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S6/E70: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Appendix 1 / Part 3 – The Objective Exercise – The Premise 2
Published December 14th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is the final part of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, and the end of this current series, where we published everything in the book except the final two parts of The Objective Exercise, namely the Great Secret and the Great Truth, and The Objective Exercise itself. In this episode we present the remaining part of The Premise. As far as we know, The Objective Exercise is perhaps the only repeatable and objective way to awaken higher centers that currently exists.
The transcript for this podcast can be found on our website, on the podcast episode page here.
Podcast Page Index
S6/E70: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Appendix 1 / Part 3 - The Objective Exercise - The Premise 2
Published December 14th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is the final part of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, and the end of this current series, where we published everything in the book except the final two parts of The Objective Exercise, namely the Great Secret and the Great Truth, and The Objective Exercise itself. In this episode we present the remaining part of The Premise. As far as we know, The Objective Exercise is perhaps the only repeatable and objective way to awaken higher centers that currently exists.
S6/E69: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Appendix 1 / Part 2 - The Objective Exercise - The Premise 1
Published December 7th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 2 of Appendix 1 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we continue to present The Objective Exercise in awakening, with the first part of The Premise. As far as we know, this exercise is perhaps the only reliable and objective way to awaken higher centers that currently exists.
S6/E68: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Appendix 1 / Part 1 - The Objective Exercise - Preliminary Explanation
Published November 30th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 1 of Appendix 1 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we begin to describe The Objective Exercise in awakening, starting with the Preliminary Discussion. As far as we know, this exercise is perhaps the only reliable and objective way to awaken higher centers that currently exists.
S6/E67: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 9 - Special Bonus Material Part 3
Published November 23rd, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 9 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we look at how an Enneagram actually works, describing an event in rhyme and time, and walking through two examples of the Enneagram at work.
S6/E66: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 8 - Special Bonus Material Part 2
Published November 16th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 8 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we look more deeply at all the Lines of Supervision within an Enneagram, with a poem and an explanation of every line.
S6/E65: Russell A. Smith - 1949 to 2023
Published November 9th, 2023
This podcast is a deviation from our usual episodes, and is a solemn and special one. It is with heavy hearts that we inform you this week of the loss of Russell A. Smith, founder and teacher of THEDOG school.
On Monday 6th November, at 2:03pm [Central Standard Time], in the Solar System Ors, on the Planet Earth, one of the brightest suns ever created of all of the Galaxy and the Universe as a whole, flickered its last light upon the earth and is no longer a part of this physical existence.
S6/E64: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 7 - Special Bonus Material Part 1
Published November 2nd, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 7 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we include some special bonus material, with octave worksheets of notes that share vibrations with other octaves, we describe formulas for calculating these easily, and we begin to look at the Lines of Supervision within an Enneagram.
S6/E63: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 6 - A Law-Conformable Schematic for Awakening Higher Centers Part 3
Published October 26th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 6 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we narrate part 3 of 3 of the presentation given to the All & Everything Conference, held in England, in 1997, by Russell A. Smith, describing the inner world of man, how men fell asleep, how the three traditional ways came into existence to wake men back up, and how this can be accomplished.
S6/E62: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 5 - A Law-Conformable Schematic for Awakening Higher Centers Part 2
Published October 19th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 5 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we narrate part 2 of 3 of the presentation given to the All & Everything Conference, held in England, in 1997, by Russell A. Smith, describing the inner world of man, how men fell asleep, how the three traditional ways came into existence to wake men back up, and how this can be accomplished.
S6/E61: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 4 - A Law-Conformable Schematic for Awakening Higher Centers Part 1
Published October 12th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 4 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we narrate part 1 of 3 of the presentation given to the All & Everything Conference, held in England, in 1997, by Russell A. Smith, describing the inner world of man, how men fell asleep, how the three traditional ways came into existence to wake men back up, and how this can be accomplished.
S6/60: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 3 - Beelzebub’s Last Wish Chapters 2 and 3
Published October 5th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 3 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we read part 1 of Chapter 1 of the objective sequel to Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, written by Russell A. Smith, and entitled Beelzebub’s Last Wish.
S6/59: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 1 - Beelzebub’s Last Wish Chapter 1 Part 2
Published September 28th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 2 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we read part 1 of Chapter 1 of the objective sequel to Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, written by Russell A. Smith, and entitled Beelzebub’s Last Wish.
S6/58: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Conclusion / Part 1 - Beelzebub’s Last Wish Chapter 1 Part 1
Published September 21st, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 1 of the conclusion of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we read part 1 of Chapter 1 of the objective sequel to Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, written by Russell A. Smith, and entitled Beelzebub’s Last Wish.
S6/57: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 12 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published September 14th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 12 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we conclude the teaching of Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets, further examining the “Ray of Creation” diagram, discussing why some postulations on astral and mental matter, and dark matter and dark energy did not make it into the book, and beginning a journey beyond-beyond, dissecting the octave of the universe into its smaller components and structure.
The transcript for this podcast can be found on our website, on the podcast episode page here.
S6/56: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 11 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published September 7th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 11 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we return to the diagram of the Universal Cosmic Weave, which Russell modified to take into account the teachings of Gurdjieff, Bennett, and Ouspensky, calling it “The Ray of Creation,” explaining fundamental completing processes, similarities to the already arisen, and essence classes.
S6/55: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 10 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published August 31st, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 10 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we explore the function and meaning of Gurdjieff’s three particularities of the Harnel-Aoot, relating them to supernovas, suns and black holes. We finish by understanding why the first outer cycle of the Universe stopped, beginning the process of evolution and involution in the Universe.
S6/54: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 9 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published August 24th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 9 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we further examine Sevenfoldness and the unique characteristics of each note, applying these to the world of spiders and fish. We then begin to understand the meaning of Gurdjieff’s three particularities of the Harnel-Aoot.
S6/53: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 8 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published August 17th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 8 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we examine Sevenfoldness, and prove Gurdjieff’s assertion that there is an octave in every stopinder, and we look at the unique characteristics of each note, applying these to the world of plants.
S6/52: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 7 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published August 10th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 7 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we explore the octave of Organic Life and find man’s place within it, discover the cards within the Unknown Scale, and see how the deck or Tarot cards was used to study the world of Man.
S6/51: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 6 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published August 3rd, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 6 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we further examine the nature of chords within an octave, look at the sequence of outer octave notes, and how Knowledge and Being interact and evolve within the Universe. We end by looking at the octaves of Spiritual and Physical matter, where their coincident parts make life.
S6/50: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 5 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published July 27th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 5 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we further look at the FA-LA-DO-MI-SO-TI-RE outer octave sequence, and discover how every note on a piano is also every other note. And we explain how the definition of the Law of Seven “The-line-of-the-flow-of-forces-constantly-deflecting-according-to-law-and-
uniting-again-at-its-ends,” can now be understood.
S6/49: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 4 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published July 20th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 4 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we further examine the “obligatory-gap-aspect-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole,” discovering how three oscillations in an octave connect to specific centers, creating two gaps and a Harnel-Aoot, and defines man as a three-story factory. We end by examining a specific sequence of notes that shows how a note in an octave becomes every other note.
S6/48: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 3 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published July 13th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 3 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we look at the “obligatory-gap-aspect-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole,” and examine the effects on our lives of our own, parental and ancestral major oscillations, leading us to choose our own path and navigate a mid-life crisis, as told through the story of a little American Indian boy.
S6/47: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 2 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published July 6th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 2 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we resolve the question as to why two “obligatory-gap-aspects” exist, count how many octaves share a specific vibration, and look at all octaves affecting the octaves of a tree's life, and yours.
S6/46: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 7 / Part 1 - Traversing Suspended Continuity
Published June 29th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 1 of Chapter 7 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we recapitulate on all the previous six chapters, and begin to look at an octave and the outer octaves that share a common vibration with it.
S6/45: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 9 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published June 15th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 9 and the final part of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we finish explaining how the Periodic Table of Elements is created from the four families of octaves, we show precisely what Gurdjieff meant by his Inner Ansapalnian Octave, and describe new, at the time, undiscovered elements, which were predicted by this model.
S6/44: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 8 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published June 15th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 8 of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we describe smaller scale inner Universal Cosmic Weaves, the Cosmic Soup, Big Bangs, and Family Connections, and begin to explain how the Periodic Table of Elements is created from the four families of octaves.
S6/43: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 7 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published June 8th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 7 of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we discover how the the creation of nineteen outer octaves is the true reason behind the order of filling of an atom’s orbitals, how the order of octave creation maps exactly to Galileo’s Law of Falling Bodies, and begin to examine “similarities to the already arisen.”
S6/42: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 6 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published June 1st, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 6 of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we continue to examine the diatonic structure of the universe, showing four families of octaves that are created, which map to musical chords, and also to the filling of an atom’s electron shell!
S6/41: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 5 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published May 25th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 5 of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we look at examples of the Fibonacci series in nature, explore the boundaries of creation, delve into the creation of worlds and progression of forces, and begin to examine the diatonic structure of the universe.
S6/40: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 4 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published May 25th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 4 of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we further discuss Pascal’s Triangle, and work through practical exercises showing how it is created. This then leads us to the Fibonacci series, the Fibonacci pattern and the Fibonacci spiral.
S6/39: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 3 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published May 11th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 3 of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we examine The Universal Cosmic Weave, explain the symbol of the Eternal Unchanging, and see how the diatonic structure of the universe creates Pascal’s Triangle.
S6/38: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 2 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published May 4th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 2 of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we show, using Gurdjieff’s symbology as a basis, how creation began from forces emanating from the Holy Sun Absolute into the Universe. We end with a reading of one of Gurdjieff’s masterful dissertations.
S6/37: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 6 / Part 1 - The Universal Cosmic Weave
Published April 27th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 1 of Chapter 6 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we examine Gurdjieff’s “Diagram of Everything Living,” and decipher two important clues as to how the Universe may have begun, explaining why the Absolute had to separate the three forces to create a support system for the Holy Sun Absolute.
S6/36: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 5 - Part 6 - The Way Up Was The Way Down
Published April 20th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 6 and the final part of Chapter 5 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we explain what the real Enneagram is, as codified by Gurdjieff, showing how the Symbolic Enneagram becomes the Diatonic Enneagram, ultimately representing both the way down and the way back up. We introduce the Enneagram’s inherent Lines of Supervision, and end this chapter with a description of the Three-Story Diagram.
S6/35: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 5 - Part 5 - The Way Up Was The Way Down
Published April 13th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 5 of Chapter 5 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we elaborate on the process of Harnel-Miaznel, introduce and describe the Mathematical Food Diagram, and map Ouspensky’s “The Diagram of Nutrition '' with the actual mathematics of three octaves.
S6/34: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 5 - Part 4 - The Way Up Was The Way Down
Published March 30th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 4 of Chapter 5 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we describe how everything in Nature automatically descends, and how, by giving up the higher position, we attain the possibility of intentional ascension. We end this episode with Gurdjieff’s masterful dissertation on The Diagram of Nutrition.
S6/33: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 5 - Part 3 - The Way Up Was The Way Down
Published March 30th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 3 of Chapter 5 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we show with precision and clarity how three forces, three octaves, create a configuration that actually form Ribosomal RNA, and how the inherent octave vibrations match exactly with the number of proteins within the RNA subulate or subunits.
S6/32: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 5 - Part 2 - The Way Up Was The Way Down
Published March 23rd, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 2 of Chapter 5 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we describe the journey of an ascending octave, and show the forces that can stop it, and the forces that can assist it. We also explain why there are no shock octaves, or descending forces.
S6/31: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 5 - Part 1 - The Way Up Was The Way Down
Published March 16th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 1 of Chapter 5 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we begin to define the fabric of the Universe that unfolds beyond the conceptual ‘single octave’s inner structure’ we have been exploring, and begin the study of outer octaves.
S6/31: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 5 - Part 1 - The Way Up Was The Way Down
Published March 16th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 1 of Chapter 5 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we begin to define the fabric of the Universe that unfolds beyond the conceptual ‘single octave’s inner structure’ we have been exploring, and begin the study of outer octaves.
S6/30: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 4 - Part 5 - Caught in the Cosmic Loop
Published March 9th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 5 and the final part of Chapter 4 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we show precisely how the harmonic mathematics of oscillations within an octave not only creates the stable building blocks of life, but also defines the fabric of the origins of life itself, producing RNA and ultimately DNA.
S6/E29: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 4 - Part 4 - Caught in the Cosmic Loop
Published March 2nd, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 4 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we show how the harmonically stable oscillations in an octave may actually form the tRNA molecules that help to create life, and how the mathematical symmetry inherent within an octave ensures perfect replication.
S6/E28: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 4 - Part 3 - Caught in the Cosmic Loop
Published February 23rd, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the bookfor that).
This podcast is part 3 of Chapter 4 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we take a deeper look into oscillations, namely the Major oscillation and Minor oscillation, and the Duality, and learn how two things can live in harmony within an octave, contributing to the cosmic dance of life.
S6/E27: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 4 - Part 2 - Caught in the Cosmic Loop
Published February 16th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 2 of Chapter 4 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we look at how a diatonic octave’s inner structure maps to the inner structure of atoms, of protons, neutrons and quarks, and how the inner oscillations of an octave help nature to keep everything in harmonic stability.
S6/E26: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 4 - Part 1 - Caught in the Cosmic Loop
Published February 9th, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 1 of Chapter 4 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we recapitulate the previous three chapters, discuss the four fundamental points in more detail, examine the mathematics of the duality of two oscillating DO’s, their ranges of existence, and the implications within the universe.
S6/E25: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 10 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published February 2nd, 2023
We are publishing the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook, excluding the Objective Exercise (you will need to purchase the book for that).
This podcast is part 10, and the final part of Chapter 3 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we finish our discussion on the cards and our centers, explaining what the shepherds and kings may represent at the virgin birth, and we finish chapter 3, now that you are qualified to awaken, by introducing the THEDOG Training exercises needed to help awaken. We end by discussing the five states of “I,” and list all exercises to date.
S6/E24: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 9 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published January 26th, 2023
S6/E23: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 8 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published January 19th, 2023
S6/E22: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 7 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published January 12th, 2023
The transcript for this podcast can be found on our website, on the podcast episode page here.
S6/E21: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 6 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published January 5th, 2023
S6/E20: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 5 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published December 29th, 2022
S6/E19: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 4 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published December 22nd, 2022
We are now going to publish the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook!!
This podcast is part 4of Chapter 3 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. In this episode we continue to describe what a “Thing” is, using the example of a bike, auto and plane within the transportation system, describing what is before it and beyond it, what its parts are, and what it is a part of. We examine what happened to the note Ti, and discuss Gurdjieff’s completing process.
S6/E18: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 3 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published December 15th, 2022
We are now going to publish the entire seven chapters of The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook!!
This podcast is part 3 of Chapter 3. It describes the structure of thirteen octaves in three scales that underlie all of creation, and we examine what a “thing” is, what is before it, what is beyond it, what its parts are, and what it is a part of.
S6/E17: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 2 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published December 8th, 2022
We have made available the first two chapters of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. Due to its popularity we will now offer you chapter 3. This podcast is part 2, and examines the fate of the notes and vibrations in three scales of octaves, effectively describing the fundamental structure of reality.
S6/E16: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 3 - Part 1 - Infrastructural Cognizance
Published December 1st, 2022
We have just made available the first two chapters of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. It has been so well received, that we would like to offer you the first two parts of chapter 3. This podcastlooks at Gurdjieff’s Ray of Creation, with the four fundamental points, and examines the fate of vibrations. All related diagrams and remaining material can be found in our book The Blueprint of Consciousness, available in hardback or PDF from our website,
S6/E15: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 2 / Part 8 - The Uncreation of the Universe
Published November 24th, 2022
Due to popular request, we have made available the first two chapters of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. This podcast is part 8, and the final part of Chapter 2, The Uncreation of the Universe. In this part we see how God’s grace is represented in the Universe, an example of being pulled to completion, and changing something that was nine, the symbolic Enneagram, into seven, the diatonic Enneagram.
S6/E14: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 2 / Part 7 - The Uncreation of the Universe
Published November 17th, 2022
Due to popular request, we have made available the first two chapters of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. This podcast is part 7 of Chapter 2, The Uncreation of the Universe, and in this part we look into the detail of how the symbolic Enneagram became the diatonic Enneagram, how creation began, how much something moved becomes what it is, and why the Universe was created.
S6/E13: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 2 / Part 6 - The Uncreation of the Universe
Published November 10th, 2022
Due to popular request, we have made available the first two chapters of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness. This podcast is part 6 of Chapter 2, The Uncreation of the Universe, and in this part we decipher some ancient knowledge, look at the mathematics of the Enneagram, and examine the Law of Seven before and after it was changed from even sevenths to Diatonic.
Published November 3rd, 2022
In response to the positive feedback we received from the publication of Chapter 1 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, we are now releasing the whole of Chapter 2, The Uncreation of the Universe. This is part 5, and examines Gurdjieff’s Symbolic Enneagram, an example of the Enneagram of the Justice System, the changing of the Law of Seven, and the merging of the Laws of Three and Seven within a Diatonic Universe.
S6/E11: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 2 / Part 4 - The Uncreation of the Universe
Published October 27th, 2022
We have recently published the first chapter of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, in a five part series. Due to its popularity, we are releasing the whole of Chapter 2 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, The Uncreation of the Universe. This is part 4, and describes the creation of suns, the creation of neutron stars, how all the elements in our universe get created, and perhaps why Our Endlessness needed to create this Megalocosmos.
S6/E10: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 2 / Part 3 - The Uncreation of the Universe
Published October 20th, 2022
We have recently published the first chapter of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, in a five part series.
Due to popularity, we have decided to release the whole of Chapter 2 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, The Uncreation of the Universe. This is part 3. We hope you find it useful.
S6/E09: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 2 / Part 2 - The Uncreation of the Universe
Published October 13th, 2022
We have recently published the first chapter of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, in a five part series. Last week, as a special bonus we gave to you the first part of Chapter Two, The Uncreation of the Universe, where we describe the changing of the Law of Three, and show how there are no such things as denying forces in our universe. We had such a good response from this, that we will offer part two this week as a bonus bonus.
S6/E08: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 2 / Part 1 - The Uncreation of the Universe
Published October 6th, 2022
We have recently published the first chapter of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, in a five part series. Today, as a special bonus we give to you the first part of Chapter Two, The Uncreation of the Universe, where we describe the changing of the Law of Three, and show how there are no such things as denying forces in our universe.
S6/E07: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 1 / Part 5 - According To Law
Published September 29th, 2022
In today’s podcast we present the final part of Chapter 1 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, According To Law. This chapter is in a five part series.
S6/E06: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 1 / Part 4 - According To Law
Published September 22nd, 2022
In today’s podcast we present part four of Chapter 1 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, According To Law. This chapter is in a five part series.
S6/E05: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 1 / Part 3 - According To Law
Published September 15th, 2022
In today’s podcast we present part three of Chapter 1 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, According To Law. This chapter is in a five part series.
Unfortunately, due to a release error, this podcast is actually the second part of the series of five episodes, and last week, we released part three. Once the whole five episodes are released, we will correct the sequence.
S6/E04: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 1 / Part 2 - According To Law
Published September 8th, 2022
In today’s podcast we present part two of Chapter 1 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, According To Law. This chapter is in a five part series.
S6/E03: The Blueprint of Consciousness Audiobook Chapter 1 / Part 1 - According To Law
Published September 1st, 2022
In today’s podcast we present part one of Chapter 1 of the audiobook of The Blueprint of Consciousness, According To Law. This chapter is in a five part series.
S6/E02: THEDOG Teachings Explained Part 2 - Purpose and History
Published August 25th, 2022
This is part 2 of a 2 part podcast, and in this final part we describe the history and background of THEDOG, and the reason we created THEDOG Teachings, what it offers, and what this objective way can specifically do for you. As a bonus we give you within the podcast a 10% discount code for the books and audio guide for the remainder of August 2022.
S6/E01: THEDOG Teachings Explained Part 1 - Consciousness and Attention
Published August 18th, 2022
This is part 1 of a 2 part podcast, and in this first part we will start by going back to basics, and discussing the nature of consciousness, attention, our states of “I,” what sleep is, and how we can become free. In the second part we will describe the history and background of THEDOG, and the reason we created THEDOG Teachings, what it offers, and what this objective way can specifically do for you. As a bonus we provide a 10% discount code for you for the books and audio guide for the remainder of August 2022.
S5/E17: I Am Mai - Part 2 of 2
Published August 11th, 2022
S5/E16: I Am Mai - Part 1 of 2
Published August 4th, 2022
S5/E15: An Objective Way to Higher Consciousness
Published July 28th, 2022
S5/E14: Revivifying Consciousness - Part 2
Published July 21st, 2022
S5/E13: Revivifying Consciousness
Published July 14th, 2022
S5/E12: How to be a Conscious Remarkable Man
Published July 7th, 2022
S5/E11: Consciousness of the Sacred Martfotai
Published June 30th, 2022
In this podcast we share with you a conversation between Russell and one of his students about memory work, Pentads, the Kesdjan Body, learning in our youth, a secret to raising smart children, as well as how to become a sacred ‘Martfotai.’
S5/E10: The Spectacular Results of Consciousness
Published June 23rd, 2022
In this podcast we share with you a telephone conversation between Russell and one of his students who attained consciousness just two weeks prior, wherein she not only reports her spectacular results, but also reflects on how the Aphorisms are beginning to define her life. Whereafter, Russell explains how understanding eliminates questions, the value of memorizing by posture, the benefits of finding an objective way to awaken, as well as the pitfalls of not.
S5/E09: The Fourth Way - Our Genetic Destiny
Published June 16th, 2022
In this podcast we we share with you a weekly phone call between Russell and one of his students, wherein the student shares some Aphorisms, explores why we are driven to work on our self, which prompts Russell to explain our genetic destiny and the part that reason plays in it, as well as, the various fates of the Universe, the mathematics of the Pythagorean ratios, the Harmonic stability that is found in a Slinky, and why the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed.
S5/E08: Gurdjieff & I: An Anode to Awakening
Published June 9th, 2022
S5/E07: Gurdjieff & I: An Objective Way to Awaken - Part 2
Published June 2nd, 2022
S5/E06: Gurdjieff & I: An Objective Way to Awaken
Published May 26th, 2022
S5/E05: The Red Pill vs The Blue Pill
Published May 19th, 2022
S5/E04: Right Questions Deserve Right Answers
Published May 12th, 2022
S5/E03: A Path to Awakening Placed in a Book
Published May 5th, 2022
S5/E02: Sojourns to Consciousness
Published April 28th, 2022
S5/E01: Awakening the Higher Emotional Center
Published April 21st, 2022
Published April 14th, 2022
S4/E41: The Results of Gurdjieff’s Work
Published April 7th, 2022
S4/E40: Is Gurdjieff’s way the only way?
Published March 31st, 2022
S4/E39: Deciphering Gurdjieff’s Enigma
Published March 24th, 2022
S4/E38: Gurdjieff’s path towards reaching the Higher
Published March 17th, 2022
S4/E37: To Gurdjieff, who opened the door. And to us, who can now walk through it.
Published March 10th, 2022
S4/E36: Gurdjieff: More than just an Idea!
Published March 3rd, 2022
For almost a year, Russell had been going to Arizona to work with a group of Fourth Way students, and often stayed with the Doctor in question, and as such, the Doctor quickly took interest in Russell’s teachings, so much so that he began calling Russell every week, in order to learn more. Here is the call he made to Russell one week before coming to Texas.
S4/E35: Achieving Enlightenment, from Hydrogen to Higher Centers
Published February 24th, 2022
It has been described by many as the crowning achievement of creation, as it shows each and every one of us how to reach our potential.
S4/E34: Gurdjieff: Awaking the Higher
Published February 17th, 2022
In this podcast we narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students, about dreams, the Chi exercise, Enneagrams, coming from dust, the definition of time, joining chaos with unity, and the need-to-be-needed.
S4/E33: At the Cusp of Enlightenment
Published February 10th, 2022
In this podcast we narrate a ZOOM conversation between Russell and a recent purchaser of The Blueprint of Consciousness, who after reading it, awoke. He then organized a ZOOM call with Russell, in order to both thank him, as well as to ask him about the infallibility of the journey.
S4/E32: Talks with the Higher
Published February 3rd, 2022
In this podcast we narrate a telephone conversation recorded on June 18th 1997. It is from a fellow in Oregon who met Russell earlier that year at the second All and Everything conference held in England. The gentleman in question was one of the first folks to come and study with Russell after Russell announced at the conference that he would show the attendees how to awaken. It begins with the difficulties the student encountered on Father’s Day. Then, after asking Russell how the other attendees who also came to Texas were doing, Russell not only informed him of their progress, but also shared with him some of their remarkable higher feedback moments.
S4/E31: Just Eight Days and Counting
Published January 27th, 2022
In this podcast we will share with you conversations between Russell and two of his students. One of which has completed the objective journey, and the other of which is just about to.
S4/E30: Written in the Stars
Published January 20th, 2022
In this podcast we will share with you a weekly class between Russell and several of his students, about the Hands in Motion exercise, what is Protoëhary and Ashagiprotoëhary, how to escape the Holy Planet Purgatory, the conservation of Mass and Energy, as well as the saga of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
S4/E29: 40 Years of Glorious Days
Published January 13th, 2022
In this podcast Russell will explain Gurdjieff’s model of creation as it relates to our development, how to create a common center of gravity, why working on oneself may cause someone to remember themselves not more but less, the exercise of not speaking for three days, as well as sharing additional information about our higher centers.
S4/E28: The Saga of the Centers
Published January 6th, 2022
In this podcast we will share with you something that is quite different from Russell’s usual podcasts. It is a story that unfolds over many decades concerning teachings given to a group of Doctors in Arizona about the development of our lower and higher centers, their functions, as well as our responsibility to them.
S4/E27: Reaching Higher Reason
Published December 30th, 2021
In this podcastwe narrate a dialog between Russell and several of his students. Wherein Russell answers questions about genetics, about personality disorders, about planetary influences, about the Laws of Accident, Fate, Will, and Cause and Effect, as well as delineates two moments of Higher Insight that were shared with him by two of his students.
S4/E26: One Man’s Journey to Enlightenment
Published December 23rd, 2021
In this podcast we narrate a dialog between Russell and a potential student, wherein Russell answers his questions - about the Food Diagram, about being-Partkdolg-duty, and about the diatonic nature of the Universe - so thoroughly, that the potential student immediately calls the airport in order to begin his journey to enlightenment.
S4/E25: How to Awaken, in a Nutshell
Published December 16th, 2021
In this podcast we narrate a dialog between Russell and one of his students, wherein Russell keeps his promise and explains to the student “How to Awaken in a Nutshell.”
S4/E24: Creation in a Nutshell
Published December 9th, 2021
In this podcastwe narrate a dialog between Russell and two of his students, concerning staying on an even keel, the benefits of not expressing negative emotions, active reasoning, as well as, counseling a student on the properties of creation, how to escape a black hole, the matrix of outer forces, and the altering of the Law of Seven.
S4/E23: Playing with a Full Deck
Published December 2nd, 2021
S4/E22: Stepping into the Light
Published November 25th, 2021
S4/E21: The Amazing Results of Unification
Published November 18th, 2021
S4/E20: Wiping Out Remorse of Conscience
Published November 11th, 2021
S4/E19: Fifteen Minutes Closer to Heaven
Published November 4th, 2021
S4/E18: The Many Facets of Our Inner World
Published October 28th, 2021
S4/E17: Ideally-Unique-Objective-Phenomena
Published October 21st, 2021
Published October 14th, 2021
S4/E15: The 51% Solution
Published October 7th, 2021
S4/E14: A Meeting of Remarkable Men - Part Two - with a song
Published September 30th, 2021
S4/E13: A Meeting of Remarkable Men - Part One
Published September 23rd, 2021
Continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, in this podcast we will narrate the first half of a dialogue between Russell and five of his students, which took place in a recent Zoom call, wherein each student reported their understanding about some facet of the work.
It includes the Three-Fold Attention exercise, creating reminding factors, the DOGTALE “Understanding trumps Knowledge,” the Five Obligolnian Strivings, assisting octaves, and sleep.
S4/E12: The Emotional Center vs Formatory Apparatus
Published September 16th, 2021
Continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, in this podcast we will narrate a dialogue between Russell and one of his students about the Emotional Center and its proper function with the Formatory Apparatus.
S4/E11: The Blueprint of Consciousness - Introduction
Published September 9th, 2021
In this podcast we will give you a taste of the contents of The Blueprint of Consciousness, an Accelerated Path to Awakening by Russell A. Smith. We will share with you the audio version of the Introduction to this amazing book, which in all reality is more than just a book, it is a complete journey to enlightenment and personal liberation, one where a guru, teacher or individual guide is no longer required, and where it is now fully in the hands of you, the reader. People can do remarkable things if they have remarkable things to do. So, let’s get remarkable.
S4/E10: All Things Must Pass
Published September 2nd, 2021
I am taking this week off, as my wife and I just lost someone quite dear to our hearts, and are engaged in rejoicing that she was in our lives. So, this week we will recount a commentary and some higher feedback, from Gary, a student of THEDOG, of his view of the The Blueprint of Consciousness, how the teachings came about, and what the objective exercise to awaken signifies; and, we will finish by recanting material from a very popular podcast, Season 3 Episode 39 called “The Most Critical Factors in Awakening”.
Published July 15th, 2021
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, in this podcast we will narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students, including an update on the student who was suffering from depression in last week’s podcast, becoming the middle, Smittyisms, prayer, objective answers, will, liars and thieves, correct actions, the Fourth Striving, what role does the Intellectual Center play, and the functioning of all seven stopinders.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, in this podcast we will narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students concerning start and stop octaves, placing the three bodies on a food diagram, and why grass is not green, as well as, question the actions of a student teacher; and, help a student better understand depression.
Published July 1st, 2021
In this episode, continuing our talks about the Work, Russell will introduce his new book, The Blueprint of Consciousness, and share with you how it came into existence, as well as share testimonials from others about their journey.
In today’s podcast, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and two of his students, In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and one of his students, who reports on the success of his work, and then asks questions regarding what is the difference between intelligence and reason, The DO to TI enneagram line, the density of impressions, the quality of emotions, applying shocks, communicating with the Horse, oscillations, and providing customized teaching.
In this podcast episode, we will share with you the most critical factors in awakening, Gurdjieff’s “Toast of the Idiots,” as described by J. G. Bennett in his book, Making A New World, Russell’s explanation of those Idiots, a student’s description of her life and subsequent appreciation for awakening, and Russell’s teachings concerning the Three Bodies Diagram.
In today’s podcast, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and two of his students, who asked him to explain how he found a way of awakening people, while other teachers had not.
In this episode, we shall offer you something special. It was written in 2006, by Russell's wife Pamela, in response to a student who asked her about Purgatory.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students, covering topics such as: does a soul need food, the three essences, is there a heaven, do higher bodies exist, having a big enough reason, and manifesting from truth.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students, covering topics such as: different work language, chemico-physical and associative influences, walking the path to enlightenment with no control, are teachers necessary, the Jimmy Hendrix story, and the Two Squiggles Diagram.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students, covering topics such as: to know all, sacrificing suffering, Fears -- identification, man cannot do, measured existence, false emotions, the second striving, and affixing the wrong labels.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students, covering topics such as: The Three-Story Diagram, liking what it does not like, not letting the outside get on the inside, intelligence versus reason, and creating reminding factors.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students, covering topics such as: how can we know others, the fear of enlightenment, sleeping little without regret, impartiality, the Lines of Supervision in an Enneagram, and the role of meaning.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a continuing dialogue between Russell and several of his students, covering topics such as the placebo effect, homeopathy, priest’s magnetism, A, B, and C influences, how to memorize something, the parable of the Talents, and the formation of time measurements.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we will narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, during a video conference call; covering topics such as being humble, personality vs magnetic center, manifestations of man #1, man #2, man #3, and man # 4, a classroom that has no teacher, and lopsided development, as well as by request, a marvelous recantation of Mr. Smith’s story of the little American Indian boy.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between Russell and several of his students, covering topics such as the Choot-God-Litanical period, creating a permanent observer, purging inexactitudes, what triads are, and internal and external considering.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers. we follow on from last week’s podcast, where Russell was talking to his students about how to deal with a sleeping world, completing a task, creating and maintaining a purpose. In this podcast we include the topics such as stopping yourself, occupying the place, the Ray of Creation, the Objective Walking exercise, and more on the purpose of our existence.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a conversation between Russell and students at his school, covering topics on how to deal with a sleeping world, completing a task, will, creating and maintaining a purpose, working through resistance, imagining yourself conscious, the Enneagram, the Three-Fold Attention exercise, becoming a 30, and identification, as well as some quotes from Gurdjieff’s writings and Russell’s responses.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we continue a conversation between Russell and a student, saying more about the objective prayer exercise, as well as address other topics like self-deception, becoming a 30, the dangers of chaining non-magnetic center moments, having a target, Winston Churchill, and being emotional without becoming identified.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between a student and Russell on topics such as threefold attention exercise, emotions, speeds of centers, push & pause, the hands in motion, and the objective prayer exercises.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a response from Russell to a student concerning typical Fourth Way Schools, that is, Pseudo-Schools.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between a student and Russell on topics such as working with the horse, self-observation, center of gravity, enthusiasm, level of being, Law of 3, Harnel-miaznel, the moon, lying still for one hour, and the Enneagram.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between a student and Russell on Deputy Steward, efforts, Time-Body, sexual center, speeds of centers, parabolic/symbolic language, what is a school, and the food diagram.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between a student and Russell on exercises, keystone cops, enneagram, contemplating, top down, resistance and Objective Laughing.
In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between students and Russell on being intentional, erasing accounts, unifying ourselves, the OM exercise, denying the denying force, taking the blame, lying still for an hour, breathing while eating and kundalini and kundabuffer.
In this episode, we continue to narrate question and answer dialogues with Russell A. Smith. We discuss the astral body, atmospheres, affirmation, the nature In this episode, continuing our talks on Work questions and answers, we narrate a dialogue between students and Russell on imagining yourself conscious and giving right efforts.
In this episode, we continue to narrate question and answer dialogues with Russell A. Smith. We discuss the astral body, atmospheres, affirmation, the nature of things, internal considering, nothingness, a center of gravity, arrogance, and making one thing your God, and Hasnamusses.
In this episode, we continue to narrate question and answer dialogues with Russell A. Smith. We discuss imagination, active reason, the stop exercise, new knowledge, the 8-10-12 ratios, movements, rhythm, chords, rules and laws and conscious faith.
In this episode, we continue to narrate question and answer dialogues with Russell A. Smith. We discuss emotions, revolving thoughts, suffering, the soul, magnetic center, our four bodies, and even the stock market.
In this episode, we continue to narrate question and answer dialogues with Russell A. Smith. We discuss higher and lower centers, the formatory apparatus, mapping of cards to centers, ways to awaken, accumulators, the Objective Exercise, and how belief structures affect our world.
In this episode, we continue to narrate question and answer dialogues with Russell A. Smith. We address the topics of oneness, dreaming and imagination, the mind and brain, attention, suffering, how to deal with negativity in people and the world, and what Gurdjieff’s Hasnamuss means.
In this episode, we continue to narrate question and answer dialogues with Russell A. Smith. The topics covered are on a student seeking knowledge in order to become a qualified teacher of Russell’s work, why teachers and schools are needed, suffering, planetary influences, and the four laws of fate, accident, cause and effect, and will .
In this episode, we narrate a question and answer dialogue, for questions posed to Russell A. Smith. The topics covered are on our ability to do, how we can self-remember, exercises, and the inner and outer languages of mankind, and how they inter-communicate.
In this episode, we walk through all 48 of Russell A. Smith's aphorisms from THEDOG school, called appropriately, DOGTALES. These are complementary to the 38 original Gurdjieff aphorisms, and seeks to expand upon them, to aid development of knowledge and being.
In this episode, we walk through all 38 of G. I. Gurdjieff's Aphorisms, giving our interpretation of what they may mean, with examples from real life, and with complementary quotes. The next podcast address all 48 of R. A. Smith's DOGTALES, aphorisms from THEDOG school.
In this episode of our third series, we present two lectures, from P. D. Ouspensky's book, Conscience. The first lecture is Notes on Decision to Work, and the second is Notes on Work on Oneself. Discussions on the preparation, aims, means, energy, and control for undertaking personal transformation.
In this episode of our third series, we present part five, and the final part of P. D. Ouspensky's book, The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, which contains the Fifth Lecture. This work, first written in 1934, and published posthumously in New York in 1950, is now out of copyright. In this lecture the following is discussed: knowledge and Being, types of man, differences in Being and understanding, circles of humanity, need for common language, observing attention, and the three parts of three centers.
In this episode of our third series, we present part four of P. D. Ouspensky's book, The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, which contains the Fourth Lecture. This work, first written in 1934, and published posthumously in New York in 1950, is now out of copyright. In this lecture the following is discussed: diagram of centers, relative speeds of centers, differences in subjective time, positive and negative parts of centers, identification and imagination, self-remembering, how we do not remember ourselves, and what we can do about it.
S3/E06: The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution - Third Lecture
In this episode of our third series, we present part three of P. D. Ouspensky's book, The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, which contains the Third Lecture. This work, first written in 1934, and published posthumously in New York in 1950, is now out of copyright. In this lecture the following is discussed: the concept of man as a machine, breathwork, centers, influences, self-observation and the three lines of work.
In this episode of our third series, we present part two of P. D. Ouspensky's book, The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, which contains the Second Lecture. A great work, first written in 1934, and published posthumously in New York in 1950, now out of copyright. In this lecture, more detail about the four different states of consciousness is covered, and it addresses schools, lying, essence and personality.
In this episode of our third series, we present the part one of P. D. Ouspensky's book, The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, which contains the Introduction and the First Lecture. A great work, first written in 1934, and published posthumously in New York in 1950, now out of copyright, which explains that practically never in history has psychology stood at so low a level as at the present time. It has lost all touch with its origin and its meaning so that now it is even difficult to define the term psychology: that is, to say what psychology is and what it studies. And this is so in spite of the fact that never in history have there been so many psychological theories and so many psychological writings. Psychology is sometimes called a new science. This is quite wrong. Psychology is, perhaps, the oldest science, and, unfortunately, in its most essential features a forgotten science. This book contains as much truth today as it did then.
In this episode of our third series, we recreate the presentation given to the All & Everything Conference, held in England, UK, in 1997, by Russell A. Smith. It explains how humanity fell asleep, describes how the standard deck of cards maps to a human being's inner world, and explains how one may again re-awaken to our higher centers. It is followed by a question and answer session.
In this new third series, we give you the final part of a two part story based upon Gurdjieff's masterpiece, All and Everything, a book also know as Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson. In this episode, we tell a story about what happens to Hassein after the ending of Gurdjieff’s book All and Everything, and how he could make his return to the planet Earth after his grandfather's death.
In this new third series, we give you part one of a two part story based upon Gurdjieff’s masterpiece, All and Everything, a book also know as Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson. In this episode, we tell a story about what happens to Hassein after the ending of Gurdjieff’s book All and Everything.
In this episode, we give you part two of a four part exercise to objectively awaken. This part is called The Premise, and explains how and why it works. This episode requires two diagrams, which can be found on the podcast page on our website. The exercise, colloquially called "The Objective Exercise" is available for free as part of a downloadable PDF called Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets - The Teaching Guide, which contains full details on the rules and laws that support awakening. It is also available as an online course with full dialogue support and guidance. All of this can be found on our website at Additionally, If you would like to help support these podcasts, donations can be made through at the link, by clicking the "Support" button therein. Thank you.
In this episode, we give you part one of the four part exercise in objective awakening. This part is the preliminary explanation of how this exercise works, and recaps on what is needed to get here, and what is needed to go forward. This exercise, colloquially called "The Objective Exercise" is available for free as part of a downloadable PDF called Gurdjieff: Cosmic Secrets - The Teaching Guide, which contains full details on the rules and laws that support the awakening exercise. It is also available as a separate download, and now as an online course with full dialogue support and guidance. All of this can be found on our website at
In this episode, we look at Gurdjieff's Harnel-Aoot, and delve deeply into his discourse on the Three Particularities, explaining why and how suns, supernovae and black holes exist. And, if not already realized, by addressing quarks in earlier episodes and stars and black holes in this, we have demonstrated that the Unified Theory of Relativity is no longer just a vision or an idea - it is real, it is explainable, and Russell A. Smith found it. This podcast is supported by diagrams, which can be found here on our website
In this episode, we show how an octave exists between every note in every octave, and discuss the aspects and ramifications of seven notes within every interval, by looking at the evolutionary existence of plants, insects and fish. This podcast is supported by diagrams, which can be found here on our website
Episode 28 Diagram and Transcript - In this episode, we discuss in detail, G. I. Gurdjieff’s ‘obligatory-gap-aspects-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole,’ and Mr. Smith’s, “The Three Major Oscillations of Life”, with mathematical proof of how these came to be, and through a story of an American Indian boy, growing up. It is supported by diagrams, which can be found here on our website
Episode 27 Diagram and Transcript - In this episode, we go back to the very beginning of this teaching and discuss the Enneagram, which shows the processes that must occur in order to successfully complete an event. It is supported by diagrams, which can be found here on our website
In this episode, we continue to explore the Harmonic Nature of the Universe, the In this episode, we discuss the Lines of Nine, from the Three-Story Diagram, which enter as impressions into our being, and are conditioned by false truths implanted in the Intellectual Center from outside. Thus, giving us a false intellectual model of reality. It is shown on and supported by "The Three Story Diagram", which is available here on our website
This episode is an interlude and respite, with a fable for feeling. We present a fairy tale that makes you feel. The story of a young prince on a journey to find the truth, how he awoke, and of the teachings. Podcast transcript and details can be found at
In this episode, we continue to explore the Harmonic Nature of the Universe, the final episode in a four-part discussion that began by discovering Dualities and Oscillations. Following this, was a talk on creating a third scale of inner octaves, and finally by revealing an exquisite model of the Transfer RNA Molecule. This is mathematically verifiable, as originating from musical vibrations. This episode examines how, based upon the structure, tRNA and mRNA work together to make DNA.
We will discuss many models in this podcast. As a result, it requires access to the diagrams which can be be found by clicking the title link, or individually on the diagram icons below.
In this episode, we continue to explore the Harmonic Nature of the Universe, the third of a multi-part discussion. This began by discovering Dualities and Oscillations, and was followed by creating a third scale of inner octaves. Finally, revealing an exquisite model of the Transfer RNA Molecule. This is mathematically verifiable as originating from musical vibrations. This episode examines the three inner scales of an octave.
This episode will discuss specific models. Thus, it requires access to several diagrams which can be found by clicking the title link.
This episode will discuss specific models, and thus requires access to several diagrams which can be found here.
This episode will discuss specific models, and thus requires access to several diagrams which can be found here.
A talk on four common-sense ideas: Our Three Essences; What is Suffering; Stopping Futile Practices. This concludes with a description of a Dream about a planet where sleeping people live.
In this talk, we discuss what each note in an octave will "taste" like as you reach them and pass through each interval. For instance, what happens in the case of a marathon runner? The podcast transcript available at
In this episode, we give a short discussion further describing the nature of octaves in this Universe. We also ask why, despite natural oscillations in life cycles, none of them actually descend.
A discussion revealing who the fellow in Texas is that inspires these talks. A story of the man who found an objective way to awaken, and how it was for him before. After which we discuss what he found and how he did it. As a result, everyone may have the same opportunity.
In this episode we discuss the three forces and the ensuing structure they created, exposing three hidden clues. These are the ones that will make it possible for us to define the structure of Gurdjieff's Holy Sun Absolute and our's of the Universe.
This podcast will discuss specific models. Thus, it will require access to diagrams, and those referred to in this episode together with the transcript, can be reviewed here as you listen.
In this episode, we discuss how ascension in the universe is only made possible through the use of assisting octaves, and of how we may find our way back up from the way it all came down, with some revelations that may reverse your understanding of how octaves work in the universe.
All diagrams referred to in this episode can be viewed here as you listen, together with the full transcript.
Finally, we conclude a three part discussion on how we, as humans, acquired reason and lost it. This includes what we can do to rectify this, awaken ourselves, and consequently, stop our children from falling asleep.
This is the second of a three part discussion on why we, as humans, fell asleep, and how we can re-awaken, described with a story of the evolution of centers and how early man would have operated.
A three part discussion on why we, as humans, fell asleep, and how we can re-awaken, through understanding what Gurdjieff meant by the Ray of Creation. This concludes with a talk on how our inner diatonic structures show us what is needed.
Further talks on Gurdjieff's Enneagram, explaining how the greater change in the Law of Seven created a Diatonic Universe, with instructions on how to create a working model.
Further talks on Gurdjieff's Enneagram, with an example of the Enneagram of the Justice System, and how the Law of Seven had to have the greater change.
Continuing a talk on how three forces were created, how neutrons stay alive, and how all the heavier elements get created, and what Gurdjieff may have meant by the Holy Sun Absolute. This is part 5 of 5.
In this episode, we continue a talk on how three forces were created. Additionally, we discuss how the third force stays in the Universe, starting with the Big Bang and plasma. This is part 4 of 5.
Continuing a talk on how three forces were created, and how they may orient themselves in the Universe, and additionally. After which we discuss what the Law of Octaves is, and how it appears in the world as totalities. This is part 3 of 5.
Continuing with a talk on how three forces were created, and how they may orient themselves in the Universe to produce varying effects of transformation, and additionally, what the Law of Octaves is, and how it operates. This is part 2 of 5.
A talk on why the Autoegocrat became the Trogoautoegocrat, and how three forces were created. After which, we discuss how they may orient themselves in the Universe to produce varying effects of transformation. This is part 1 of 5.
After the discussion on the five strivings, we continue with Gurdjieff, and a discussion on the Law of Three, and the Law of Seven, and particular emphasis on blending, as brought to the world by George Gurdjieff.
Continuing our podcasts with an explanation and discussion on the five strivings, as prescribed by George Gurdjieff. Followed by a talk about their implications on our awakening.
The first of our podcasts for Series Two. An explanation of the function and process of the Enneagram, how it works in time and with conscious supervision. In this example, the Enneagram is that of Feeding the Community, showing how food is irrevocably transformed.
S1/EP11: Opposite Postures Exercise
The final in this series of podcasts. This exercise helps break the automatic associations and connections between thought, emotion, and body postures, through the use of opposites.
S1/EP10: Active Reasoning Exercise
In this exercise, we discuss a tool which can be instantly applied, allowing you to free oneself from any worldly encounter.
S1/EP9: Lying Still for an Hour
An exercise on stillness, and to grow Will by gaining mastery over your automatic body movements.
S1/EP8: Unconscious Muscle Movements
An episode on how to watch for body movements that provide “tells” for inner beliefs and attitudes
S1/EP7: Where Am I on a Scale from 1 to 10 Exercise
For this episode, we talk about a simple and effective way to instantly raise your state, and keep raising it.
S1/EP6: Objective Prayer Exercise
An exercise that takes the most meaningful moments of your life, and puts them in an objective order, that will lift you out of any negative state.
S1/EP5: Viewing Without Verbalizing Exercise
If you say it, you don’t see it. If you see it, don’t say it. In this exercise we explain why and how.
S1/EP4: Insulate Yourself Exercise
How can one be unaffected by specific, recurring encounters. This exercise shows you how.
S1/EP3: Two Ends of the Stick Exercise
If you hold the opposites in your hand, nothing in between will disturb you. This exercise shows you how.
The first in a series of podcasts, discussing an objective way to awaken, starting with practical exercises to improve being. After this, we follow with talks on the Eight-Days to Enlightenment.
This exercise allows a being to experience their own presence by the utterance of just two words.
S1/EP1: Threefold Attention Exercise
The first in a series of podcasts, discussing an objective way to awaken, starting with practical exercises to improve being. After that, we will discuss Eight-Days to Enlightenment.
This episode talks through an exercise to unify our three centers or brains, leaving a calm and alert sense of self.