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    Russell SmithRussell Smith

    The Taste of the Notes: The Marathon – ventrilo class, 2/7/19

    Great question, Jerry. To think about the different flavors or the taste of the notes, as I call them, you have to pick an event. If you pick an event and then imagine the progression of that event, it might be easier to recognize the taste of the notes. So let’s pick one… let’s pick the marathon. It is time to run the marathon. All right, you know what DO tastes like. You put your uniform on, your tennis shoes on, and you drive off to some place where the participants go to sign up and register for the race. You limber up by stretching or by doing some calisthenics, etc.; and, then head to the starting area and gather with the other runners. Taking every advantage to psyche them out and intimidate them.

    And then, you wait for RE; RE is the actual start of the race. DO-RE is the interval where all the preparation takes place, but RE is the moment when they shoot the gun, Ka-Bang! Everybody is leaning forward, or down in a runner’s starting stance in order to get a faster start; “On your marks… get set… go;” the starters gun goes off, BANG, and the race starts. Now we know what the taste of RE is. The interval between RE and MI begins when everybody starts running, everyone is full of energy. They all have the wish of winning or at least the wish of finishing the race. And the race continues, mile after mile. All the runners got off to a good start and are now jockeying for position. OK, it’s a 26 and some-odd mile race. When do we reach MI?

    What is MI? It is the minor oscillation. It is when you have settled into the run: a bunch of guys jumped out fast, at first: they had a strong RE and tried to get into the lead; but finally the pack settles down and everybody finds their rhythm, and the minor oscillation takes hold and drives the race onward “Run Forest. Run,” you taste the MI and move into the interval between MI and FA. You are running, in your stride, you are humping it, you are feeling good, and believe you will be able to finish the race.

    And, so what is FA? FA is that moment in the race where it starts to get difficult. Your legs start to get tired, you need water, you are dehydrated, you are sweating like crazy, and you have your first moment of going, “Should I quit? Should I stop this? Oh my God, I never ran this far or this long before, I am only 9 miles into the race, and I have to go 26! You are kidding me! How am I going to make it? ” You encounter all of the denying forces. So, it is easy to taste the FA, ‘cause you can recognize all the forces that are against you, which made you want to say: “I have gone far enough, my leg hurts, I better stop, I can’t go any farther, at least I made it this far… at least I tried.”

    All right, so you push past the FA. You push past the denying forces and trudge on. Amazing thing: when you pass the FA, the FA loses its force. You know, let’s say, you hold your arm out, and you hold your arm out, and after a while it starts to hurt; and, oh my God it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, but if you push through the hurt, then, all of a sudden you hit your major oscillation, and your arm doesn’t hurt anymore! Wow! You get a sense of being able to hold your arm out forever. Amazing, you made it to SO. You passed the denying force and made it through the FA-SO interval; and can taste the major oscillation. You are experiencing what is called a runner’s high. You have transcended the pain. You can run forever. Now you are firmly seated at SO, carried forward by the runner’s high. OK, you are now in the SO-LA interval. You are running and running, you are there, you are in your stride, you have you second wind, and you keep on running until you hit LA.

    At LA, the FA of the first assisting octaves enters and is overcome by the water break tables, the munching on protein bars, the encouraging cheers of onlookers, and things like that. But LA also has a sense of: “This is as far as I can be pushed. The next part of the race, is going to be all on me, because up until now, it has been driven by ‘Oh, I’m going to be in a marathon, I’ve told everybody about it.’” So many things have been pushing you. You have been driven up to this point by the bottom DO; but, you are now at LA.

    You are up to where you cannot be pushed up any further. And now, the next part of the race will be all on you, it is now all about the determination of your inner self, of your inner strength, of your inner force. You do know the taste of this moment. You have tasted it before. Remember all the pretty girls in the crowd, who smiled at you as you went by and gave you force from outside. Those pretty girls’ faces do not mean anything to you anymore… and can no longer help you. It now must all come from inside you; it all must come from you. Then, you get between LA-TI, where you begin to question whether you can do this by yourself, that is, without any help coming from outside. You are still in the race, but there is no force… nothing coming from outside, and almost nothing coming from inside; but somehow you are still able to trudge on… your feet begin to shuffle along. In fact, you are gravity running, leaning forward, falling forward, shuffling your feet forward enough to keep from falling on your face, but not shuffling them forward too much to stop your falling forward momentum. You are at the brink of exhaustion. You know that you are barely moving. Your legs have cramped up, you are dehydrated, you are deoxygenated, and have no idea why you are still going on… or even if you can. But you somehow keep on shuffling.

    We have talked many times about what TI tastes like, because that was where, after you were totally spent and on the verge of quitting, you came around some corner, and there, in the distance, was the Olympic Stadium. Remember that story? Suddenly, you were infused with an incredible energy. A force that came because you could see the finish; a force, which was created by the completing principal. OK, back to the race. So, Mr. runner of the marathon, you are now invigorated by an incredible force: God, a new force… the force of, “I can do this; I can make it.” When the end is sensed and pulls you toward it, you will experience the taste of TI; a taste I am sure you have experienced many times before.

    Alright, I may not have explained the taste of all the notes before today, but I have certainly told you in many stories – regarding the completing principal, what TI tastes like. It was in my story about the guy, who fell down in the desert to die… then spied the oasis; and in the story above about the Olympic runner, who was about to give up… and, then, saw the Olympic stadium, etc. And so, I have provided several examples of what it means to sense the TI; to feel the completing principal coming back through the last stopinder and reaching you at TI… and pulling you to completion.

    OK. That’s it. Thank you for the question Jerry. I have many times, indirectly, talked about the taste of the other notes, about their properties, and about what each note represents; but, you are right… I had not yet, in one sitting, enumerated an entire scenario regarding the taste of the notes. But I have today!

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