S4/E25: How to Awaken, in a Nutshell
Published December 16th, 2021

How to Awaken, in a Nutshell
In this podcast we narrate a dialog between Russell and one of his students, wherein Russell keeps his promise and explains to the student “How to Awaken in a Nutshell.”
1. Structures of the Law of Seven

2. The Card Diagram

Welcome to a series of talks about objective consciousness, an objective Universe, and an objective way to awaken, expanding upon the works of George I. Gurdjieff and Russell A. Smith.
In this podcast I will narrate a dialog between Russell and one of his students, wherein Russell keeps his promise and explains to the student “How to Awaken in a Nutshell.”
The diagrams for this podcast can be found on our website thedogteachings.com at the link found in the description of this podcast.
Let’s begin.
Russell: Okay, I promised you at the end of last week’s podcast that I would explain to you in this week’s podcast, how to awaken in a nutshell. But to do so, I must bypass much of the material found in Chapter 3 of The Blueprint of Consciousness. Material which takes students step-by-step from where they are, to where they can see that they are indeed qualified to awaken; and as such, all they need to do is to polish the parts of their centers that are needed for awakening, and then perform The Objective Exercise at the end, and “voila!”
So, please forgive me for omitting much of that material, but I must, in order to explain to you in a single podcast, “How to Awaken in a Nutshell.”
To ensure awakening, I recommend that you procure The Blueprint of Consciousness, study it from cover to cover, and then perform The Objective Exercise; after which, it will be case closed!
Okay, let’s now talk about the basics of “How to Awaken in a Nutshell.”
Phase one.
It begins by understanding that higher states of consciousness are indeed possible. But for millennia, no indication as to how to obtain them has been made available, and as such, their acquisition has been accidental at best.
As human beings, we were supposed to obtain them when we reached maturity. But something went terribly wrong. What? Well, we received wrong information, that’s what; information that we believed. And with wrong beliefs, acquiring what we were supposed to obtain was nigh impossible.
So, firstly, we need to get rid of wrong beliefs, and secondly, we need to discover the right ones.
Enter, The Blueprint of Consciousness.
The Blueprint of Consciousness is a publication filled with right beliefs, not because I say they are right, but because they can be verified with simple mathematical models that everyone can replicate; and sound reasoning that everyone will understand. That is, if you know for certain that two plus two is four; and if a baby bird falls out of its nest, the right manifestation would be to try to put it back in its nest, rather than stomp on it with your boot. If so, I will be able to show you how to awaken; and it will not be that hard to do. Afterall, if you have reached maturity, it is your right. Just as it is your right to walk because you have legs. So, let me show you how to walk.
Okay, let’s begin. Calculate the musical octave of 24 from 24 to 48, the ratios of which are: 1, 9/8, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2, 5/3, 15/8, and 2.
Can you do that? That is, can you divide 24 by 8 and then multiply that answer by 9, and divide 24 by 4 and then multiply that answer by 5, etcetera?
If so, did you get 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 40, 45, and 48? Of course you did. That was easy. We can all divide and multiply by single digit whole numbers, especially when they give us whole numbered answers.
This is not calculus; this is simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Student: Phase one done, I can do that.
Russell: Terrific, then let’s move on to phase two.
I will make phase two a tad harder. Let’s begin with the Nothing to All octave that goes from 0 to 1536. It’s ratios are 0, ⅛, ¼, ⅓, ½, ⅔, ⅞, and 1. That being said, do you think you can divide 1536 by 8 to find 1/8, 1536 by 4 to find ¼, 1536 by 3 to find ⅓, 1536 by 2 to find ½, 1536 by 3 to find ⅓ and then double that answer to find ⅔, and finally divide 1536 by 8 to find ⅛ and then multiply that answer by 7 to find ⅞? Of course you can.
That was a tad harder, but at the same time, it was very easy.
In addition, we learn from Gurdjieff that the vibrations at RE ⅛, at MI ¼, at SO ½, and at DO 1, are fundamental points, which reveal three doublings within the octave itself; and as such, they all become DO’s, creating an octave with a length of 192 between DO 192 and DO 384, creating an octave with a length of 384 between DO 384 and DO 768, and creating an octave with a length of 768 between DO 768 and DO 1536.
Do you think you can calculate those octaves as well? After all, they are just like the octave of 24 that exists between DO 24 and DO 48; and as such, they have the same ratios of 1, 9/8, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2, 5/3, 15/8, and 2. Or would you like to cheat, and say, “Since the octave of 192 doubles from 192 to 384, just like the octave of 24 doubles from 24 to 48, and since the octave of 192 is 8 times bigger than the octave of 24, I bet I can simply multiply the answers in the octave of 24 by 8, and get all the answers in the octave of 192, and then double those answers, and double them again, to get all of the answers in the octaves of 384 and 768 respectively?”
Student: Indeed, I would, because that is easier to do.
Russell: Great!
Okay. Let’s do one last scale. Next, calculate the 3 inner octaves of those 3 inner octaves, for a total of 9 inner octaves.
In the bottom group, one octave has a length of 24; it is between RE 216 and MI 240. One octave has a length of 48; it is between MI 240 and SO 288. And one octave has a length of 96; it is between SO 288 and DO 384. And as such, all you have to do is to calculate the octave from 0 to 24 that has the ratios 0, ⅛, ¼, ⅓, ½, ⅔, ⅞, and 1, just like every Nothing to All octave has, and add those answers to 216. Next, to calculate the octave from 0 to 48, and add those answers to 240. And finally, to calculate the octave from 0 to 96, and add those answers to 288.
Then, calculate the middle group.
In the middle group, there is one octave with a length of 48 between RE 432 and MI 480 …. Hey, wait a minute, I bet you would like to cheat again, and just double the 22 vibrations you calculated for the 3 octaves in the bottom group, in order to reveal the 22 vibrations of the 3 octaves in the middle group, and then double those vibrations in order to reveal the 22 vibrations of the 3 octaves in the upper group, wouldn’t you?
Student: Yep, that is exactly what I would like to do, because that too is easier.
Russell: Eureka!
You have just calculated a diagram that shows your 6 centers, their 3 parts, and their 9 parts-of-parts. (See the diagram called, Structures of the Law of Seven).
The Structures of the Law of Seven’ diagram places the mathematical structure which you just did, alongside a symbolic one. A structure that is made from the symbols found in a deck of cards.
When you study it, always remember that the symbolic structure is an exact replica of your mathematical one; and as such, it has a solid foundation. That is, it is not just some make-believe thing that I threw together in order to impress you.
In addition, the symbolic structure makes it easier for everyone to identify their 6 centers, their 3 parts, and their 9 parts-of parts, as opposed to just studying the raw mathematics.
At this point, I suggest that you listen to the podcast titled, “The Rule of Two Thirds, in S4/E08,” and to the podcast from two weeks ago titled, “Playing with a Full Deck,” as well as study The Card Diagram - a link to which can be found on our website thedogteachings.com, within the description of this podcast.
The Card Diagram is a wonderful tool for studying our 6 centers, their 3 parts, and their 9 parts-of-parts.
And, after learning about the “Rule of Two Thirds,” you will better understand why only ⅔ of our higher centers need to function, in order for us to acquire those centers. As well as understand how the mechanical parts of our centers function automatically, and as such, we only need to develop the emotional and intellectual parts.
Okay. That completes phase two.
Student: Oh my God, Russ, give me a few days to go back and forth between the two charts, listen to the podcasts, and to download and study The Card Diagram, so that I can do exactly what you suggest.
I will call you when I am done.
A few days later, after the back and forth customary greetings.
Student: I am beginning to see how the inner mathematics of the Law of Seven, gave birth to both Organic Life and to myself.
Russell: That is fantastic, but law-conformable. How could it be otherwise. As I say in my book, “Truth Conquers All Things” … even yourself.
Okay, time for phase three.
Now that you know you are indeed a law-conformable structure; one that is governed by The Rule of Two Thirds, we can use that knowledge to discover how easy it is to awaken.
As you saw, when you studied The Card Diagram, the Higher Emotional Center contains nine small cards: the Jack, Queen, and King of Diamonds from the Instinctive Center; the Jack, Queen, and King of Clubs from the Moving Center; and the Jack, Queen, and King of Hearts from the Emotional Center. Coupled with the “Rule of Two Thirds, that is, with the knowledge that you only need to have six of those cards functioning, in order to reawaken the Higher Emotional Center. Makes reawakening the Higher Emotional Center indeed possible.
However, as I said, after years of receiving wrong information, mankind eventually fell asleep, and as such, they lost their Higher Emotional Centers; and, when they realized that they had, they split into three factions: the Fakirs, the Yogis, and the Monks.
Fortunately, according to the model, the Fakirs, the Yogis, and the Monks, still had the mechanical parts of their Instinctive, Moving, and Emotional centers functioning, because their mechanical parts functioned automatically. That is, they functioned without attention, and therefore, the Fakirs, the Yogis, and the Monks, were already halfway there.
Discovering that they only needed three additional cards in order to reawaken their Higher Emotional Centers, the Fakirs began to work on their Instinctive Centers, the Yogis began to work on their Moving Centers, and the Monks began to work on their Emotional Centers.
At this point I will bring in some ideas from The Blueprint of Consciousness, which were featured in a podcast that was published over a year and a half ago:
It begins with the Fakirs:
The Fakirs began to work on their Instinctive Center by putting their legs in ant hills, laying on beds of nails, and standing in front of the temple on their fingertips and toes; hoping that by working on their Instinctive Center, they would be able to pick up two additional cards: The Queen and the King of Diamonds, which would give them five cards: the three Jacks, and the Queen and King of Diamonds.
In addition, the Fakirs also acquired the Queen of Clubs, the emotional part of their Moving Center, because in order to not pull their legs out of the ant hills, to refrain from jumping off the bed of nails, and to stay standing in front of the temple on their fingertips and toes, they needed to have some control over their Queen of Clubs.
Thus, the Fakirs got a sixth card; but the problem was, their six cards were in their lower stories, and they did not have an objective exercise that would unify them and bring them into the upper story.
Next, were the Yogis:
The Yogis began to work on their Moving Center by doing martial arts, performing sacred dance, stretching, and sitting in Lotus positions; hoping that by working on their Moving Center, they would be able to pick up two additional cards: The Queen and the King of Clubs, which would give them five cards: the three Jacks, and the Queen and King of Clubs.
In addition, the Yogis acquired the Queen of Diamonds, the emotional part of their Instinctive Center, because they had to endure the pain of practicing martial arts and of sitting in Lotus positions.
Thus, the Yogis also got a sixth card; but the problem was, their six cards were in their lower stories, and they did not have an objective exercise that would unify them and bring them into the upper story.
Lastly, were the Monks:
The Monks began to work on their Emotional Center by following the path of obedience. That is, they did what they were told, like scrubbing the temple floor for eight hours; hoping that by working on their Emotional Center, they too would be able to pick up two additional cards: The Queen and the King of Hearts, which would give them five cards: the three Jacks, and the Queen and King of Hearts.
In addition, the Monks picked up the emotional part of their Instinctive Center, the Queen of Diamonds, because they had to endure the pain of scrubbing the temple floor for eight hours. That is, they did not need to use “Wax-On, Wax-Off” techniques, they just needed to block-out the pain and keep on scrubbing.
Thus, the Monks also got a sixth card; but the problem was, their six cards were in their lower stories as well, and they did not have an objective exercise that would unify them and bring them into the upper story.
For those reasons, Gurdjieff called the Monks, “Stupid Saints,” and the Yogis, “Weak Yogis,” because … they were lopsided.
So, the three traditional ways had little chance of ever getting six cards into the upper story. However, every twenty years or so, some Fakir, some Yogi, or some Monk, does awaken, which keeps the illusion alive that their way is a viable way. But, if it was a viable way, every Fakir, Yogi, and Monk would have awakened.
Okay. That is the fate of the Fakirs, the Yogis, and the Monks.
Years later, the Fourth Way came into existence and asked, “What if we build in balance; what if we get two cards in the Instinctive Center, two cards in the Moving Center, and two cards in the Emotional Center? Perhaps, in that way, we can acquire six cards.”
Thus, students of The Fourth Way also found a way of acquiring six cards, but the problem was, their six cards were likewise in their lower stories, and they did not have an objective exercise that would unify them and bring them into the upper story.
However, every so often, someone like Gurdjieff does awaken; but when they do, they do so “subjectively.” And as such, they are unable to show others how to awaken “objectively.”
So, sadly … there were no objective ways.
That is, until I came along, made sense of the third striving, and started showing others how to objectively awaken.
After which, there was an objective way.
At this point, it was not uncommon for someone to ask me, “Russ, will you show me how to awaken?”
If they do, I say, “Sure.”
Firstly, I tell them that we need to take a survey to see if they do have six cards, because if they do, the rest will be easy.
That being said, would you like to take the same survey as them, in order to see if you have six cards?
Student: Indeed I would, Russ, I am ready, let's do it!
Russell: Okay.
Phase four.
As I just said, you need six cards in order to awaken, and fortunately, you already have three: The Jack of Diamonds, the Jack of Clubs, and the Jack of Hearts, because Jacks function automatically.
Yee-Haw, you are halfway there.
Okay, the next card available is the Queen of Diamonds.
The Queen of Diamonds represents your five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.
Do you think you have the Queen of Diamonds? Can you taste bitter, sour, and sweet? Can you tell the difference between a high tone and a low tone? If you can, then you probably have the Queen of Diamonds.
If so, that gives you four cards out of six. Woohoo …!
The next card available is the King of Diamonds.
Gurdjieff said that in order to contact the King of Diamonds, one must be conscious. But, before becoming conscious, one might have some of the 8 and some of the 9, and perhaps a little bit of the 10, but probably not enough to meet the ‘Rule of Two-Thirds,’ and claim the King.
But relax, you still have four cards: the three Jacks, and the Queen of Diamonds.
Now, let’s move into the Clubs.
I already said you have the Jack of Clubs, but do you have the Queen?
The Queen of Clubs gives you the ability to write your name, talk, run, jump, climb, and do a somersault.
Can you do those things? If you can, then you probably have the Queen of Clubs. In fact, it is hard to imagine someone who does not have the Queen of Clubs.
Congratulations, you now have five cards, and as such, are just one card away from awakening.
So close!
The next card available is the King of Clubs.
The King of Clubs represents controlled movement.
Some students say, “I have that.” If they do, I say, “Okay, write your name.” And they write their name. Then I say, “Okay, write your name again, and make it look exactly the same.” However, they cannot.
That is, they cannot do the Macarena, do it again, and duplicate the movements of their first performance. Most folks do not have that kind of control over their Moving Centers. Maybe a brain surgeon might, or a prima ballerina, or perhaps a great artist.
That being said, you probably do not have the King of Clubs either. But do not fret, you still have five cards … and there are more cards to consider.
As such, let’s do the Emotional Center.
We already agreed that you have the Jack of Hearts. So the next card available is the Queen of Hearts.
The Queen of Hearts is the ability to see a world full of meaning; that is, to see love, to see joy, and to see sorrow. For example: if you watch the movie “Lassie Come Home,” and see the struggles that Lassie goes through in her attempt to get back to Timmy and acknowledge the rightness and nobleness of that, and then cheer when Lassie and Timmy finally reconnect; then, you probably have the Queen of Hearts.
What say you? Do you have the Queen of Hearts? If so, then Congratulations!
You have six cards; and as such, I will be able to show you how to awaken!
Okay, let's complete the Emotional Center, even though you do not need any additional cards.
The final card available is the King of Hearts.
The King of Hearts gives a person the ability to conjure up emotions on command, like great stage actors do, who can manifest anger, love, or fear so convincingly, that the audience actually believes them to be infuriated, in love, or afraid.
However, most people cannot do that. They might be able to have a sad thought or remember some emotional moments from life and get a tear. But, if they, or you, were on a stage and the Director yelled, “Cry …” could you cry on cue? Probably not.
But even without the King, you still have six cards; and as such, you will be able to awaken.
That being said, congratulations are, once again, in order, as you have measured up to the line, and have been found tall enough to take the ride.
Okay, there are still two things left to accomplish. One is to unify your Instinctive, Moving, and Emotional centers, and the other is to bring them into the upper story.
Fortunately, The Objective Exercise does them both!
Thus, as of today, with some right information, you are just one exercise away from awakening.
Triple congratulations!
Now all you need to do is to perform The Objective Exercise, which is encapsulated within The Blueprint of Consciousness.
That completes today’s podcast; and, Russell’s promise.
Thank you for listening.
If you have any questions that you would like answered, please send them to [email protected], and we will endeavor to answer them, and perhaps ... even include them in a future podcast.
In addition, you may now pose questions at our new Telegram group THEDOG Teachings, which is open to everyone to join and participate in.
Or if you would like to purchase Russell Smith’s book, The Blueprint of Consciousness, a 520-page hardback, which is also available for PDF download, or learn more about the subjects and exercises we have been exploring, you can do so by going to thedogteachings.com.
That’s T H E D O G teachings DOT COM.
There, you will be able to listen to other talks, obtain diagrams, animations, supporting videos, and much, much more.
But most importantly, you will have real time access to the materials we are discussing.
That’s thedogteachings.com
Goodbye, until next time.