S5/E07: Gurdjieff & I: An Objective Way to Awaken - Part 2

Published June 2nd, 2022

S5/E06: Gurdjieff & I: An Objective Way to Awaken

Gurdjieff & I: An Objective Way to Awaken - Part 2

In this podcast we shall continue a conversation between Russell and one of his students which began in last week’s podcast, wherein Russell had just explained how outer octaves cascaded down through the Holy Sun Absolute and entered into the Universe, as well as how non-unity was a fundamental principle of unity. But unfortunately, as we ran out of time, we were unable to complete that conversation. As such, we promised to share the rest of it in this week’s podcast.

It starts with a follow up question about the structure of the Absolute, the Holy Sun Absolute, and the Universe, and then thoroughly discusses topics such as the progression of forces, how Russell created the Periodic Table of Elements, the Gurdjieff movements, the Three-Story diagram, as well as what it means to die to oneself.


Cards Diagram


The Octave of The Absolute - Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets - Page 94

Page 94 The Octave of The Absolute

Podcast Transcript

Welcome to a series of talks about objective consciousness, an objective Universe, and an objective way to awaken, expanding upon the works of George I. Gurdjieff and Russell A. Smith.

In this week’s podcast, we shall continue a conversation between Russell and one of his students which began in last week’s podcast, wherein Russell had just explained how outer octaves cascaded down through the Holy Sun Absolute and entered into the Universe, as well as how non-unity was a fundamental principle of unity. But unfortunately, as we ran out of time, we were unable to complete that conversation. As such, we promised to share the rest of it in this week’s podcast. 

It starts with a follow up question about the structure of the Absolute, the Holy Sun Absolute, and the Universe, and then thoroughly discusses topics such as the progression of forces, how Russell created the Periodic Table of Elements, the Gurdjieff movements, the Three-Story diagram, as well as what it means to die to oneself.

Let’s begin:

Student:  Russ, tell me more about the octaves of the Absolute, the Holy Sun Absolute, and the Universe.

Russell:  Sure. As those three octaves are mathematical halving’s, together they fit into a bigger scale called ‘the all to nothing scale.’ As such, they become the three mathematical octaves of scale-1. 

That happens because the ‘all to nothing octave’ contains four fundamental points which segment the octave into three inner halving’s, or as Gurdjieff put it, into “three octaves of radiations.” The first goes from DO to SO, from the all to the half. The second goes from SO to MI, from the half to the quarter. And the third goes from MI to RE, from the quarter to the eighth. 


Student:  That’s right, I remember that.

Russell:  Then, I simply labeled the top octave, the Absolute, the middle octave, the Holy Sun Absolute, and the bottom octave, the Universe.


Student:  Oh, yes, I see it.

Russell:  That’s great. 

Whereafter, the octaves of the Holy Sun Absolute and the Universe provided a structure wherein the outer octaves could reside, which Gurdjieff indicated in The Holy Planet Purgatory chapter, where he emphasized again and again how each new something established for itself its own Law of Seven and its own Law of Three:  

“Further, thanks to these factors and also to their own laws of Heptaparaparshinokh and Triamazikamno which had already begun to arise in these definite concentrations with their action upon each other, everything which had to be gradually began to be crystallized in these concentrations, and as a result of all this, those large concentrations were obtained which exist also until now and which we now call ‘Second-order-Suns.’


“When these newly arisen Suns had been completely actualized and their own functionings of both the fundamental laws had been finally established in them, then in them also, similarly to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, their own results began to be transformed and to be radiated, which, together with the emanations issuing from the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, became the factors for the actualization of the common-cosmic fundamental process of the sacred law of Triamazikamno….”

Student:  Wow, I got it. I must have read those passages a dozen times, but I never locked into what they actually meant. Thank the Absolute I found you! 

Russell:  Ha, you are most welcome. 

Based on that, it was very easy to calculate the octaves that appeared in the Holy Sun Absolute and in the Universe, as those octaves came into existence because other octaves established their own Law of Three. That is, each new force created two additional forces, and those two forces created two more, which cascaded down the Holy Sun Absolute and the Universe.

Within that framework, came nineteen outer octaves, which not only revealed the Periodic Table of Elements, but also revealed everything else, like the Fibonacci Series, and the additional Lines of Supervision in an Enneagram, and so forth. 

You simply have to realize that the octaves that flow down the Holy Sun Absolute and the Universe create new octaves at their notes LA and FA. 

Whereafter, if those octaves wish to flow back up, they simply need to replicate the structure, as it will provide the necessary shocks at their notes MI and SO that are needed, or wait for the law-of-large-numbers to mechanically throw enough things out there that some of them will receive the shocks that are required, and as such, they will be able to ascend.


Student:  Wow, Russ! That is very evident now. 

The downward movement occurs because there are forces at the notes LA and FA; and the upward movement occurs because forces can either be accidentally or intentionally created at the notes MI and SO.  

Russell:  Well said!

Student:  Back in the day, if I had just understood that I never would have stumbled. 

What you have shown me is quite fantastic. I can’t wait until next month when I am scheduled to come to Texas and study with you; for I am, at present, overwhelmingly confident that I will indeed awaken.

However, I am a bit saddened, because over the last 50 years, although I met many wonderful people along the way, including Mr. Gurdjieff - albeit in the final years of his life, none of them ever figured out what you figured out, and knowing that, I almost want to cry. However, after finding you, I now have a reason to rejoice, as I now know for certain, that my life will not have been in vain.

Russell:  Oh my goodness. Thank you for that; I am most humbled, as well as very confident that next month you shall achieve that aim. 

Student:  As am I.

Russell:  Remember this: Ascension is your right, and surprisingly, it is not that hard to do. That is, once you grasp the rules and laws, as well as perform The Objective Exercise, you are guaranteed to awaken.


Student:  That is marvelous, Russ. I am so excited, I am almost in tears. 

Now, if I may have a few more minutes of your time, would you please explain to me your diagrams concerning the creation of the Periodic Table and the big-ending octaves. I think I understand the personal-ending ones, but are the big-ending octaves the ones that go down to RE and then die?

Russell:  Actually, no. To see what they are, go to pages 111 through 119 in Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets. Every octave found on those pages has one or more vibrations that can be traced back to the very first octave, and as such, they are all law-conformable fractions of the original octave that came from the Absolute. 

Also observe how different families appear in the structure: the “S” family, the “P” family, the “D” family, and the “F” family, which contain one or more of the same vibrations as the first family member. 

That being understood, let’s start with the “S” family. 

Premise #1: The first member of the “S” family kick-starts the Holy Sun Absolute and the Universe. 

Premise #2: Since all “S” octaves connect to the first “S” octave, that is, contain one or more of the same vibrations as the first “S” octave, they too stand in the position of kick-starting the Holy Sun Absolute and the Universe. And as such, those octaves become New Beginning octaves and get placed in the New Beginning column, along with the Personal Ending octaves. That is, with the octaves that are not Big Ending octaves. 

Which begs the question, “Who and what are Big Ending octaves?” When I first pondered that, I arrived at this conclusion, “If the “S” family stands in the position of kick-starting the Holy Sun Absolute and the Universe, then the octaves that immediately precede the “S” family must be octaves that “stopped” the Holy Sun Absolute and the Universe. Thus, they are Big Ending octaves.”


Student:  Oh, wow! In other words, what you are saying is that the sixteenth octave would be both a big-ending octave, as well as a personal-ending octave.

Russell:  Well, almost. The fifteenth octave would be the big ending octave, not the sixteenth, as the fifteenth octave is the octave that immediately precedes the sixteenth.


Student:  Oh, I get it, the fifteenth octave would be the big-ending octave, because the sixteenth octave contains one or more of the same vibrations that kick-started the Universe.

Russell:  Yep, you got it.

And, do you know what the last element is in the fifteenth octave? Radon, an inert gas. Do you know what the last element is in the eleventh octave? Xenon, also an inert gas. What about in the eighth octave? Krypton, another inert gas. And the fifth octave? Argon, again, an inert gas. All inert gasses are big-endings, as such, they will not combine with other atoms. Also notice that the Periodic Table begins on the left side of the page and then ends on the right side of the page. Picture that in your mind; element production begins on the left, runs across the page until it produces an inert gas, and then ends.  

Student:  I see it, Russ. I now understand why the fifteenth octave is a Big Ending octave. Thank you very much.

Russell:  You are welcome. 


Student:  As is octave #11, and octave #8, and so forth.

Russell:  Very good! 


Student:  Oh, I will enjoy reading about that again now that I have that knowledge.

Russell:  So, we not only have octaves that complete their own duality and then end, but we also have octaves that when they complete their own duality, the w-h-o-l-e thing ends, and as such, it was necessary for our Endlessness to create New-Beginning octaves in order to start things back up.

Student:  Yeah. That is marvelous.

Russell:  Indeed it is. 

Is there anything else?


Student:  No, that will do me for the moment. How are you?

Russell:  Oh, I am terrific. 

Several months ago, I was contacted by a group of Fourth Way folks in Arizona, mostly doctors, who began coming here one after the other in order to awaken. Then, wishing to advance their work, they came back. Because of that, I have had a constant influx of students. 

I just took a Doctor back to the airport today who was here for the third time. 

In fact, by request, I am going to Arizona at the end of next week, in order to spend a whole week working with them all.


Student:  You are? Well, that’s fantastic! 

Oh yeah, one more thing. What can you tell me about the Gurdjieff movements? Do you do them?

Russell:  Well, I did the first obligatory when I visited you and Mrs. Staveley’s group in Oregon, but that was the only one that I learned.


Student:  I remember that.

Russell:  However, I am under the belief that, with attention, one can do movements while walking to the mailbox!


Student:  Yes. I think that is what it is all about, attention. 

So, I take it that you read page 174 in Views from the Real World…?

Russell:  Oh, yes, “As with everything, so with movements.”


Student:  Yep, that’s the one. I think that is a very important chapter. 

I am sure that, at one stage, Gurdjieff considered the movements to be the sole method of his teaching.

Russell:  I can understand that, as initially the movements do require controlled attention.

Student:  However, he decided not to pursue the movements, because, as he once told me, he could not rely on the instructors.

Russell:  I believe that as well, as I once met a movements teacher who had never read a Gurdjieff book. 

However, the value of doing movements can be seen in the structure. Go to page 49 in Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets, there you will find the Cards Diagram; a diagram that depicts us as a Three-Story factory. In it, you will see that the bottom story is made up of the Instinctive Center, Diamonds, and the Moving Center, Clubs. The middle story, the Emotional Center, Hearts, and the Intellectual Center, Spades. And the upper story, the Higher Emotional Center, which amazingly is made up of the Instinctive, Moving, and Emotional Centers, that somehow have combined in order to produce it. After which, we have the Higher Mental Center; it contains the Intellectual Center and the Higher Emotional Center, which likewise, have stepped up into a higher place. 

That being said, I see something very unique occurring in the upper story. Which is: The upper story is composed of lower centers which somehow have joined together to create it. And, in order to do that, they most likely required controlled attention, which is probably why Gurdjieff created the movements in the first place. Do you see that?


Student:  Yes, I do. It couldn’t be any clearer. With that knowledge, along with everything else you discovered, it is no wonder that you have been so successful at showing others how to awaken. You make this work very easy to understand. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why no one else before you ever saw these things. After all, they too had access to everything that Gurdjieff left behind.

Russell:  Well, thank you for that. I got lucky. I had no self-appointed teachers steering me in the wrong direction; kind of like what Gurdjieff indicated to you when he said that he could not rely on the instructors. Fortunately, my work depended on just me, Gurdjieff, and simple mathematics.

Okay, enough of that.

Now, on to page 176 in The Blueprint of Consciousness: to the colorized version of the Three-Story factory. 

In that diagram, label the yellow line in the top story, line one, the green line, line two, and the red line, line three. Then, in the middle story, label the yellow, green, and red lines, lines four, five, and six. And likewise, in the bottom story, label the yellow, green, and red lines, lines seven, eight, and nine. You now have three rows in each story that represent your centers, their parts, and their parts-of-parts. 

The Extra Joker at the midpoint of line one represents your Higher Emotional Center. Its three parts are on line two: the Ace of Diamonds is the mechanical part, the Ace of Clubs is the emotional part, and the Ace of Hearts is the intellectual part. And its three parts-of-parts are on line three: the Jack, Queen, and King of Diamonds, the Jack, Queen, and King of Clubs, and the Jack, Queen, and King of Hearts, which accordingly are the mechanical, emotional, and intellectual parts of those parts. 

Notice that although there are nine cards on line three, you do not need to have all nine in order to awaken. Why? Well, primarily because in nature, things fortunately do not need to have it all in order to survive; they only need to have about 2/3’s. Similarly, in order to pass most tests, you do not need to score 100%, you only need to score 66%. That is, you only need to answer about 2/3’s of the questions correctly in order to pass the test. Thus, in order for you to awaken, since there are nine parts-of-parts in the Higher Emotional Center, you only need to have six! 

What say you? How many do you have? 

You probably have most of your Diamonds, because, as they are the Instinctive Center, you were born with them. So, pretty much, you only need to develop either your Clubs suit or your Hearts suit, in order for you to have enough cards to awaken.

Hey, if I can come up with some movements that will develop peoples' moving centers, they just might be able to get enough cards and awaken! Then, once they have attained something higher, they will be able to continue the work on their own. That is, to blend their higher with their lower and actualize a middle and achieve the emotional and intellectual development that they so desperately need.

So, the first thing you need to do is to awaken your Higher Emotional Center. But in order to do that, you will need to have six cards. And, as I said, you pretty much already have the Diamonds; however, there is a snag. Gurdjieff said that the King of Diamonds was only contactable with consciousness, so I guess we have to x-out the King of Diamonds as being one of your six cards. That means that out of the Jack, Queen, and King of Clubs, and the Jack, Queen, and King of Hearts, you will have to come up with four more. 

That being said, I can understand why Gurdjieff created the movements. By doing so, he was helping people develop their Jack, Queen, and King of Clubs, and by making the movements difficult, they also contained an emotional element; one that would allow a person to develop their Emotional Center as well. Thus, making it possible for them to acquire four cards.

All they lacked was an objective exercise that would unify them.


Student:  Oh, wow, Russ! That makes perfect sense.

Russell:  I am glad that it does.

Okay, as promised, I will now throw in one more thing. 

We already covered step one. 

Now let’s cover step two, which is a tad bit trickier. 

Look in the bottom story at line eight. There you will find the Jack, Queen, and King of Diamonds, and Jack, Queen, and King of Clubs, which we also discovered in the upper story on line three. However, in the bottom story those cards occupy a much more significant place, as they are in a green row, not a red row, like they are in the upper story. 

Therein lies the problem. 

In the bottom story, those cards are big deals. In the bottom story they stand as parts of centers. Unfortunately, in order for them to enter the upper story, they must become insignificant parts-of-parts, and in order to do that, they must step down and take a lower position, which unfortunately, they will most likely be very reluctant to do. 

So, not only does a man need to have six cards, but he also needs to find a way of making them step down so that something higher can appear. 

Eureka, we have just stumbled upon the great subjugation that all religions speak of.


Student:  Ahhhhhh. Tell me, does that have anything to do with the phrase, “Blessed are the meek?”

Russell:  Yes, sir, it does. That is exactly what it has to do with. It also has to do with other things such as: unless you become like little children, servants making the best masters, losing in order to gain, and the last shall become the first.


Student:  That is what those things mean?

Russell:  Yes, sir, it is.

So, firstly you must develop six cards, and then, you must find a way of making them die. That is, you must find a way of making them take a lower position, because as long as they stand in the almighty position of believing that they can read minds, they will never have anything higher.


Student:  That makes a l-o-t of sense, Russ. It really does.

Russell:  Good! 

Once you see that, you will have both the confidence and the certainty to properly develop yourself, well knowing that when you do, you will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, awaken.  

Student:  Yee-Haw! 

Is that how you say it in Texas?

Russell:  Yes, sir, it is.

Then, if you wish, you will be able to go even further and awaken your Higher Mental Center as well. In order to achieve that, take note of this: in row three, the red row of the Higher Mental Center, there are some Aces, and in order to acquire those Aces, you will need to have a second death; a second kind of stepping down. That is, the Aces must also take a lower position in order for you to attain Master. 

Fortunately, we have an exercise that will achieve that for you as well, which I will show you, after you awaken.

Student:  Oh my God, Russ, I can hardly wait!

Thank you so much for answering my questions and for so clearly showing me the way. 

Russell:  You, sir, are most welcome.


That concludes today’s podcast.

Thank you for listening.

If you too would like to enter the upper-story and discover the way, simply visit our website thedogteachings.com and acquire Mr. Smith’s book The Blueprint of Consciousness, a 520-page hardback, which is also available as a PDF download.

That’s thedogteachings.com.

There, you will be able to listen to other talks, obtain diagrams, animations, supporting videos, and much, much more.

But, most importantly, you will have real time access to the materials we are discussing.

We also have two ZOOM classes on Saturday; one, for purchasers of Mr. Smith’s book, and the other, for those who have received the Master Exercises.

That’s  T H E   D O G   T E A   C H I   N G S  Dot Com.

In addition, you can also find us on Instagram and Facebook under THEDOG Teachings.

Thank you again for listening.

If you have any questions that you would like answered, please send them to [email protected], and we will endeavor to answer them, and perhaps, even include them in a future podcast. 

Goodbye, until next time. 

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