S7/E07: THEDOG Classes with Russell A. Smith - Reason Part 1
Published October 31st, 2024
THEDOG Classes with Russell A. Smith - Reason Part 1
In this new series of podcasts we play extracts of recordings of Russell A. Smith teaching his online classes, where various aspects of the Fourth Way Work and THEDOG Teachings are covered.
This episode is part one of two where Russell covers the subject of “Reason,” a unique property of humans, achievable through specific practices and understanding of objective laws and structures, and which is characterized as the ability to create similarities to known situations and apply knowledge creatively, unlike mere intelligence which is seen as memorized data. Intelligence is the formation of memory, and Reason is its integration.
This podcast refers to a diagram called the “Card Diagram” which can be downloaded from our website here.
Podcast Transcript
Welcome to a new series of podcasts based upon the teachings of Russell A. Smith, a man who discovered an objective and accelerated way to awaken higher consciousness, the seats of conscience, pure reason and impartiality. Russell’s work expands upon the Fourth Way teachings of George I. Gurdjieff, and deciphers much of what Gurdjieff left behind.
In this series, we play extracts of recordings of Russell teaching his classes. This episode is part one of two where he covers the subject of “Reason,” a unique property of humans, achievable through specific practices and understanding of objective laws and structures, and which is characterized as the ability to create similarities to known situations and apply knowledge creatively, unlike mere intelligence which is seen as memorized data.
This podcast makes reference to a diagram called the “Card Diagram,” and shows the structure of man’s six centers, instinctive, moving, emotional, intellectual, higher emotional and higher mental, as symbolized and represented by a standard deck of 54 cards (52 plus the two jokers). The link to this diagram can be found on our website thedogteachings.com under Resources/Diagrams “Chapter 3 – Cards–no color cut,” or by clicking the link in the podcast description.
Today we're going to talk about intelligence and Reason. I did a paper from 1998, one of our classes, and it's on the website for those who have gotten access to that. If not, I thought I would print it for you and send it to you all, so let's open that up for questions if anybody has questions about what Reason is.
A question was raised as to whether Reason is a property of the Higher Mental Center, or a product of the Intellectual Center functioning at a higher level.
If you'll look at the cards, you'll notice something. The mechanical part of the Higher Mental Center is the Intellectual Center, and the Intellectual Center is the Intellectual Center. It's in two places. It's down in the Intellectual Center, and it makes up the mechanical part of the Higher Mental Center.
We're men. We're not dolphins. Dolphins have an Intellectual Center, but they don't have any Reason. We're men. We have the function of the Higher Mental Center. Therefore, we have Reason because the first card in the Higher Mental Center is the Jack of Spades. So, the first card is our Formatory Apparatus. The first card of that we use is probably only the two states. I don't mean to insult any of you, but that's where we live.
We live in our most mechanical part. We see things in twos, but that at least has been empowered with a idea of Reason. And unfortunately, once the Jack of Spades, which makes us men and not dolphins or dogs or apes or monkeys, gave us this property of Reason, it empowered the Intellectual Center with Reason, making this most mechanical part of Reason, the Intellectual Center, even more powerful than the Higher Emotional Center, and more powerful than all the other centers. And so that's where we have dwelled for the last several thousand years in our mechanical part of our Intellectual Center that's been imbued with the power of Reason, which it should be functioning up there in the higher center, but it doesn't. But having that higher center property because we're men meant that our Intellectual Center had this Reason. And so, we didn't have to care for people anymore. Just shoot them and take their food.
A question followed, concerning Reason operating in both the Intellectual Center and the Higher Mental Center, with Impartiality as the ultimate goal, asking if there is something higher than Reason.
Again, if you get your, your, your diagram of the cards, which shows these three stories and diamonds, clubs, hearts, and stage and higher emotion and higher mental, then in the Higher Mental Center, you'll see that there are three parts.
The mechanical part is the Intellectual Center. We call it Reason there. It's supposed to function automatically. We're supposed to have that as a given. But then the emotional part of the Higher Mental Center is the entire Higher Emotional Center that's leapfrog past the Reason and become the emotional part of the Higher Mental Center, wherein it now functions in the form of Impartiality.
Down in the Higher Emotional Center, it functions in the role of conscience, but now that conscience has been elevated to even a higher position of itself called the emotional part of the Higher Mental Center, and therein, we call it Reason. I'm sorry, Impartiality, just like this phase up there we call Reason, but down in the middle story, it's called intelligence.
Well, it still fades. So, once we've empowered it, my little two year old, three year old child has more Reason than my dog. That's just the way it is. She might know nothing about loyalty or other features of higher centers. She might not be able to climb a tree yet, but she's got Reason because she has a the mechanical beginnings of the Higher Mental Center, which is our spades, but unfortunately they don't function where they should, just like we have all the cards we need for our Higher Emotional Center, and they don't function where they should as conscience.
They are still functioning for most people down in the lower stories, and that's why we're dogs, and all we do are we want to have sex and dance, and we don't have them unified producing conscience, let alone have the intelligence raised to a higher place called Reason.
So, Reason is of property of our species, and if we were a bird, emotions would be the highest property of our species, but we're a man, so Reason is a higher property of our species, so all men got it.
It's not something they get bestowed on them when they're 53 years old. They're born as a member of that species.
Now they have to catch up to what they're supposed to be, and they got to develop themselves for instinctive and movement and emotion and intellect and then conscience, and then they take their place as actually developing and fulfilling the role of the law to interval where they should be existing
and called Reason, and then higher than that, the mechanical part is the emotional part where their conscience is raised to Impartiality, and then higher than that is the intellectual part.
Ooh, the intellectual part is made up of this Reason and this Impartiality moved into an even higher place. As I say, God's his own third part. The Higher Mental Center, if you study it, is really only made of two parts.
The knowledge and the being, the “I” and the “Am”, the intellect and the conscience combined into the “I” and the “Am,” but the intellectual part of the Higher Mental Center is that “I Am” compressed into its own third part.
“I am that I am.” I am above what man can produce because I've taken both of those two parts and placed them together in one part. So it's just a fascinating study, and we can sit down and go through the cards a nd stuff, but this is just fundamental of our species, we are a species with Reason. We don't possess it because we have to develop ourselves first, and unfortunately, Reason has empowered the Intellectual Center with this property, and therefore that guy has taken superiority over all the rest of the machine, and because I can count to ten, I feel myself to being superior to all the other centers, and back in the day, we used to give labels to people that were saints and sages and learned to knowledge, and now we only call them doctors and lawyers and bachelors, and we don't even acknowledge who they are. We just acknowledge this intellect that they've acquired, and we give great credit to it, and unfortunately all people, most people just die like dogs, and unfortunately, as we learn, there only needs to be a little trickle back into the Holy Sun Absolute, so if you don't make it, somebody else will.
A question was then asked about developing Reason, which seems to require significant effort, involving the activation of conscience and intelligence, and is there an important, challenging process one must undertake to achieve this?
That's a great question, and part of that is discussed in this paper I sent you all about how it works, about how we start off, we're born, and then we have to develop.
We have a potential to be this higher thing, but we have to claim it, we have to qualify for it.
Fortunately, I've been around on this earth for 60 some years, and I imagine you have too, so we've had plenty of time. We've had plenty of time to be able to identify quite a bit of smells, and see quite a bit of colors, and recognize quite a bit of things in our sensing centers, and then we've been able to move, and we can probably jump for open, run, and skip, and do some resulting climb trees.
All the moving skills that are probably needed for something higher to be in us have been long ago developed in our youth, and then we've probably even got a good dose of emotion, and recognizing love for our family, or our girlfriend, or joining the military, and to do our part to save the nation, or whatever it may be.
So we probably know what kindness and love and compassion feels like, and then we've also got some intellect. We've probably all went to school to learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, and to spell cat.
You know, I think that we probably all qualify in that development up to there. What then the problem is, is the top story of our factory, is made up of these two higher centers, called Higher Emotional Center and Higher Mental Center, that we call conscience and that of Master, self-consciousness and Master, and most men never get there, and those are the places from which self-remembering occur. That's when our machine is unified, so we spent all these years, and like I said, 67 of them, developing centers, but most people don't know how to cause those centers to come together and be in one place.
Now they might experience that, and they call that self-remembering moments. I can look back in high school, and I can tell you a few moments that really happened in high school. The rest of the time, I know I was there, I did skip a few times, but most of the time I was there, and I was probably out sick a few times, but most of the time I was there, but I can't tell you what happened every day in high school. I can remember this moment, and I can remember that moment, and I can remember that moment, and so yeah, there was a handful of moments where I was unified.
I had some function coming from the Higher Emotional Center, and I was awake, because that's what we remember, we remember the moments were awake. So, if you want to know what self-remembering is, it's the moment you're awake, and most of us, if we're honest, we'll see, we don't have many of those in our life, sparsely.
Well, I got lucky, I found an objective way to show a man how to bring his centers, which are probably already developed, and introduce him to the structure of things, showing the rules and laws that make it all work, and by the time our journey is done, he's convinced that there is validity in the rules and laws, and therefore there's the validity in the fact that he can use that knowledge with his Intellectual Center about these rules and laws, and cause his machine to come together, as The Beatles would say, into the same place, and awaken, and produce this state called conscious, where I am witnessing myself. I have this, like, two arrows of attention, one of me acting, and one of me watching me act, I'm self-remembering, I am there, I am present, I'm in my own skin.
It's been described by many students in many ways, but we call it awake, steward, samadhi, Christ consciousness, enlightenment, it's given a lot of names, but it's all the same state. We are awake to ourselves, and then we are beginning to function from the Higher Emotional Center, the upper story, the essence, what we should have gotten when we were 21 years old, and became responsible adults, that should have happened in us, and we should have become awake then. Unfortunately, it takes me hours to explain why we didn't, but nonetheless, the realization that we were supposed to have this, it is our right, and now we can find a legitimate, objective way to get back there. And so, we wake up, and then we say, okay, that's cool. What do I do now? I want to go further.
Well, the real aim is to not just wake up, the real aim is not just to have the function of the centers united that have been worked on all my life, but to find a way to have what I'm really supposed to have, which is Reason and Impartiality.
Well, now that I've woke up, and I have my Higher Emotional Center functioning, it has to reach back and start developing the Intellectual Center. So, with a conscience present in a man’s machine, he can start to look back at the ways of psychopathy and the foolish things he was told and start to eliminate them. Or we could say purging his intellect, because his intellect needs to be accelerated to a state of Reason, and it can't take the state of Reason if it still thinks that cancer, which is helpers, or that aliens are on the earth, or that acupuncture really heals you, as long as there's these false models in his Intellectual Center, there can't be any Reason.
But it's hard to get rid of our false models without a conscience, something permitted in us that can watch it, and look back at it and evaluate it, and remove from it the goofy stuff that's taken in during the course of its life, because Billy Bob Harrison told me that was true, and it must be because he was the captain of the football day.
So, we get rid of that stuff and we purge our Intellectual Center, and then there's exercises we work on called master exercises that start to develop the ability to move that Intellectual Center up to the mechanical part of the Higher Mental Center, whereby it becomes Reason.
We even have an exercise called Double or Nothing, which was almost a guaranteed way to show a man how to get there, and then we have one called Double or Nothing 2, which makes it a done deal, where now a man's intellect can take its rightful place, and man can become what he's supposed to be, a man of Reason.
But then with just Reason, that's not enough; now we have to become impartial. Oh my goodness, there's so much of this work that we've done, but we're old enough to do it, and all these centers are already well defined in us, they're just not put together in the right place.
So now, this Reason that we now have, that can act without bias or opinion, is able to reach down to the Higher Emotional Center, to the conscience guys and say, okay, the being guys instinctive moving emotion, you're united into conscience, now I've got to get you to become something higher than that. You have to become impartial.
And so, the Reason that helps the conscience bypass the Reason and take its position in the emotional part of the Higher Mental Center, and thereby a real man will now have these two higher functions happening in him, called Reason and Impartiality. Reason is automatic for him, you don't even have to do it, it's just there. His Impartiality is the acquired state in which he lives, where he's free from everything and not biased to the world.
And then, he might have been able, with those to take place, to reach the note Ti. And at the note Ti, he can feel something coming from the Do at the end, the top Do, this reaching down to Ti and say, hey, now that you've got here, here's how you complete yourself. Here's where you go, here's how you make it to the oasis, here's how you transcend the shock. That's probably where the higher bodies really go into accelerated formation, because this is what happens when you're full of Reason and Impartiality, these higher things than you can be crystallized in a right form, and not a wrong form.
So, what I'm saying is, we all have enough, I've only had, I don't know, hundreds of students that have come to Texas, I've only had a few that really weren't qualified for the journey. You know, life was a tough road, they learned all these things about everything before they got here, so their centers are fully developed, they just haven't put them together.
No, when the times they strapped a rubber band around their ankles and jumped off the bridge, they remember that moment, they were awake then, but by the time they got in the back to the car and were driving home, they forgot that. They weren't awake anymore. So we've all had moments of awakening, but there's a legitimate way to cause our machine to unify and stay unified if we just knew how to do it. Well, you know, I guess I'm the idiot in this world that had to be the guy to figure out how to do it, and I've been showing people how to do it since, since 1990.
So, it's not such a hard thing because we've already developed all these centers, we just haven't put them together. It would be like saying, all right, the whole thing's a big puzzle, and you got all the pieces, I'm just going to show you where they fit, and you're going to go, of course, that has to fit there, this has to go here, and by the time we're done, you got yourself a complete picture.
Yeah, and, you know, it's a funny journey, it really is, because we're just trying to unify instinct, moving, and emotion. And guy says, well, what did we do with the intellect? It's the intellectual guy that lacks the proper knowledge to allow that to happen. For him, the right knowledge was, how do you become hard? You just become a Baptist. Oh, you just become a Democrat, you just become a Republican. You just, you go to my school, you drink this wine. That's what you do. And we got all these goofy intellectual models. You had to go to Harvard or Yale or, you know, USC or….
And with all these wrong intellectual models, we haven't found a way to legitimately, objectively unite the Instinctive, Moving and Intellectual Centers. Well, I'm going to teach you the laws of world creation and world maintenance, which only requires simple math. Math wouldn't hurt the brain of a third grader. And because we can do simple math, we're going to say, my God, look at this math. This explains this. This explains this. This explains this. Oh, my God, this is true. This is real. I have an intellectual model that my intellectual mind can make sense of, and if I understand these things, it's going to be easy for it to reach back and allow this Instinctive, this Moving and this Emotional guy to come together in their right place, because I know it to be true. I've done the math. I've seen the models and, you know, get thee behind me, Satan. After I finished the book, most people are demanding to wake up because they see the rules of laws. It's in the rules.
And, you know, it's like when you went to the fair when you were a little kid and had a roller coaster and you couldn't ride it because they had a stick up the wall with a mark on it. And unless you were tall enough, you didn't get the ride to roller coaster. I remember those. But I remember the day when I went to the fair, and I was tall enough. I met the line. You couldn't keep me out of the roller coaster because I qualified. Well, that's what we're going to do. We're going to show your intellectual mind structure that's going to make it indefatigable that you qualify. And once you realize that you're right, it's going to be hard for you not to wake up.
I think it's a great paper. If you read it, you'll see that it's all about the initial ideas, the similarities to the already arisen. That's the foundation of Reason.
Intelligence is just a piece of data that can be memorized. And a lot of animals can do that. Shake the dog box and they know it's a bone. The moment I reach over my chair on the right-hand side where the dog box is, the dog is sitting up. Look at any of you. I know what you're reaching over there for. Oh, God, you're just getting a Kleenex. And then he gets disappointed and lays that on the ground. But he knows that's where the dog box is. That's intelligence. But he doesn't have the Reason to go to the store and buy one.
So, intelligence is just a vein of memory. Like I said, my paper, if a tree had fallen across the chasm and we came to that chasm, and there was that tree, we might dare crawl across it or walk across it or realize it didn't break halfway through. And we made it across the chasm. And that would be intelligence. And the next time we made the journey, we would go to that same tree.
You know, we can see animals and monkeys and other animals using that tree to get across the chasm. But if we come to a chasm and there's no tree there, how do we get across? Reason allows us to create a similarity to the already arisen. We could find something, tie twine, some sticks together and lay them across the chasm, push down a tree that wasn't across the chasm. There's no other animals that can do that. They might have crossed the tree that was fallen across the chasm, but they won't be able to create a similarity to the already arisen and therefore exhibit this property that we call Reason. Take from the data we have from our intellects, our memory stream, and find things that are similar in order to use for what we're attempting to do for other things that we encounter in life.
You know, I mean, I've climbed a tree. Well, how do I get to the top of that building? Well, lay a tree and climb the tree.
There's ways to do these things. So all our Reason is just the ability to extrapolate on the knowledge that we have and apply it because we can make something similar to what is already arisen or to what we're already familiar with.
It's hard to have Reason with something you're not familiar with. Therefore, if you've never seen any way to get across the chasm, when you come to the chasm, you might not be able to make a bridge.
But if you've found a way to get across the chasm once, then there's data there that will allow you to possibly create something similar to what already arose to get across the chasm in the future.
That concludes today’s podcast. Thank you for listening.
If you would like to learn more about Russell’s work on how to become objectively conscious, simply visit our website thedogteachings.com and acquire Russell Smith’s book, The Blueprint of Consciousness - An Accelerated Path to Awakening, which is also available as a PDF download.
There, you will also be able to listen to other talks, access transcripts of these podcasts, diagrams, animations, supporting videos, and much more.
But most importantly, you may fulfill your true potential, which is your right, and it no longer takes a lifetime to achieve.
And as a reminder, we have two ZOOM classes every Sunday to assist you; one is for purchasers of Mr. Smith’s book, and the other is for those who have additionally obtained the Master Exercises and the Double or Nothing Exercises. See under Resources/Zoom Classes for more details.
At the thedogteachings.com.
That’s T H E D O G T E A C H I N G S Dot Com.
Goodbye, until next time.
December 13, l998--Smitty’s Discussion of Intelligence and Reason
Smitty: The last few weeks we have been kicking around the difference between intelligence and reason. Anybody have any more constatation on the idea of intelligence versus reason that they would like to discuss?
Kenny: Intelligence is a goal seeking mental function that can take and use problems of fact in waking life to reach the higher value, clearer state of knowing, called conscience.
Smitty: OK.
Mark: Would reason be a formatory thing whereas intelligence would include more, either more parts of higher parts of centers or more centers perhaps?
Smitty: Good thought, Mark, actually you have it backwards. Reason would be a higher quality than intelligence. Intelligence is strictly a singular line of memory independent by itself. I grab the dog bone box and I shake it once, the dogs know it is the dog bone box. It is verifiable, they have heard it before, they know it is the dog bone box. But it is a single line of memory and they can be possessed with many of these single lines of memory--a registered event. A loud noise goes off, where does Angel, one of our dogs, go? She hides in the bathroom and tries to get behind the commode because of the loud noise. Some memory--loud noise--she is afraid of. “Maybe the farmer is shooting at me”. She has a single line of memory; a registration of an event that can she has retained.
We all watched the movie Babe, right? When the farmer took Babe into the shed, Babe saw that the farmer was carrying this thing under his arm (of course it was a shotgun) and Babes’ recounting was how food often came from long shiny tubes….A single line of memory.
Now, if these individual moments of memory, these registered things are intelligence then what is reason?
Deb: Reason would have to include many varied associations that have been mingled or constated together.
Smitty: Good.
Angie: When all the separate independent parts work together toward one aim.
Smitty: OK that is a greater formulation.
Mark: Many associations being put together by higher parts of centers or different centers.
Smitty: That’s part of it, who else?
Jon: Reason would be the memories of more than one center but objective reason would be the activation/manifestation of memories of all centers simultaneously.
Smitty: OK, but there is more expansion.
Jeffrey: Reason seems to apply a structural organization to the data that is acquired through knowledge into intellect and offers an opportunity to actually recreate in itself something more than what was going on in the individual before.
Smitty: OK. So, if intelligence is this single line of memory--this something that can be constated and retained--then reason must be the intersection of many of these lines almost on the level of Similarities to the Already Arisen. If a tree has fallen across the chasm then many animals can walk across that tree to get across the chasm, and they will remember where that tree was. They will remember it. They will have memory. They will have intelligence and when they head to that place again they will go across the same tree because they can remember. They have a memory, but reason would be the ability to fall a tree across that chasm, to create a similarity to what has already arose. To come to another chasm and say, I’ve got another chasm to go across, how did I get over the last chasm? I crossed on a fallen tree, well, I don’t see any fallen trees, but can I create a similarity to an already arisen? Can I get something like that over this chasm? Perhaps I can gnaw down a tree. Probably the first time they gnawed one down it fell the wrong way. OK, that didn’t work. Alright, we got to gnaw it on this side first…we have to get it to fall in this direction. So the creation of similarities to the already arisen is a reconstruction from memory. We use the example of the curved rock holding water and the first man of reason who walked out of the cave one day and said: “There’s water in that rock, a curved rock holds water.” Now, if after a rain he only had intelligence he would say: “Oh, there’s a place to get a drink.” And the next time it rains he might say: “Oh, I remember I got a drink from that rock.” But all he can have is the memory of that. Reason would allow him to create a similarity to the already arisen, to say: “I’m thirsty, I need to find a curved rock, it looks like it is going to rain…ooh, there ain’t any curved rocks around, I know, I will curve out a rock”. So now we start to expand or connect these individual lines of memory and be able to recreate them. Then reason comes in--a constraining or expansion of memory that allows a man to create something similar to what has already arose.
Angie: Is reason exclusive to three brained beings?
Smitty: It is exclusive to Man.
Mark: So formatory center by itself has reason.
Smitty: That is correct. Formatory apparatus is the smallest modicum of reason that we have. The problem with it, Mark, is that it is an automatic part of a center so it does not work with attention. It works automatically. Man who does not possess anything higher in his intellectual center than his formatory part is just an automaton with reason, but it doesn’t serve anything greater--it’s formatory. It uses formation instead of formulation. We need the higher part of the intellectual center to get formulation involved.
Pammie: I can give you an example Mark, for instance, previously Smitty mentioned the dogs, and the doggie bones, and the box; and how they recognized the dog bones; but they do not know how to go to the store and buy them. They do not have that ability.
Mark: Dogs don’t have intellectual center at all do they?
Pamela: Yes, they do. And they have the higher emotional center as well.
Smitty: When you get into chapter 7 in my book we will go through the ascension of animals, in fact, many animals are higher than man, i.e., show me a man as loyal as my dog. With this idea you can start to realize that dogs possess a higher emotional center, a center that is higher than what most men possess. You cannot trust your neighbor, but you can trust your dog. You can come home and kick your dog every night and he will still wag his tail and love you. He will forgive you. Show me a man that possesses that high of a quality. You cross a man’s path once and he will be against you for the rest of your life, but dogs are forgiving. Dogs are loyal. Dogs are compassionate.
Mark: So dogs have three centers?
Smitty: Yes, dogs are three brain beings. They just have not added the last part which is reason. There are many animals that have great intelligence. They build hexagonal combs, they find the same branch to nest in year after year. That is intelligence. Bees fly in straight lines, when they come to an obstacle they go up--over it--and back down. When they find a flower they reverse the process. When they get back to the hive they do a dance. Perhaps they are telling all the other bees: “You go this way, then you go up--then you go down, then you go left, then you go right, then you go up, then down and that is where the flowers are.” And everybody in the bee hive takes off in that direction following the movements indicated in the dance. An ant lays down a pheromone trail to the food that it has found. There has got to be intelligence there. You probably can not get that from a turtle. You probably can not put some food out and have one turtle go back and tell the other turtles how to find it. They are just going to have to stumble on it.
So, we look at the whole growth of the development of our centers and how man is a three-storied factory. That means that there are three sides of him in essence and three sides of him in personality. We call them the red cards and the black cards--essence and personality. He starts with an instinctive center. He can sense. At this level it is called plants. It has no movement, but from sensation…movement is born and something is acquired in personality. The whole octave that this is a part of is the octave of duplication. It is really the whole octave of sex…of the duplicating principle. That is what all life is about, trying to duplicate. The first DNA molecule that copied itself would be the first moment of self-remembering in the universe. It could duplicate. Everything serves this duplicating octave. Sensation giving birth to movement. You have a better chance of duplicating if you can move, because now if it doesn’t rain you will not wither and die. You can move to where the water is. So when the moving center is developed, it helps enhance the possibility of duplication.
But then animals become emotional, they develop the emotional center. They start to recognize their own young. They start to nurture them. They do not have to dump 10,000 eggs in a stream and hope that a few will make it. They can say: “Gosh, with an emotional center we can have a small clutch of babies--two, three, four and we will watch them. We will feed them. We will care for them. We will bring them into existence until they are old enough to take care of themselves and that will give them a better chance of going on to duplicate…of continuing our species.”
We are all caught in this great octave of duplication.
Then animals become intelligent and one animal says to another: “Remember last year, we met and had those kids? Let’s do it again the same way that worked last year. I’ll meet you at the same tree. We will build our nest in the same branch. We will be intelligent about duplicating. Once we find a way that works we will repeat it. We will find our way back to the same stream that we were born in because if it worked before, it will work again. Let us not pick just any stream. It may not work. We have to use our intelligence. We will meet on the same island every year. We will swim to the same shore, to the same beach. We will nest in the same tree. We will use intelligence to have a better chance of duplication”.
Then the animals develop a higher emotional brain. They start to live in clans, in herds, in packs. Some watching while the others feed; and if a predator comes, one of them may even run the wrong way to make the predator chase it so the rest of his clan, the rest of his herd, the rest of his pack can get away. He would sacrifice his own existence so that the rest of his species has a chance to go on to duplicate. And from there we find great animal manifestations of real caringness and loyalty and trust and unity within the species. In some tribes of apes, only one ape may mate; but all the other apes support the tribe even though only one gets to mate. It is as if they have got conscience.
So, the whole evolutionary process pushes itself up…instinct giving birth to movement, emotion giving birth to intelligence; and at the highest level of the three stories, conscience--higher emotional center--giving birth to consciousness--to reason. And man possesses this third acquirement, this reason. So we come from a species of animals that already possessed higher emotional center, lived in a clan, took care of itself, watched each others’ young, nurtured them, raised them, worked as a unit to find food, made sure everybody got fed. Loyal, “I’ll fight for the clan.” No individuals here, but a clan, a group…superior to the individual.
And so, we are just an extension of those animals that already possessed higher emotional center; we have added one brain to it, a brain with reason. So the first men were just like a group of apes, in a sense. They were already a little troop, a little clan scavenging around during the day, and at night, hiding in the trees and listening. And then one of them developed the third acquirement, developed reason. One of them first saw the curved rock and said it holds water. “We don’t have to go down to the stream and get a drink at night and jeopardize our existence. We can scoop up some water in this curved rock in the daylight when it is safe and we can carry it back to the cave, and tonight when we are thirsty we can have some water to drink. In fact, we will take another rock and we will gouge out the curve of this rock so it will hold more water. We can probably even pack some mud together in the shape of a curved rock and let it dry in the sun and it also will hold water.”
Everything has been pushed up by this duplicating principle. We are supposed to be the pinnacle of creation on this earth. We have reason to enhance the duplicating principle. Man exceeds the force that comes from the Do at the bottom and is supposed to now be under the force of the Do that comes from above. He is no longer just a sex machine. We are the only species on the face of this earth that can make that choice. In every other species, when the female comes into heat, every male within smelling distance is coming after her. We are the only species that is not a slave to the duplicating principle. We are supposed to feel something coming from the Do that is beyond. For us, it represents the formation and crystallization of a higher body that can withstand the shock of death and enter into the octave which is beyond. So man is left in a precarious moment. He is no longer able to be shoved up from the bottom and he is not yet able to feel the Do pulling him up from the top, and he is left--as our work tells us--to finish himself. In the Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution, the idea is that man is not capable of completing his octave just mechanically. He can not be shoved up to reason. Reason has to be acquired on his own.
Deborah: But if there are animals with conscience and intelligence, then animals have reason.
Smitty: We are the first animals that were able to use our conscience to temper our intelligence into reason. We are the first species on this earth to come forth with that. We have to accept, that over the course of time, there are going to be other animal species that will emerge with reason. Maybe it will be a dolphin. Maybe it will be a dog, a cat, or a pig. We are not going to be the only one. There is not just one kind of plant out there. There is a whole diversification of plants. There is not just one “one brained being” out there. There is a whole diversification of one brained being; not just one “two brained being”, again, there is a whole diversification. So having only one species on the face of this earth with reason only shows that we are the first. There will be more to follow. The time spans are immense and man has only been around a few thousand years, but it will happen again, it is the natural progression of things. From some other animal group, maybe dogs, some dog, will be sniffing about and say: “Hey, what am I doing, who am I?’ He will cognize the first I AM…“I AM a dog” and then with that reason he will be able to have a better chance of surviving and he will pass those genes on. The first man that could see the curved rock that held water and was able to scoop it up and carry it back to his cave did not get eaten that night. He survived to pass his genes on. Man has the ability to reason, to connect all these fragments of memory and then reproduce them, to create a similarity to the already arisen, to create something similar to the curved rock that holds water, to start to fashion a weapon and make a tool. Maybe he picked up a bone the first time and hit another bone to break it open, but now with reason he could make something like that. He could fashion a club or use a sharp rock, he could find anything similar to what he already had recorded in his memory and start to reproduce it, to make it out of other things, to adapt something else.
So, intelligence is the formation of memory, and reason is its integration.