Podcast Series 2, Episode 28: The Three Major Oscillations of Life

The Three Major Oscillations of Life - Native American Indian

The Three Major Oscillations of Life

 In this episode, we discuss in detail, G. I. Gurdjieff’s ‘obligatory-gap-aspects-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole,’ and Mr. Smith’s, “The Three Major Oscillations of Life”, with mathematical proof of how these came to be, and through a story of an American Indian boy, growing up. It is supported by diagrams, which can be found here on our website thedogteachings.com.

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Associated Diagrams

The Universal Cosmic Weave

The Universal Cosmic-Weave

Octaves that Share Vibrations with the 6p Octave

Octaves that Share Vibrations with the 6p Octave

The Major Oscillations of Life

The Major Oscillations of Life


Click to view Podcast transcript

Welcome to a series of talks about objective consciousness, an objective universe, and an objective way to awaken.

It is primarily based on the works of George I. Gurdjieff and Russell A. Smith, and aims to clarify the subjectivity that clouds our evolution and journey through life, and to bring simple understanding to the various subjects areas of the Fourth Way.

In this discussion, diagrams will again be necessary, and these can be viewed or downloaded on our website thedogteachings.com, by clicking on the link shown in the description of this podcast. So, pause, find the diagrams, and let’s begin.

In our last talk, we completed a detailed discussion about Gurdjieff’s Enneagram, and found 8 new Lines of Supervision. 

Today, we will be exploring:

Gurdjieff’s ‘obligatory-gap-aspects-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole,’ and Mr. Smith’s, “The Three Major Oscillations of Life,” which create Mr. Gurdjieff’s ‘obligatory-gap-aspects-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole.’ 

Having introduced Gurdjieff’s objective definition (All and Everything, page 832) concerning the two famous intervals (MI-FA and TI-DO), we shall now resolve the question as to why those two “obligatory-gap-aspects” exist. 

Note: All the octaves we refer to will be Musical Octaves. That is, octaves that double or half. Only the octaves, which depict a person’s lifespan, will be octaves from Nothing to All. That is, from birth to death.

To begin, pick an octave, any octave! For example, the 6p octave. The obligatory gaps become evident when we compute and examine all of the outer octaves that share vibrations with it, which will require us to calculate additional octaves beyond the nineteen octaves found in The Universal Cosmic Weave. 

By finding all of the octaves that contain one or more of the same vibrations as the 6p octave, we will be able to detect the various effects those other octaves have on it; and, find Mr. Gurdjieff’s obligatory gaps.

See the diagram, “Octaves that Share Vibrations with the 6p Octave.”

OK. Let’s put the mathematics of the octave of 24, from 24 to 48, on the left side of the diagram.

The bottom row would be 24, and the top row would be 48.

The first row up from the bottom row would be 27.

Continuing up, the rows thereafter would be 30, 32, 36, 40, and 45.

There are seven octaves in the bottom row that all contain the vibration 24. That is, those seven octaves each have the vibration 24 at one of their seven notes: The 4p octave has 24 at its FA, the 6s octave has 24 at its LA, the 6p octave has 24 at its DO, the 8s octave has 24 at its MI, the 8p octave has 24 at its SO, the 10s octave has 24 at its TI, and the 10p octave has 24 at its RE. 

There are only seven octaves in the Universe that have the vibration 24. Out of a billion-zillion-trillion-quadrillion octaves in the Universe, there are only seven that contain the vibration 24.

Cool, huh?

And… we found them all. We found all seven octaves in the Universe that have the vibration 24. 

OK. The next vibration is 27. 

The second row shows us all the octaves in the Universe that have the vibration 27. We only see six octaves in that row. However, if there was a 0s octave, it too would have the vibration 27. Its FA would be 27.

The diagram has every octave in the Universe that has one or more of the same vibrations as the 6p octave, that is, 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, or 48. 

We could calculate octaves until the cows come home, but would not find any other octaves in the Universe that have the vibrations 24, 27, 30, etc., except these. 

And, of course, that makes sense. If an octave has 36 at DO, could there be another octave that has 36 at DO? No, of course not. We already found the one that has 36 at DO. You cannot have more than one octave that has 36 at DO. 

In fact, only seven octaves can have the vibration 36, period. 

Only one octave can have 36 at DO, only one can have 36 at RE, only one can have 36 at MI, only one can have 36 at FA, only one can have 36 at SO, only one can have 36 at LA, and only one can have 36 at TI. 

That accounts for all of the notes in an octave. There are no other octaves in the Universe that have the vibration 36.

Every octave (if we calculate enough octaves before it and after it) will always share vibrations with eighteen other octaves.

There will be six family members and three non-family members before it; and, likewise, six family members and three non-family members after it. Thus, nineteen octaves.

Since we found all of the octaves in the Universe that have one or more of the same vibrations as the 6p octave, we can now observe the influence they have on it. 

If the 6p octave represents the life of a tree, then, down there at the bottom DO, it was a seed. When the tree was a seed, which octaves influenced it? 

Which octaves met with the 6p octave when it was a seed? 

As we said, the tree meets with eighteen octaves during the course of its lifetime… but, when it was a seed, it only met with six of those eighteen.

Just for fun, and to help you visualize the idea, we will label a few of the octaves that influence the life of the tree. 

We will start with the octave in the last column, the 12p octave. We will label it the “Octave of the Loggers.” You know who loggers are, right; the guys who cut down trees and build log cabins?

When the tree was a seed, it did not meet with the Octave of the Loggers.

Then, the tree started to grow. When the tree reached RE, it was a small eight-foot sapling.

When the tree was a small eight-foot sapling, it also did not meet with the Octave of the Loggers.

Next, the tree reached MI, and became a fifteen-foot tall young sapling. Looking good, doing good.

When the tree was a fifteen-foot tall young sapling, it likewise did not meet with the Octave of the Loggers.

However, at the next note, at FA, the tree became the size of a telephone pole. And, when the tree becomes the size of a telephone pole, it does meet with the Octave of the Loggers, because it is the perfect size for making log cabins.

Notice that the Octave of the Loggers only has one note in common with the tree. The Octave of the Loggers’ RE is the tree’s note FA.

At RE, the Octave of the Loggers is looking for trees that have reached the note FA; and, are the size of telephone poles.

Ok, when the tree is at FA, it is in jeopardy from the Octave of the Loggers. However, after FA, the tree escapes the Octave of the Loggers, and is once again safe: At SO, it is too big for a log cabin; at LA, your kids probably build a tree fort in it; and, at TI, when it has become a fully-grown mature tree, it will most likely end up as a shade tree in somebody’s yard.

The diagram shows that the 12p octave, the Octave of the Loggers, only influences the life of the tree when the tree is at FA; and, is the size of a telephone pole. 

OK. Let’s pick another octave, the 2s octave. If the 2s octave is the Octave of a Fisherman looking for a fishing pole, and he spies the tree when it is at RE, that is, when it is a small eight-foot sapling, not good. 

How about the 3p octave? Maybe the 3p octave is the Wooden Chair Manufacturing Group, who are looking for tall young fifteen-foot saplings at the note MI. Because tall young fifteen-foot saplings at the note MI are the perfect size for making wooden chairs. If so, our tree would once again be in jeopardy. It was safe from the Wooden Chair Manufacturing Group when it is fishing pole size, or becomes telephone pole size; but, not now.

Thus, we can envision that during the lifetime of the tree, some octaves meet with the tree many times, like sunlight and water; and, some only meet with it once, like the octaves of the Loggers, and the Fisherman.

Now, we will go one step further. 

I mean, I like trees. Trees are nice. But, I am more concerned about your life, than I am about the life of a tree. So, instead of a tree, let’s make the 6p octave you. Put the label “Me” below the 6p octave. That’s you, you are the 6p octave.

In episode 22 we discovered oscillations. 

We discovered that every octave has two oscillations. A Major oscillation and a Minor oscillation. 

We discovered that Major oscillations were more telling. They determined what a thing is, like brown eyed genes being dominant over blue eyed genes. Thus, if a person is born with brown eyed genes and blue eyed genes, they will have brown eyes.  

In addition, we discovered that Major oscillations are more conspicuous, as they can be identified in a larger scale – existing between the notes FA and LA of that larger scale. 

Comprehending the dominance of Major oscillations, and the fact that they are more conspicuous, will help us understand the influence they have on life.

OK. We previously discovered eighteen octaves that have one or more of the same vibrations as the 6p octave, and, as such, influenced it.

Now, we will discover that two of those octaves also have their Major oscillation within the 6p octave, thus, exerting even more influence.

To find out who they are, we shall return to the diagram of the 6p octave.

Let’s again start with the 12p octave. We look down the 12p column to see if it has its FA and LA, its Major oscillation, at two of the notes of the 6p octave. When we do, we see that it does not. Only the 12p octave’s RE meets with the 6p octave. Thus, the 12p octave’s Major oscillation, its FA to LA, is not felt by the 6p octave. That is… is not felt by you.

Continuing to the left, the 12s octave is next. The 12s octave also does not have its Major oscillation, its FA and LA, aligning with any of the notes of the 6p octave; nor does the 11p, the 10p, the 10s, the 9p, the 8p, the 8s, or the 7p, but the 6p octave does. 

Well, of course, it does, the 6p octave is you. Therefore, its FA-SO-LA Major oscillation is your FA-SO-LA. 

So, continue on, there is not a Major oscillation coming from the 6s octave, nor from the 5p octave. But, look at that, you do feel the Major oscillation of the 4p octave. The 4p octave has its Major oscillation, its FA and LA, at your notes DO and MI. 

That is, the 4p octave’s Major oscillation exists between twenty-four and thirty vibrations; and, since you have the vibrations twenty-four and thirty, its Major oscillation exists in you! 


Axiom #11: If a Major oscillation occurs between twenty-four and thirty vibrations, every octave that has twenty-four and thirty vibrations will experience it. 

In addition, notice that you have all three vibrations of its Major oscillation; its FA-SO-LA is your DO-RE-MI. 

OK, who is the other octave that has its Major oscillation in you? Let’s see, the 4s octave does not, the 3p octave does not; but look, the 2p octave does. The 2p octave has its notes FA and LA aligning with your notes SO and TI. It does not have its note SO in your octave, but it does have its notes FA and LA, the two ends of its Major oscillation; thus, you feel that Major oscillation, too. 

Again, the 2p octave’s Major oscillation occurs between thirty-six and forty-five vibrations; and, since you have the vibrations thirty-six and forty-five, you will experience that Major oscillation as well.

The only octave left is the 2s octave. And, as you can see, the 2s octave does not.

Terrific, we have found the only two octaves in the Universe that have their Major oscillations in you.

OK. When we observed the life of a tree, we labeled one of the octaves that met with the tree, “the Octave of the Loggers”, and another, “the Octave of a Fisherman”.

So, the question now becomes, “What labels do we put on the two octaves that share their Major oscillations with you? That is, relative to you, who are the 4p and the 2p octaves?”

We can discover who they are by looking at the, “The Universal Cosmic Weave” diagram. 

Remember, you are the 6p octave. Find you.

You feel three Major oscillations in your life: Your own Major oscillation, at your notes FA-SO-LA. A Major oscillation coming from the 4p octave, at your notes DO-RE-MI. And, a Major oscillation coming from the 2p octave, at your notes SO-TI. 

By looking at the Universal Cosmic Weave diagram, can you figure out who the 4p and 2p octaves are?

Well, let’s see, we previously learned that the forces at DO, LA, and FA, represented the Father, Mother, and Son, respectively. So, that means, since the DO of the 6p octave is at the FA of the 4p octave, the 6p octave is the son of the 4p octave; and, likewise, since the DO of the 4p octave is at the FA of the 2p octave, the 4p octave is the son of the 2p octave. Thus, the 4p octave is my father, and the 2p octave is my grandfather.

Very good! Well done!

Now, at the bottom of the diagram, “Octaves that Share Vibrations with the 6p Octave”, label those octaves. You already labeled the 6p octave, “Me”. So, just label the 4p octave, Father; and, the 2p octave, Grandfather. 

If you were a female, the 4p octave would be your Mother, and the 2p octave would be your Grandmother.

Thus, you, your parent, and your grandparent, all contribute a Major oscillation to your life.

Now, let’s study those oscillations to see if we can discover their influence. (see the diagram called, “The Major Oscillations of Life”). 

We will, again, assign mathematics to the diagram, but this time we will use the nothing-to-all octave of zero to seventy-two. 

If you printed the diagram, feel free to write the numbers down to the left of the notes.

The bottom DO would be 0, RE would be 9, MI would be 18, FA would be 24, SO would be 36, LA would be 48, TI would be 63, and the top DO would be 72. 

We used the nothing-to-all octave of zero to seventy-two, as it approximates the lifespan of a person’s life, give or take.

You may also wish to label the bottom oscillation that goes from 0 to 18, “Father.” The middle oscillation that goes from 24 to 48, “Me.” And, the upper oscillation that goes from 36 to 52, “Grandfather.”

By studying the diagram, we can see that boys, for the first 18 years of their life, are under the Major oscillation of their father. Their father bought them food, determined their political persuasion, taught them how to fish, chose what sports they liked, decided where they lived, gave them their religion, and probably even influenced their choice of friends. 

And, if they were girls… their mother would be the one who taught them how to cook, how to sew, how to clean, how to dress, what make-up to wear, and how to apply it, etc.

Most of their likes and dislikes were acquired from their father or from their mother; or, from whoever took the role of being their father or their mother!

Everything in a child’s life is a product of their parental, Major oscillation. Most of their proclivities (up to the age of 18) were instilled in them by their parents.

Then, when they reached the age of 18, they hit the gap. The famous “obligatory-gap-aspect-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole.” It occured when they left home, headed off to college, drank some beer, went on some dates, and stayed up as late as they wished. 

They, most likely, had no idea of what they wanted to do with the rest of their lives; nor, of how to do it. Because, before that, most of the decisions concerning their lives were made for them by their parents.

However, at the age of 24 their Major oscillation is slated to begin. During the gap, they are supposed to figure out what they are going to be. 

What are they going to be: A bricklayer, a veterinarian, or an accountant, etc? By the age of 24, they are expected to hang up a sign that reads, “Jordan’s Gardening Service,” or whatever.

Unfortunately, that is not what usually happens. Many kids come out of college, having no idea of what they want to be. 

But according to the diagram of The Major Oscillations of Life, we see that by the age of 24 their Major oscillation is destined to begin. An oscillation that is designed to carry them through the middle third of their lives.

The chart also shows us that, when human beings reach the age of 36 and are at the midpoint of their lives, they are supposed to start asking, “Is this all there is, is this my life, is this all that I am?” 

People call it the Mid-Life Crisis. 

It is when the Major oscillation of their grandparents enters their lives, the oscillation of their ancestral line. An oscillation that is supposed to put them in contact with the higher meaning of life… of being more than just the product of their chosen profession. An oscillation, which causes them to pursue something greater than just paying the bills or putting food on the table, something that starts steering them in a spiritual direction.

This happens at mid-life. From then on (up until the age of 48) they are in the Harnel-Aoot of their life. That is, they are in two oscillations: The oscillation of their chosen profession; and, an oscillation that is searching for higher meaning. There is a competition, of sorts, going on in them. 

Then, when they become too old to do their chosen profession, and are solely under their grandparents’ oscillation, which is supposed to sustain them until they reach the age of 63, the second obligatory gap appears. Hopefully, by then, they will be able see the oasis, be pulled across the Gap, and go beyond.

Note: the intervals MI-FA and TI-DO are notable, only because they are gaps between oscillations, as described by Gurdjieff in the following passage, “This last particularity of the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh is absolutely certain in this given case, that is to say on the piano, but uniquely in consequence of the fact that if the vibrations of ‘mi’ and ‘ti’ are produced in a hermetically sealed room, these vibrations either cease instantaneously or else the notes ‘mi’ and ‘ti’ by reason of the momentum obtained from the first shock given for their arising undergo involution and immediately cease, that is to say as soon as the note ‘mi’ reaches the note ‘do’ and the note ‘ti’ the lower ‘fa.’” 

This means that things can freely move in the areas of oscillations… but, get stopped at the gaps.

Eureka, the obligatory gaps have finally been exposed! 

In addition, after discovering the three Major oscillations in every octave, we can even see how and why the two obligatory gaps and the Harnel-Aoot came into existence. 

It is indeed true… that truth conquers all things.

Now, since Mr. Smith likes to tell stories, I am going to tell you one more of his stories. So that you understand better the three Major oscillations, the obligatory gaps, and the Harnel-Aoot.

It is the story of the little American Indian boy. 

To give the story a bit of pizzazz, I will make you the little American Indian boy. Are you ready to be a little American Indian boy? 

OK… back in the day, many moons ago, the life expectancy of an American Indian was probably around 60 years, so I will adjust the octave of 72 accordingly.

During the day, who do you think cared for you as a young child? Who watched over you? Your parents were not there; they were off fulfilling their obligations to the tribe. So, who raised you? 

If you said your grandparents, you are correct.

Your dad was out hunting, and your mother was out gathering nuts and berries and grains. Your grandparents were too old to be doing such things; and, as such, they stayed in the camp and cared for the babies, the children, and the young teens. That is why, in cowboy movies, when the cavalry attacks, the elderly are the only adults in the camp. It is just them and the kids.

Thus, you were raised by your grandparents, and were with them all day long, every day, for years. 

Every evening, at dusk, your parents would come home. You loved your parents, and were greatly influenced by them. 

After all, as a little American Indian boy, you were under the Major oscillation of your father. 

However, one day, you excitedly ran up to your grandfather and said, “Guess what grandfather? Tonight, when father comes home, he is going to teach me how to track a rabbit!”

When you did, your grandfather smiled and replied, “Oh, my little brave, that is wonderful; but, life is not about tracking rabbits…. Feel the spirit of the mountain, see the spirit of the eagle, and the spirit of the forest. Smell the earth, my little brave.” 

And you said, “Yes grandfather, that is really cool stuff; but, tonight, I get to track a rabbit!”

When your father came home, he of course kept his word and taught you how to track a rabbit.

Days later, you again ran up to your grandfather and exclaimed, “Grandfather, grandfather, guess what? Tonight, when father gets home, he is going to show me how to make a bow; to make a bow!” 

Your grandfather again smiled and replied, “Oh, my little brave, that is wonderful; but, life is not about making bows…. See the spirit of the bear, sense the spirits of your ancestors, feel the spirit of the mountain, and the spirit of the eagle. Smell the earth, my little brave.” 

And you said, “Yes grandfather, that really sounds nice; but, tonight, I get to make a bow!”

This continued week after week, month after month, and year after year. 

You kept running up to your grandfather, saying, “Tonight, father is going to teach me how to ride a pony, make a knife, or throw a tomahawk!” 

And every time you did, your grandfather smiled and replied, “Oh, my little brave, that is wonderful; but, life is not about riding ponies, making knives, or throwing tomahawks…. Feel the spirit of the mountain, listen to the wind, see the spirit of the eagle, sense the spirits of your ancestors, and smell the earth, my little brave.”

Do you see what was happening?

During your youth, your grandfather was telling you about higher things, about higher ideas, and about the higher meaning of life. 

Ideas, which you had little interest in. 

You were interested in riding a pony, making a bow, tracking a rabbit, making a knife, and learning how to do the rain-dance. 

Those skills would be taught to you by your father… after all, you were under his Major oscillation.

In fact, if your father was a tentmaker, I bet he took you with him to watch; and, later, to make tents, didn’t he? And, by copying your father, you learnt the skills of tent-making. 

That is why there are class systems in the world today; and, people adhere to them. 

The son learns the skills of his father. 

You learnt the skills of tent-making. 

But, that does not mean that you have to become a tentmaker. Indians get to choose. 

There comes a time, after going through some ritual of ascension, that you must choose. When you do, you will no longer be a little American Indian boy, staying in the camp all day long, safe in your teepee, coddled, and fed. 

You must become a contributing member of the tribe; afterwhich, you will become a Brave. 

Let’s say that happens on your 15th birthday. 

You are called before the elders. They send you off into the forest for thirty days, by yourself; and, if you survive and make it back to camp alive, you will begin the journey of finding your own path in life. 

You will no longer be under your father’s Major oscillation. Instead, you will spend the next 5 years of your life making your own decisions… trying this, trying that, and honing your skills. 

During that time, you are supposed to figure out what you are good at, what you love, and, by so doing, choose the path that you will walk.

Five years later, on your 20th birthday, you are once again called before the elders, but this time, to proclaim your chosen way. 

You proudly stand before the council and say, “I have chosen. I want to be a hunter like my grandfather, not a tentmaker like my father, but a great hunter like my grandfather.”

Do you see the journey?

It has been 20 years since the day of your birth. 

During the first 15 years of your life, you were under the Major oscillation of your father; and, as such, it was his duty to prepare you for this day. Then, you spent the next 5 years of your life on your own personal search. 

But, finally, the day of days has arrived. For today is the day you chose the path of the hunter; and, became a Brave! It is a proud day for everyone: for you, for your father, for your grandfather, and for the tribe. 

Everybody is dancing and cheering, woooooo! Little brave-one has chosen to become a hunter! Little brave-one, the hunter!

The next day, you get up, before the rest of the tribe, and head out into the forest to go hunting. Your Major oscillation has just begun… and will continue for the next 20 years of your life. 

That first day, all day long, you chase just one deer. You chase that deer until it is so exhausted it cannot run anymore… and finally, you are able to get close enough, to shoot it with an arrow, to hit it with your tomahawk, or to wrestle it to the ground and stab it with your knife… killing it. 

You sling the deer over your shoulders, around your neck, and head back to camp. 

Arriving at dusk, you swagger, as you slowly walk into camp with that deer slung around your neck; and, throw it down in front of the squaws, proudly proclaiming, “I, am the hunter!”

From that day forward, you are on the hunt every day, 365 days a year for the next 10 years of your life. By the time you are 30, at the prime of life, you are one incredible hunter. You know every trail, every watering hole, and every hiding place; and, have mastered every tactic, every technique, and every skill. After all, you have been hunting deer, boars, bears, and rabbits for the past 10 years; and, by now, are very good at it.

However, something is supposed to happen to you at that time in your life. 

Something else is supposed to begin. 

You are supposed to start questioning the purpose of your existence. You are supposed to ask yourself, “Is this all that there is? Is this all that I am? I am a hunter. Is that it? Is there nothing more to life than just being a hunter? Is that all that I am meant to be?” 

You look back at the last 10 years of your life and ask, “For the next 10 years, am I going to do nothing more than what I have done for the past 10 years?” 

At that moment, the moment that you start to question your real purpose in life, an eagle flies over and screeches. You hear the eagle; and, look up. You wonder why the eagle chose that particular moment to fly overhead and screech. 

The eagle has flown over before, but in your moment of questioning what life is all about, it flew over just then and screeched. “Did your Grandfather send the eagle?” After all, he used to tell you stories about the spirit of the eagle. “He must have sent it.” 

Then, you spy the mountain; and, begin thinking about the spirit of the mountain, and the spirits of your ancestors. Is your grandfather’s spirit watching over you? 

Why did grandfather tell you all those things?

And, for the first time in your life, when no one else is looking, you scoop up a handful of dirt and smell the earth. When you do, the oscillation of your grandfather enters your world… the world in which you are a great hunter.

Thereafter, while you are out hunting, you take time every day to commune with the spirit of the bear, the spirit of the wolf, the spirit of the forest, the spirits of your ancestors, the spirit of the eagle, and the spirit of the mountain. After all, as a good hunter, you have ample time to do both. 

And now, two separate oscillations begin to transpire in you.

Gurdjieff called the space between SO and LA, “The Harnel-Aoot,” because it is where two oscillations are both vying for attention. And, as such, you now serve both.

Note: In life, things desperately try to remain what they are, even though something else may be trying to change them. 

A simple model would be, if some jungle farmer had some little piglets in a pen, which he built from wooden stakes, and if a snake came slithering through the jungle and got into the pen through the wooden stakes and swallowed one of the piglets, the snake would be trapped inside the pen because with a piglet in its belly, it would be unable to escape through the wooden stakes. 

Of course, the other little piglets would be squealing and grunting because there was a predator in their pen. 

The farmer hears the commotion, comes running out with his machete, sees the snake, kills it, and cuts it open. When he does, there is a chance that the little piglet might still be alive. Because the little piglet wants to stay a piglet, even though the snake is trying to make it into a snake. 

Or, a fish in the belly of a whale might stay a viable fish for some time before the digestive juices finally take away its fish-ness, and turn it into a whale. 

Or, you could take a potato, leave in its eyes, put it in hot water for a bit, take it out, and then plant it. When you do, you may discover that it is still a viable potato, because it grows.

Do you understand?

The potato does not want to stop being a potato. It does not say, “Oh my, hot water! I give up! I quit!” 

No, it says, “I am a potato. I am a potato. I am still a potato.” And, although the hot water is acting upon it, it does not want to give up being a potato. 

However, there comes a moment when it finally succumbs to the hot water, gets cooked, and is no longer a potato that can grow.

In your case, the pursuit of higher things is like the hot water. 

It acts on your hunter-ness, as you take time to listen to the wind, observe the eagle, watch the bear, sense the mountain, think about your ancestors, and smell the earth.

Then, when you reach the age of forty, and are at the end of your Major oscillation, that of being a great hunter, and are too old to chase deer… you will become the grandfather. 

Afterwhich, when your grandson runs up to you and says, “Guess what grandfather? Someday, I am going to be a great hunter just like you.” 

You are going to smile and reply, “Oh, my little brave, that is wonderful; but, life is not about hunting. See the spirit of the eagle, feel the spirit of the mountain, hear the spirit of the wind, and sense the spirits of your ancestors. Smell the earth, my little brave.” And, you will pass on the wisdom of the ancestral line to your grandson, just as it was passed on to you.

Your grandfather’s oscillation, solely, carries you into your golden years… until you are in touch with nature, the spirits of your ancestors, and in harmony with the world around you. 

You are not just some cocky ‘full-of-himself’ retired hunter guy, but a wise old man who knows a plethora of higher things.

That is how every octave in the Universe works. Every octave feels three Major oscillations: Its own, that of its parents, and one coming from its ancestral line. 

Thus, when it is all said and done, and your grandfather’s oscillation has successfully carried you beyond the age of fifty-two, you will be well grounded, fine-tuned, and awake. 

Hopefully, you will soon see the oasis… and, make it to the happy hunting ground.

Thank you for listening, and for being a pretty darn good little American Indian boy.

If you would like to know more about the subjects and exercises we’ve been covering in these talks, including the book and guide that underpins it all, which is available for PDF download, and also gives you access to an ultimate exercise that is able to objectively wake people up, you can find us at the website thedogteachings.com.

That’s T H E D O G teachings DOT COM.

There, you will be able to obtain Mr. Smith’s other diagrams, listen to other talks, as well as learn all the mathematics that supports them, and much much more.

But, most importantly, you will have real time access to the materials we are discussing.

That’s thedogteachings.com

Goodbye until next time.

Teachings based upon the works of R. A. Smith and G. I. Gurdjieff.

All material © 2020 THEDOG Publishing

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