unity and development, showing how processes unfold in the universe.
These same mathematical principles appear everywhere in nature - from DNA to quarks, from black holes to the periodic table of elements, all mapped to the structure of a musical octave. The Blueprint of Consciousness finally reveals what the Enneagram really means - not as a tool for categorizing personalities, but as a precise map of how processes unfold in the universe, including the development of consciousness itself.
Think about this for a moment: of the 101 billion people who have ever lived, and the 8 billion alive today, we're among the fortunate few who have access to this knowledge. The book's seven carefully structured chapters guide you through a journey of discovery, where every concept builds upon the last, all grounded in straightforward mathematics you can verify yourself.
Through dedicated study and practice of the objective method, you can achieve what traditionally took decades. However, it's important to understand that your journey will be unique. While some may grasp these concepts quickly, others might need more time to fully integrate and embody them. The key is not speed but understanding.
This isn't about becoming a different person or adopting new beliefs. It's about seeing what's already there and understanding how it works. Once you establish this impartial observer, you start to recognize thoughts that aren't really yours - they're just products of external influences you've absorbed. You begin to see how many beliefs you hold that you've never actually verified, how people can hold completely contradictory beliefs without realizing it. You might even notice how you can be absolutely certain about something, only to look back later and wonder what you were thinking.
This is where the real work begins. Because once you can see these mechanisms operating, you have a choice. You're no longer just reacting mechanically to whatever comes along. You can maintain awareness of your aim, actually remember what you set out to do. The beauty of this approach is that it works the same way for everyone who applies it correctly. It's not about who you are or what you believe - it's about understanding an objective structure and using it effectively.
What we're offering here is a way to develop real consciousness - through understanding, verification, and practical application. The result is a life lived with real intention rather than mechanical reaction. It's about establishing a permanent observer that doesn't disappear when circumstances change. This isn't about happiness or spiritual experiences. It's about seeing the truth of things as they are, developing an inner world that isn't constantly rippled by external events - not because you don't care, but because you can see both your own perspective and others', responding consciously rather than reacting mechanically.
As we conclude this special episode, I want to emphasize something remarkable: this opportunity to develop objective consciousness is now available to anyone ready to take the journey. For those of you who feel that deep recognition that there must be more to life, who sense that greater possibilities await, I invite you to take the next step.
Visit our website at thedogteachings.com, where you'll find Russell Smith's groundbreaking work, "The Blueprint of Consciousness - An Accelerated Path to Awakening." This comprehensive guide, available both in print and as an immediate PDF download, contains the practical methods and exercises that make this transformation possible. What traditionally took decades can now be achieved in a fraction of the time, using proven methods based on the fundamental laws that govern our universe.
But this book is just the beginning. You'll gain access to a wealth of supporting materials - additional talks, podcast transcripts, detailed diagrams, animated explanations, and instructional videos - all designed to illuminate every aspect of this remarkable teaching. Most importantly, you'll be joining a living tradition of practical work.
Every Sunday, we offer two free ZOOM classes to support your journey. The first is open to all book purchasers, providing direct guidance in applying these methods. For those who progress to the Master Exercises and Double or Nothing Exercises, a second class specifically focuses on awakening the Higher Mental Center. You'll find complete details under the Resources/Zoom Classes section of our website.
Remember, fulfilling your true potential isn't just a possibility - it's your right. And for the first time in history, it no longer requires a lifetime to achieve.
You can find all of this at thedogteachings.com.
That's T H E D O G T E A C H I N G S dot com.
I'm Gary Eggleton, and thank you for joining us for this special introduction to The Blueprint of Consciousness. Until next time.